Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Wednesday December 27, 2023

John 20:2-8

The Christmas decorations are still up and I really still want to talk about God’s greatest intervention in the history of the world, in the trajectory of my life. Things have changed now. I remember saying after Grayson was born that “having a kid changes everything”

Well the church wants us to pivot quickly from these birth narratives not that they are less important but there is an urgency of time. So yesterday we here about the death of St Stephen and today it’s the feast of St John the Apostle. The one Jesus loved. There are lots of people who were devastated when things did not turn out as they had thought with Jesus. Mary Magdalene was in disbelief, Peter doubted, Thomas doubted but St John, he saw and believed.

I want you to have deep seeing eyes. See what others see but go beyond. Not in a supernatural, churchy way but maybe through life experience be the one who says “it feels like the end, looks like a disappointing end but God is not done here. You will rise.” Someone has to hold the faith. can that be you? We were thousand of Dollars down at Rabbouni a few weeks ago. Someone said “God will provide, have faith father..”


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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Friday December 22, 2023

1 Samuel 1:24-28

Do you remember the story of Hannah. She is the woman who was thought of as mad because she would not leave the temple or the priest until she was granted her prayer. She wanted a child and she prayed for this gift like a mad woman. Well God answered her prayer and she named the child SAMUEL. In today’s reading, she goes back to the temple with good news. Yahweh answered my prayer. I want to keep our reflection very short today. Tell me, what did you pray for that has been answered a hundred times over? We call this in the charismatic renewal, giving testimony. GIving testimony builds the faith of others. It is not gloating but saying to someone who is praying so hard for something that God answers prayers. So today we put aside what we are praying for and we mention what has been granted. I prayed for a church family that spoke to my soul and God out of nothing gave me Rabbouni. I prayed for a family and God grew my territory and not only gave me a family but a beautiful family. I prayed for a job, and God granted. What did you cry for night and day to God?

I sure remember a day I used to pray for what I have today. A minute of peace has been enjoyed in my life.

BTW remember us for your end of year giving. 7812 Brownsboro road. Our Christmas Eve masses are December 24 at 10 AM in Lebanon and 4 PM in Louisville. Christmas carols are at 3:30 pm in Louisville. We moved the times for you so come pray with us.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Thursday December 21, 2023

Luke 1:39-45

Mary set out and went as quickly as she could to a town in the hill country of Judah. She went into Zechariah’s house and greeted Elizabeth.

I love this! Women supporting women! This tradition is one I saw and experienced in the old country. People would come from the village to help with the birthing process. Yes we are all strong people but we all could use a helping hand. Mary forgets her own fears and travels to help another. As Christmas approaches may we all get out of our comfort zones and reach out. When we help another person, we learn something new about ourselves.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Wednesday December 20,2023

Luke 1:26-30

The angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph, of the House of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary.

God is about to do something remarkable with someone whom no one could ever give a second look. I know I know it’s a terrible take but one that is most likely. People in this time, culture see the blessing of a woman not a virgin . This is true in my culture as well. We talk of an abundant woman in my culture and I believe in the culture of Jesus. Remember how Jerusalem is described as a woman with abundant breasts who will feed all her children. Zambians let’s be honest what do we say about a skinny woman….what do the elders say? Feed her!!! This is going off the rails.

The Virgin shall conceive is not what westerners think. God is choosing one who has failed to turn a head maybe because they are still a child or hmmm I won’t say it. The magnificant should give us answer “My Soul proclaims my Lord and God for he has looked at his LOWLY servant…now all generations will call me BLESSED…

Folks, the unlikely one, is the one who bears the messiah. How many surprises have come your way from people you never thought much of?

I know I am provoking but I am a foreigner and can use that excuse to stretch the scripture this way.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Tuesday December 19, 2023

Judges 13:2-7

There was a man of Zorah of the tribe of Dan, called Manoah. His wife was barren, she had borne no children.

Thank goodness our language has become a lot more considerate. How cold is it to say someone is Barren. Could they have used language like … the couple struggled with issues of fertility. Trust me, it is still a lonely journey. We still have not figured out how to talk about this condition that continues today. There is someone close to you who has had a miscarriage or who cannot conceive. Today I just want to pray for you. I know how your sadness grows every year and you pray that it works this time. I pray for those who do not have the money to even engage in fertility treatments. I know you cannot really talk to anyone but if you ever wanted to scream or share. We might be able to listen in a way that heals that gaping unseen wound.

Again know this ….God will make a way!!!

