November 17, 2022

Luke 19:41-44

This past Sunday Jesus was In Jerusalem and remarked while in the temple that not one stone will be left standing on another. Now we cannot really appreciate those words because we are separated by time, geography and culture. But as I said last Sunday, that statement was made on April 4, 30 AD. We know this because extra biblical sources put the death of our Lord on April 7th, 30 AD.

In today’s gospel Jesus says the same thing over the city of Jerusalem. “Yes, a time is coming when your enemies will raise fortifications all round you, when they will encircle you and hem you in on every side; they will dash you and the children inside your walls to the ground; they will leave not one stone standing on another within you.” How does this preach?

I asked on Sunday how many times has the world as you knew it come to an end? A world that seemed so strong and secure. I certainly thought my father would live forever. He seemed so big and strong and then it suddenly happened. We were left with nothing. Think of the young man with cancer. One day he is strong and invincible and then it suddenly happens. Think of a happily married person who suddenly finds herself crying her eyes out in the bathroom.

This is not meant to be depressing but the church wants us to always remember that nothing in this world is permanent. We are invited to put our trust in the things of heaven that never pass away. Build relationships with God and ordinarily annnnd extraordinary people. This month of November we meditate on the last things, on Eschatology.

On that note I need to make an ask. I am not a fun of these asks and I dreaded them during CSA (Catholic Service Appeal) when I was with the archdiocese. For your end of year giving, would you consider Rabbouni Catholic Community. Our budget is hurting big time and we would appreciate your help. Love you!!


November 18, 2022


November 16, 2022