November 10, 2022
Luke 17:20-25
“The kingdom of God is among you.” They sat around waiting for the kingdom of God to make a grand entrance but little did they know it had already come. Tell me if this is you … have you ever waited for the good times and then after a few years you look back and realize the good old days passed you by?
Jesus in today’s gospel wants us to be the kind of people who see the manifestation of God in the here and now. Again no matter how this day breaks, no matter where you are please start announcing the good news to yourself. Try it for a month and see how happier you are. Say to yourself “Yahweh is with me in this moment.” Fr. John Judie a priest of the archdiocese of Louisville used to say periodically “I am blessed and highly favored.” Tell you what, I have never seen that man have a bad day. I am sure he has had some but his attitude makes it look like he flies over challenges.
Stop looking for it in the future, start recognizing its promptings now.
Another way to think of this is how many people have an amazing wife or partner and simply do not recognize how awesome she is. RECOGNIZE you are a kingdom being.