June 4, 2023
Here is the problem with white people. I know, I know, I have become a racist and people will be protesting outside our church door. But y’all got a problem. The problem with white people is that you have to EXPLAIN everything and it has to make SENSE and it has to be SCIENTIFICALLY and MATHEMATICALLY explainable. It has to be UNDERSTOOD. Y’all even try to get into a tornado and understand it.
So naturally we have to explain God, God has to make sense. This Sunday many a priest will try to MANSPLAIN God as we all fall asleep. You will hear “The mystery of the Trinity consists in this, that God being numerically and intrinsically one is but three persons.” Huh! What he say?
What does that even mean or enrich my life? Actually St Thomas Aquinas said “Quid quid potest intelligi vei cognitari minus est ipso Dei” or “whatever can be known is less than God.”
So the best homily for this Sunday is “I got nothing for you, just drop some money in the collection box and see you next week.” I kid lol. Anyway if you come to Rabbouni, you might hear something that relates. Our presider and homilist is Fr. Lawman Chibundi and our organist is Mr Raymond Fehr-Hendrix. See you at 9:00 AM in Lebanon and 12:30 PM in Louisville.