November 18, 2022
Luke 19:45-48
From everything we have learned about him, our Lord was cool, calm and collected. I mean even in the face of great betrayal, he never lost his temper. Well except for today. He reached his limit, he could not take it anymore and like a mad man he drives the money changers out the temple. Do you know what courage that took? Try to drive a Nigerian out of the market and you have a fight. Don’t mess with people’s money.
I wonder why the gospel writers did not edit this one little detail out. It is kinda embarrassing.
When it comes to the house of the Lord and it’s rightful use Our Lord is ready to fight. He wants those demons out and boy don’t they fight back. If you have been in the charismatic renewal you know a thing about driving out demons. Some can only be driven out with prayer and fasting. I have a friend who with the help of God is battling the demon of alcohol. This demon has grandchildren and great grandchildren hiding inside him but it has to go. I can tell you it is a brutal process. I have another friend trying to drive the demon of shame out. It has build mansions inside her. Everything has to be broken down and it’s painful but necessary work.
Our Lord does not clean the temple once. He stands at the door of our temples and knocks. He gets in and if he finds a willing partner he starts the fight. Your life is worth fighting for, it is worth cleaning up. Remember you are meant to be a house of prayer not a market. BTW markets have a smell… I mean the kind of markets I went to in Zambia. I can smell the fish to this day. Clean up the temple, your life in Jesus Name