January 4, 2023

John 1:35-42

So Mary Ann has banned me from ever trying to be March maker. When I see two single people my natural instinct is wanting to introduce them to each other but I get the look and a honey bless your heart, that would never work. The last time I tried she said, it won’t work the dude is gay. Well he hid not say he was…

Anyway the story of Jesus and John continues on and now St John is trying to find good matches for Jesus. He says to his disciples “Behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world”. The two awkwardly follow Jesus and when in his presence they are dumbfounded and ask “where do you live bro” Our Lord responds “come and see.”

I have had a number of “come and sees” in my formation as a priest. Some places I went I lasted for three days only because the food was good but other places it felt God. The prayer life was right, the apostolate was right, the group was right. It felt like being home, being with people who would raise me right. Do you want to find a church where you feel connected to God in a unique way? Visit as many churches as you can, you will find one that is real for you. And it might work for a little while or a long while. Make sure you stop by Rabbouni as well. Come and see and bring a cousin, they might like us.


January 5, 2023


January 3, 2023