Wednesday October 4, 2023
Feast of St Francis of Assisi
As Jesus and his disciples travelled along they met a man on the road who said to him, ‘I will follow you wherever you go.’
Today we celebrate the feast of St Francis. Many stories abound about him. Here are a few that have so incredibly touched my life. His use of the term “brother” and “sister.” Give it a try and see how it changes your day. Thank you sister fresh air, thank you brother sun, glad to be in your shed brother tree, thank you for watering the earth sister rain. There is something remarkable about being one with nature. We gain respect for all that surrounds us. May we love the earth and all that is in it. I think our connection to the other kinds not just the human kind is what makes us holy.
Secondly—- he is believed to have said “preach always and use words only when it is necessary.”
Enough said!!