Sunday October 22, 2023

Isaiah 45:1 4-6

Matthew 22:15-21

I know some of you will not make it to our fall outdoor mass and I wanted to share this good news from today’s Sunday. Here are two thoughts:

From the first reading. Did you know you are the anointed one of God? Yes you, I know you don’t look it or act it or even believe it. But listen in the grand plan of God, you have been anointed. The Israelites had long waited for a messiah but when he showed up he looked nothing like they expected. He was probably darker and did not even know the God of Israel. He was a freaking Persian!!! What a joke!! The Lord says to his anointed, Cyrus, whose right hand I grasp. Aaa one little problem Yahweh, this dude does not even worship you, his intentions are political, this is all strategy on his part. And God said, accept him or stay as a slave.

So yes you!!! You may not know him or worship him perfectly but you are chosen.

Secondly from the gospel: whose image is on the coin and whose inscription, Jesus asks. Forget that question though and go deeper. Visit the question Jesus is not asking. Whose image is on your soul and what is the inscription… on the coin was Caesar and the inscription “Caesar son of Tiberius” Do you know the inscription on your soul? Come to church, I will tell you.

Love you and looking forward to seeing you.


Monday October 23, 2023


Thursday October 19, 2023