Monday October 23, 2023

Romans 4:20-25

Since God had made him a promise, Abraham refused either to deny it or even to doubt it, but drew strength from faith and gave glory to God, convinced that God had power to do what he had promised.

Do you have faith? The kind that makes you look stupid in the eyes of others? I know you have faith because a certain light disappears from your face when you lose this faith that God will bring about the impossible. Today I want you to search your life of the internet for testimonies of how God came through for others. Back in the day when I belonged to the charismatic renewal we used to begin our prayer services by sharing how what God had done for us. We shared the small and big miracles. What that does is remind others that God is working in our lives. My testimony today is —- I really thought we were going to lose the church at one time. Our numbers were done and the fire within was fading. Then God sent and unexpected angel and revived our choir. What seemed impossible happened in a few short weeks. Yahweh lives!! What has God done for you recently?


Tuesday October 24,2023


Sunday October 22, 2023