Monday January 13, 2025

Mark 1:14-20

As he was walking along by the Sea of Galilee he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net in the lake – for they were fishermen. And Jesus said to them, ‘Follow me and I will make you into fishers of men.’ And at once they left their nets and followed him.

Monday of week one(1) in ordinary time we start over again. How many times in your life have you started over again? Sometimes we start over with some gusto and excitement and other times we drag ourselves to the start line with the famous “here we go again.” Today it is the latter for me. The children are going back to school after Christmas and snow break, work is well… work. I may have to be on the same path I was last year without much progress. Hake this should be happening in February not mid January. The politics are politicking. You get where I am right?

Jesus on the other hand is excited about a new ministry and he is calling people to come join him plant the Kingdom today. Today is the day he asks us to hear again our calling. Like the disciples maybe we are looking at him with broken nets, exhausted and saying…pardon? Me … become fisher of men? Today? Do you know how I feel right about now?

Yes and bring it all our Lord says. Bring your hopes and dreads to planting this new vision of God. How exciting is it that you are being asked to be an active participant in planting love, acceptance and forgiveness.

So my friend dig a little deeper and get moving. You are being called to ministry today …. Of all days, today!


Thursday January 16, 2025


Wednesday January 8, 2025