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Monday December 18, 202

Matthew 1:18-24

This is how Jesus Christ came to be born. His mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph; but before they came to live together she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit. Her husband Joseph; being a man of honour and wanting to spare her publicity, decided to divorce her informally.

We never really hear about the stress of it all. It seems so seamless, everyone moving as the spirit leads them in dreams and all. I bet the real story was a lot more stressful. I bet there were moments when Joseph just wanted to run away. Did this almost break Mary? How stressful was the thought of divorce? Especially if she lived in a good Catholic town (wink).

Here is what you have to say to yourself today. “God will make a way!” What seems impossible in a few months or years will be doable by Gods grace. So today continue to build roads and ways in your life. God will find a way of filling your highways and byways with abundant life.

Btw please remember Rabbouni Catholic Community 7812 Brownsboro road 40242 for your end of year giving. And join us for Mass this coming Sunday 10:00AM in Lebanon and 4:00 pm in Louisville. Christmas music starts at 3:30 pm in Louisville. Love you

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Friday December 15. 2023

Matthew 11:16-19

For John came, neither eating nor drinking, and they say, “He is possessed.” The Son of Man came, eating and drinking, and they say, “Look, a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.” Yet wisdom has been proved right by her actions.’

Here is a word for the wise. When you get your mission from God, do it your way. Jesus found out quickly that no matter what he did, someone was mad at him. This may be easy work for strong willed people but for the few like me in the world who are people pleasers it is torture. However it is part of growing up. Someone will be disappointed even with what you name your dog. So have your mission clear and do it for God. The do nothings who criticize will eventually be quiet as they see you press on. Well they did not for Jesus but for you and I in our world today, our resolve does silence them. Jesus was his own man and that took a ton of courage and ton of loneliness but also a ton of freedom and happiness. You do you pappy!!

BTW if you are thinking of your end of year donation, send us a check at Rabbouni Catholic Community 7812 Brownsboro road Louisville Kentucky 40242.

I thank you

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Thursday December 14, 2023

Matthew 11:11-15

Jesus spoke to the crowds: ‘I tell you solemnly, of all the children born of women, a greater than John the Baptist has never been seen; yet the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he is.

I got carried away at mass in Louisville and I completely left out this most important message. The message of John, the message of Metanoia. This word mentanoia is translated as “repent.” The hidden message in that is you are doing something wrong and changing your ways to start behaving. That could be it. But metanoia is actually change your thinking, the kingdom of God is here. How you think or how you process things is key. We can all decide to start a new lifestyle but really how long does that last? But the discipline of changing how we think and committing to that will eventually change our lives. So I have stopped thinking of us as a small independent Catholic community. No we are a beautiful, giving, vibrant Catholic community.

Love you

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Wednesday December 13, 2023

Matthew 11:28-30

Jesus said, ‘Come to me, all you who labour and are overburdened, and I will give you rest. Shoulder my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

You should come to Mass when I preach an extensive homily on this reading. Do you know anything about putting a yoke on an ox? Find you a Zambian and they will quickly tell you that there is no one size fits all yoke. These things are hand made for a particular ox and if it will be paired up with another ox they start walking them side by side for years before we put the hand made, tailor fitted yoke.

So a one size fits all kind of religion will always make you leave church hurting in some way. Jesus said NO to it. He met people where they were and showed them grace. Show people grace, show them you understand human imperfections and perfections. People need rest, they take deep breaths because we are tired of moving targets. You get there and nope nope it’s something else. Geeez!!!

When you find Jesus, you rest because you know he won’t force you into a false personality. He loves you as you are. I know I am a little weird but I am God’s in my weirdness and God has found me Rabbouni Catholic Community, the perfect yoke for a person like me.

Sorry I got carried away. Religion is supposed not to add stress to you. Just sayin

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Tuesday December 12, 2023

Matthew 18:12-24

Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Tell me. Suppose a man has a hundred sheep and one of them strays; will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hillside and go in search of the stray? I tell you solemnly, if he finds it, it gives him more joy than do the ninety-nine that did not stray at all.

This one I have never understood. What about the ninety-nine, what if some lion comes along and has a feast with them? There is something lost to culture and time on this one.

So this is my translation and the religious leaders will be furious of this interpretation. There is enough God for this lost one too. Yes God can be with the favorites but God can also be with and there for the troubled one. So the ninety nine need to get off their high horse claiming God for them alone. Heck for all I know this speaks to his omnipresence.

Do you feel lost? Make some noise, he is looking for you and has found you. May you feel his hand on your shoulder today. Love you

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Monday December 11, 2023

Luke 5:17-26

Seeing their faith he said, ‘My friend, your sins are forgiven you.’

