Thursday February 13, 2025
Mark 7:24-30
Jesus left Gennesaret and set out for the territory of Tyre. There he went into a house and did not want anyone to know he was there, but he could not pass unrecognised. A woman whose little daughter had an unclean spirit heard about him straightaway and came and fell at his feet. Now the woman was a pagan…
This is one of those difficult passages to read. You would wish the gospel writers would have edited it to make Jesus look “kinder.” Our Lords response to the poor lady was “ it is not fair to take the children’s food and throw it to the house-dogs.” That was tough to hear.
The woman was not offended though. She asked for the scraps. I like her wittiness. I like that she did not run off offended. She was there for a bigger purpose, her daughter. She knew she was not worthy of the Lord’s kindness, hake she was a pagan but she still knelt and begged for a healing. Thank you lady for teaching us the right posture when we pray.
Secondly our Lord also shows here that God sees no religion. Even pagans are blessed. This is breaking new grounds.
Many years ago as a young priest I often asked people if they were members of my parish before I could help. That should not even matter really. Ministry should know no boundaries.
Love you