Thursday May 25, 2023

John 17:20-26

A very happy Thursday to you. The day got away from me yesterday and before I knew it, it was over. Something great happened though. Fr Will accepted the position as full time Associate Pastor or Co/Pastor (in my mind). We welcome his brilliance. We also put together the job description of our would be music minister for Louisville and Lebanon. That position will post anytime now. Let me know if you know someone interested in leading us in worship through music. We also tightened up some administrative duties.

As we were doing this a little voice in my heart kept saying “pick up the pieces and live fully.” New beginnings are tough. We like to go into the future with great plans but sometimes going into the future starts by simply picking up the pieces and trying to form something new with the pieces. It may be different but it is our best self. We as a community went through a birth process and now we live.

This week Jesus spends a significant amount of time praying for his disciples. His prayer is that they may come to know on a personal note that there lives have purpose, that they are in the world but not of the world. I think this is why we are indestructible. Whatever comes our way we can use to become new.


Friday May 26, 2023


Tuesday May 23, 2023