January 31, 2023

Mark 5:21-45

If I can only touch the helm of his garment, I will be well. When you are going to communion, what prayer do you say? I think of this brave woman who had to fight the crowds because she was sick of being sick. I think of this woman who had to toss all that her society told her about her condition. She was told she could not be among others because she would make them unclean. She was told to go away but no she said, no. If I can only touch the helm of his garment, I will have my answer.

With intention, persistence and faith she reached out. I want you to reach out as well and believe in the God of providence. Doing life is not easy. Heck I have reached out and still have to do two and half jobs to make ends meet. I am grateful for the energy and family he has given me and still I pray, may your healing and strength flow through me O Lord. Today I pray for all those who struggle alone in silence. I pray for those who quietly harbor a sadness in their soul. May you find your healing as you stand in prayer, as you receive communion.

Fr Chibundi


February 1, 2023


January 30, 2023