Wednesday January 8, 2025

Mark 6:34-44

As Jesus stepped ashore he saw a large crowd; and he took pity on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd, and he set himself to teach them at some length.

Here is a little tip about the Gospel of Mark that you may want to know. Whenever Mark wants to tell us something really important, he will place Jesus in a boat or stepping out of a boat. This is one of the ways St. Mark says “pay attention, something important is about to happen.” St. Matthew has a different approach. He makes Jesus go up a mountain. That is how he calls our attention to an important teaching.

So what is the imprtant teaching here? Our Lord is about to feed the five thousand from five loaves of bread and two fish.

For this reflection however I want us hear these words “he took pity on them for they were like sheep without a shepherd.” Jesus felt deeply, his heart was moved with compassion. The scriptures invite us to connect with this beautiful feeling. When is the last time your heart churned for another? That is a God feeling. I think we are losing touch with this beautiful feeling. I heard recently that a woman was set on fire in New York and nobody stopped. No one took the time to put the fire out. People were too busy or did not want to get involved. NO! We can’t let ourselves live in a world without compassion. Thank goodness I live in Kentucky where we still are moved with compassion. I have seen your compassion at Rabbouni in our outreach and care for one another. It is a good thing, a God thing to feel deeply for another person. Thank you for stopping and reconnecting with humanity.


Monday January 13, 2025


Tuesday January 7, 2025