It is amazing what people can do when they know in their hearts that God holds no grudge against them. This man who was paralyzed actually got up, picked up his stretcher and walked. Here is the back story. Some friends pick up their buddy who is paralyzed and bring him to Jesus. There is a problem however. The house is packed like sardines in a can. So the buddies climb up the roof and lower their friend. They actually tore up someone else’s roof. Hopefully he had some insurance. Anyway this is where we pick up. Jesus seeing the faith, the determination of the friends says to the man, your sins are forgiven, stand up and walk.

This power to untie someone, this power to free someone is given to all of us. I have seen how a beautiful light comes around someone when they know that they are forgiven. Use that power today, grant someone this gift.

By the way how about these friends though. Look at the trouble they went through to carry this person. This is love, this is true friendship. Thank you Rabbouni Catholic Community for carrying me and placing me before our Lord.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Friday December 8, 2023

Feast of the Immaculate Conception

Luke 1:26-38

Mary, do not be afraid; you have won God’s favour.

This is a very brief reflection but probably one you will remember. Would you like to pray the scriptures with me? And would you check in with me after doing this exercise be it tonight or after 9 months or a year? Do this everyday. Repeat the scripture passage above but use your name. Say if your name is Elizabeth, say Elizabeth, do not be afraid; you have won God’s favor. In fact if you have someone to pray with, have them hold your shoulders, look you in the eye and say “Elizabeth, do not be afraid; you have won God’s favor. When you hear this enough and believe it, you will birth Light, God, A new way of understanding yourself. Check in with me.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Thursday December 7, 2023

Matthew 7:21, 24-27

Jesus said to his disciples: ‘It is not those who say to me, “Lord, Lord,” who will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the person who does the will of my Father in heaven.

Have you ever met a Christian in name only? The question I was asked as a young passionist novice was… If you were ever brought to trial as a Christian, would they find enough evidence to convict you? It is easy to look around and find folks who are Christian in name only but what we are called to do is catch ourselves when we act this way. This Christmas season may we all be about doing the WILL of God than claiming to be this or that. By our actions they will know we are Christians.

Rabbouni, I love the way you do Christianity.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Tuesday December 5, 2023

Luke 10-21-24

Filled with joy by the Holy Spirit, Jesus said:

‘I bless you, Father, Lord of heaven and of earth, for hiding these things from the learned and the clever and revealing them to mere children.

This was Jesus response after he was attacked for his positions. He was filled with Joy and blessed God. Criticize me for a second and I lose my sense of direction and purpose. Criticize me and almost everything is ruined. I think it is because I am a people pleaser. I love the saying “let it roll of like water on a duck.” Except I do not know how to do that.

The wise and learned cannot see the hand of God in this man from Nazareth. He is too simple to too ordinary. Have you ever found yourself wanting to complicate God? We are invited today to find God in the simple things and to be comfortable with our truth. Don’t get frightened and frustrated because someone does not see what you see. In fact find joy. When criticized by young seminarians a priest I knew would smile and say “You will learn brother, you will learn.”

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Monday December 4, 2023

Matthew 8:5-11

When Jesus went into Capernaum a centurion came up and pleaded with him. ‘Sir,’ he said ‘my servant is lying at home paralysed, and in great pain.’ ‘I will come myself and cure him’ said Jesus.

You know something is lost in this passage. The animosity towards the Romans. The Jews never liked the Romans but they particularly did not like them at the time this gospel passage was written. I mean they hated them as much Ukraine hates Russia. Terrible example I know but I can’t use the other groups that hate each other in the east. Remember this gospel passage is written about 20 years after the Romans have burned down the temple. There is hatred here that you and I don’t understand.

How provocative then is it that Jesus finds greater faith in this despicable Roman than in any Jewish person? There is a river of lessons here.

Advent practice number 1, give someone the benefit of the doubt, give them a second chance. Allow yourself to be surprised by them. Even a dead clock is right two times a day.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Sunday December 3, 2023

1st Sunday of Advent

Mary Ann is very familiar with the kind of language I will use here. I often say to her in reference to preaching: honey the homily has arrived, or I need to walk away or run because the homily has not arrived. I really mean it, it arrives and I am ready to preach it. Well it arrived at 05:30AM but we have no Mass today. Someone did not get the memo that Mass was cancelled due to our retreat yesterday. So briefly with regards to the message:

Isaiah says

And yet, Lord, you are our Father;

we the clay, you the potter,

we are all the work of your hand.

