November 8, 2022

Titus 2:1-8,11-14

Luke 17:7-10

I remember preaching on this gospel passage a few weeks ago. It certainly is a strange one. Unfortunately we are separated by geography, time and culture to fully understand the saying “we are unprofitable servants, we have only done what we were obliged to do.” My take on the passage will come towards the end of this reflection. First a story about being introduced into a culture—- the American culture.

When I came to the USA lots of people did a lot of good, kind and generous things for me. I was instructed even before I came over here how important it was to write thank you cards to people if they did anything for me. So I was very well equipped with thank you cards. The funny thing was, whenever I would say my thanks verbally almost everyone would say “don’t mention it, I am glad to to it.” So after being told a thousand times not to mention it, I stopped saying thank you because nobody wanted to hear it. Then I was accused of not being grateful. Wait you just told me not to mention it and when I don’t mention it, we have a problem?

Language, Culture, Geography has everything to do with phrases.

So “we are unprofitable servants…” I can only imagine that this is a reminder to the early church to consider it an honor to serve others. How many times have leaders in the church acted like little princesses. How many times have the ones who have been called to serve acted like it is such an inconvenience? This is a calling to all those in service not to become little monsters and terrorize the people of God. Actually it is a call to all those who are blessed enough to bless others. Be grateful and consider it an honor to pay it forward. The Batswana say mpa mpa ya lapisa … begging wears people out (the best I can translate it) how about giving, being of service revives the soul.


November 9,2022


November 7, 2022