January 30, 2023
Mark 5:1-20
Into the land of Gerasane Jesus walks, looking and searching. I don’t know how many people told him to back away for in that place lives a man possessed to the core with legions of demons. This man with multiple personalities, multiple disorders has been secured among the dead. But the love of the son of man draws him into this space where no one has ever walked. He comes because this one too is a child of God, he comes because his promise to humanity is never to give up on you. He comes to smash the boxes, the prisons that have been built around the possessed man.
In the work of policing we have dealt with people who are a danger to themselves and others because of some imbalances within. I have seen police officers talk someone who is hearing voices from jumping off the bridge. I have seen their patience and their love breakdown, drive out demons and then you see a child of God beaten down by love.
I invite you today to pray for the gift of patience and understanding as you deal with a difficult person. Some people scream and howl because that is the only way they know to talk. Find a way to reach them. And may someone find a way to reach you too. Who among us does not fight demons within.
Fr Chibundi