Are you broken? Pause! Stop and slow down with that question. Are you a broken man?/woman? What has broken you? Certainly COVID-19 did break some people, bills break us, tragedy breaks us, relationships break us. If nobody is with say it! Lord I am broken, let the rivers of tears flow, go there. Gosh I have a lump in my throat as I write this.

Do you know why Jesus told his disciples not to tell anyone that he was the messiah until after his death and resurrection? They would not be ready or qualified to tell the story until they were broken by great disappointment, grief, his death. This is serious business!!! So are you broken this Christmas season, this year? If yes, if you know despair and fear then GOOD. You are in the potter’s hand. Watch and see how God unlocks beauty out of that brokenness. You my dear are becoming, you are being formed.

I wish I was preaching this today but I have limited space here. Trust the potter, and discover Him.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Thursday November 30, 2023

Feast of St Andrew

But they will not ask his help unless they believe in him, and they will not believe in him unless they have heard of him, and they will not hear of him unless they get a preacher, and they will never have a preacher unless one is sent.

Today we celebrate the feast day of St Andrew one of the 12 disciples. I don’t know much about him except that he was a fisherman and brother of St Peter who was called The Rock.

Have you ever lived in the shadows of anyone? It is actually a great place to be because you can go about your work without drawing all the attention. Sometimes however, being in the shadows is not so easy. We might feel lost, unimportant, ignored. I love that the church recognizes this quiet soul and in doing do invites all of us to live out our truth. We have to claim our spot no matter how small or insignificant we might think it is. The truth is, we all have a part to play in the building of the Kingdom.

May you find your space and live proudly in it. You matter!!!

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Wednesday November 29, 2023

Luke 21:12-21

Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Men will seize you and persecute you; they will hand you over to the synagogues and to imprisonment, and bring you before kings and governors because of my name – and that will be your opportunity to bear witness. Keep this carefully in mind: you are not to prepare your defense, because I myself shall give you an eloquence and a wisdom that none of your opponents will be able to resist or contradict.

I look forward to the birth of a new tradition at Rabbouni, the 8:30 Wednesday Morning Mass. I know it’s early but I am convinced we all make time if it matters. Hake I go to a 6:00Am yoga class sometimes. Sometimes I think I am mad!

As the year comes to an end can we reflect on his absence and presence at the same time. Our Lord wanted the disciples to know that they will never be alone. He and the angels are with them. I remember the story of the prophet Elijah at Dothan. He stood there with his scared servant and said “those with us are more than those with them.” I hope you see the legion of angels around you. That’s why you win, keep going, renovate. You my dear are watched over!!!

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Tuesday November 28, 2023

Luke 21-5-11

When some were talking about the Temple, remarking how it was adorned with fine stonework and votive offerings, Jesus said, ‘All these things you are staring at now – the time will come when not a single stone will be left on another: everything will be destroyed.’

Just think for a moment … what was your life like 10 years ago? How much of it is left? I don’t know about you but never did I ever think things would turn out as they have been. There are dreams that have been dashed and lives that I would never dream of. Yes change and redefining myself has been the only constant thing.

As we close this unbelievable year I want to thank God for the gift of change and our ability to adapt. Granted sometimes it is easy to adapt and other times it almost kills us. But look at you and how much you have grown. I know this … you can do difficult things!

Our Lord Jesus invites us in today’s scripture not to be caught up in things that appear strong but to dig deep. The temple was indeed destroyed but the spirit of God found another temple… you are that temple where God dwells. Things change. Think about it, this time next year things will be so different.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Monday November 27, 2023

Luke 21:1-4

As Jesus looked up, he saw rich people putting their offerings into the treasury; then he happened to notice a poverty-stricken widow putting in two small coins, and he said, ‘I tell you truly, this poor widow has put in more than any of them;

What is your biggest blessing? Think about it. May I suggest that your biggest blessing and sometimes curse is … what you see. It always fascinates how much our minds, how much our experiences make things register. We look at so much and only see what our experiences make our brains take in. I am hoping some super intelligent person here explains this phenomenon here. Anyway, he saw her. She reminded him and triggered some deep emotions. He knew she could not afford an offering, yet she gave.

Maybe, just maybe he saw his own mother in the unnamed woman. And maybe his heart broke a little. She needs to keep that money but she gives and hopes against hope that God will take care of her. I imagine him instructing the disciples to follow her, know her story and help her out.

What do you see, what do you notice? I want you today to start thanking God for your upbringing. It is the biggest blessing you have my friend because it helps you see what others don’t see. This goes out to all of us born in riches or poverty. May you see what feeds your soul and the world with kindness.

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