Thursday November 7, 2021
Luke 15:1-10
The tax collectors and the sinners were all seeking the company of Jesus to hear what he had to say, and the Pharisees and the scribes complained.
Oh this is absolutely beautiful. The religious professionals could not understand how reckless our Lord was with the holy teachings. Remember… holy things to holy people was the popular saying in these times. But Jesus takes the holy to the unholy. What I find fascinating actually is that the unholy found time to listen to him. And that is what it’s all about folks. How do we present our faith. They say presentation matters and Jesus found a way of bringing God to the public in an inviting non-threatening manner. He connected on a human level.
So before we ever preach, we must take the time to know the other. We must speak the language of the people. You know who is a master at this in our time and age? Pope Francis. That thing he did on holy Thursday of going into the prison and washing the feet of prisoners. That is gold. He washed the feat of a woman!!! A Muslim woman for that matter. Do you know the theological implications of that!!!!! Reckless absolutely reckless and I loved it. Bring the gospel friend to the world in your own creative ways.