November 9,2022
Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
Ezekiel 47:1-2,8-9,12
John 2:13-22
Today we celebrate the feast of the dedication of the Lateran Basilica. I have forgotten much about the significance of this feast. Maybe you can tell me about it in the comments below. I love both readings chosen for this feast.
From the prophet Ezekiel we hear “Wherever the water flows, it will bring life and health”. Think of your life in the Lord and think of it as being sent, flowing, into areas that are starving of life and health. I love the saying “don’t be a downer”. It is an invitation to choose to focus on things that will lift others up. I know that some of us today face unfathomable challenges but maybe if we can bring ourselves to think of how all these challenges are meant to bring us life. Trust me on this one, you will look back someday on the most challenging time of your life and use it to give life and health to another. I have heard this many a time. There isn’t a challenge that you are going through that someone in this church has not had.
By the way, the name Ezekiel means “strengthened by the Lord” maybe you can embody the strength of the Lord today for someone else.
That is how you can be extraordinary today!