Thursday June 1, 2023
Mark 10:46-52
I don’t know how I missed the little details in the story of blind Bartimaeus. There he was by the side of the road yelling at the top of his voice “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me”. Here is the little detail I missed. When Jesus asks, “What do you want me to do?” His response was “That I may see AGAIN.
Along the way he lost sight. The hard knocks of life instead of teaching him actually made him blind. After you have been a police officer or a nurse for sometime or even a teacher, you may find yourself at the mercy of cynicism. We all need to guard ourselves from this. Blindness comes in many different forms. My prayer is that we come to that self awareness. I pray we bring ourselves to saying and ask that we may see again. Have you lost sight? Do you want to see again?
I know this is easier said than done and actually it is luxury to go on retreat or find some place you can go to gain perspective but we owe it to ourselves and those around us. Find the time!!