January 5, 2023

John 1:43-51

Do you know someone by the name of Nathaniel? Nate? Let me guess, he is brutally honest. It comes with the name. When I think of the Nates I know, Lawd help their honesty. They will tell you in no uncertain terms exactly what is on their mind. Today we meet a Nathaniel in our scriptures. When the other disciples tell him that they have found the messiah, the one Moses wrote about and he is from Nazareth. Nate responds “can anything good come from that place?”

Tell you what, the story of Jesus is one fascinating story. At every corner we find that Jesus really comes from a rough place. Born in a cow cave, lived in Nazareth ( think filth and stench), dies on a cross and he is God. From the most unlikely places God shines. What is your excuse for not letting God shine? I mean you have it so good, it must be 10 times easier for you and I to say we are blessed beyond measure.

Another thought from today’s readings is this. Let us not use our painful past as an excuse to close in on ourselves. Are you from a broken family? Good!! Are you from a alcoholic family? Good!! Did someone call you unattractive? Good!! All these experiences can help open our eyes. Remember and try not to be a victim.

Back to Nathaniel or Nate. What do you think he was doing under the fig tree? Maybe he was praying for a sign, a sign of the kingdom. Maybe Rabbouni is another of those signs that God sees you lovingly. Love you!!




January 4, 2023