Tuesday May 23, 2023

Acts 20:17-27

In a few days we will celebrate the great feast of Pentecost. I know in the old country the novenas are in full swing as we prepare for the greater outpouring of the Holy Spirit. I remember many years ago while still in Zambia I read a book titled “The Spirit bed me go!” I don’t remember much of the content but that title has remained with me. The Spirit of God bids us and prompts us in many different ways. I want to invite us today to look at our lives as unfolding the way God wants. If you are like me, we hear no voice but there is an orientation that our lives have taken.

In today’s first reading St Paul tells the elders of the church in Ephesus that despite all his trials he listened to the Spirit and “without faltering put before you the whole of God’s purpose.” May we too come to know that purpose in a personal way. And this is the will of God that you may know our Lord Jesus Christ and through this knowledge may have life.


Thursday May 25, 2023


Monday May 22, 2023