November 7, 2022

Titus 1:1-9

Luke 17:1-6

Have you ever thought of the disciples as a hilarious bunch? I mean they had a thousand times to ask Jesus to increase their faith but they chose this moment!!! I mean I would understand if they asked Our Lord to increase their faith when they saw him walk on water or raise a little girl from the dead or that time he healed lepers. But noooo it had to be after the teaching on forgiveness.

Of all the things that they found extremely difficult, letting bygones be bygones was the one they needed an incredible increase in faith. If forgiveness comes easy for you then you are highly blessed and have a lot of control. But if someone has truly and deeply betrayed your trust and you struggle with forgiving them welcome to the club of strugglers. Those for whom forgiveness is an everyday act and sometimes we lose it and lash out only to hold ourselves together after a lot of restraint. You know sometimes I just bite my tongue and remove myself from the presence of folks who went out of their way to hurt me. So I understand the disciples when they ask Our Lord to increase their faith when he asks them to be in a continued state of forgiving. I have met people who have been truly and deeply hurt. They forgive or try to forgive because kills their joy and sense of peace to keep the hurt. Nelson Mandela wisely said “unforgiveness is like drinking poison and hoping someone else dies”.

I want you to think of it in another way. Think of it as building resilience. Be resilient and don’t let the fool steal your joy. Actually it is a power struggle. Don’t give your power base to a nobody.

Love you and pray for me.


November 8, 2022


November 4, 2022