Tuesday October 3, 2023
Luke 9:51-56
“As the time drew near for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely took the road for Jerusalem and sent messengers ahead of him. “
You and I have heard the expression that life is a journey. So I gotta ask? Where are we headed? I don’t know how much Jesus knew at the beginning of the journey. Did his plans change? Was he thrown any curveballs? Yes he has his eyes on Jerusalem the holy city but I don’t think he knows every detail. I do believe he knows this: God is by his side.
Where are you headed? What plans do we have for the next 10 years? Maybe part of my problem is that I do not plan the future that well. But looking at the past 10 years I can say this. God does send people/angels in our lives for a reason, for a season and for a lifetime. May the road ahead be a blast for you.