Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Thursday April 11, 2024

Acts 5:34-42

I absolutely love this passage. I know you will read it for yourself but listen to these words by a member of the Sanhedrin—- Gamaliel is his name “What I suggest, therefore, is that you leave these men alone and let them go. If this enterprise, this movement of theirs, is of human origin it will break up of its own accord; but if it does in fact come from God you will not only be unable to destroy them, but you might find yourselves fighting against God.’

If God has ordained, if God has built it, if God is watching over be careful. Brothers and sisters say these words over your life. May God sustain what he has ordained in me. This applies to relationships as well, if it’s from God it will stick. If it is not from God you will know in very short order. God bless and I love you.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Wednesday April 10, 2024

Acts 5:27-33

We continue to hear the stories of our beginnings as a church. Today the apostles are brought before the Sanhedrin because they were warned to stop speaking in his name but they (the apostles) filled up Jerusalem with stories of him(Jesus). So they are given another chance to cease and desist. Peter says “Obedience to God comes before obedience to men.”

Take what you can from this story, I am touched the apostles were so believed by the mass. There must have been something about their testimony that people felt called to. There must have been a real and tangible presence of Jesus that the movement caught fire. Remember these guys were preaching in hostile times and environment. All the apostles except St. John died for this.

We at Rabbouni may know something about cease and desist. But also through the mysterious hand of God our little community is vibrant and I am eternally grateful. Listen people read your passion and so find what fires you up and obey it

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Tuesday April 9, 2024

John 3: 7-15

A very happy post eclipse day to you all. I certainly hope you paused enough to take in that moment in our lifetime. On days like this I always think of those who are shut in or at work and cannot afford to go outside. A special prayer went out for you.

As we continue to reflect on resurrection, I bring you this last line in our gospel passage “…the Son of Man must be lifted up

as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert,

so that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.’

There is a little problem though. The story goes that everyone got a bite from a snake. I don’t like that part, why could God not spare them the bite. I like comfort, I like no trouble, no pain. But these scriptures tell us about life as it is not life in the clouds. There are things that come along with being alive, being an adult. How I wish it were not so but here on earth!!!! Things will sometimes stink. So here is what I hear. Those who cannot seem to take their eyes off their troubles and look for life usually suffer unnecessarily. Look up!! Look to Christ, look for solutions. Crying all day and saying poor me may not be the answer. Listen I am not suggesting tears are a waste of time. No, they are a necessity for happy living. But find courage and time to also look, search, work for a healing. The Son of Man is our answer. Even after the darkest moments…. there was light.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Monday April 8, 2024

John 3:1-8

What is your sense when you read the Acts of the Apostles. I get this sense that everyone knows what Peter and the disciples are talking about. They drop names such as Herold or Pilate somewhat suggesting everyone knows these people. And that for me is what is fascinating. The journey from fear to fearless. Clearly the Apostles have seen something or experienced something. We know they saw the Risen Lord and experienced the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

Have you ever had the experience of talking to self and saying “they can’t hurt me anymore.” There is a renewed courage that comes with that realization. Pilate and Herod can not steal the joy of the disciples. As you go about your day today, say to the killers of joy, ”wait until you hear this good news.”

The gospel passage invites us to be born again. To find courage to let go of a world that is all to common and reach out for something uncertain. It is scary and tough to start anew but really do you have a choice?

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Wednesday April 3, 2024

Acts 3:1-10

Reading the beginning of our story as a Christian people is very fascinating to me. We did not have all the answers and theologies to all the world’s problems but we had this: Jesus! Today, Peter and Paul say that they have neither gold nor silver to give but what they have they give “in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, walk!”

How much did this man want to walk? Was he done with all the excuses and blaming and was he ready to put on his big boy pants realizing his blessings and walk. Today I hear God saying to me to rise and walk away from what paralyzes me. What do I have to lose? What is the worse that can happen if you begin a new journey today. A dear friend in Lebanon had to some up the courage and walk away from an abusive man. It was scary, she limped but now she is not walking anymore but galloping into a beautiful future. You can inspire someone today if they wish for it. Walk in Jesus name!!

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Tuesday April 2, 2024

John 20:11-18

In the gospel passage of today we hear the greatest proclamation of the resurrection. Mary of Magdalene says “I have seen the Lord”. It is one thing to say that Christ is risen, he is truly risen. This is a third person proclamation of faith. But may I suggest that to experience resurrection power we have to move from third person proclamation to first person encounter: I have seen the Lord.

Remember this is after she saw him die. Certainly in my priestly ministry I have seen people dead as they can be in their relationship and with a lot of hard work bring life to those relationships. I have seen alcoholics become sober, I have seen the angry become joyful. What stories of resurrection do you have?

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Thursday, March 28, 2024

A very happy Holy Thursday to you on this March, 28 2024

Today we celebrate the institution of the Eucharistic and the priesthood. Traditions about this day go back to the early days of the church. Then Pope Francis came along

I don’t think I will ever forget it. That first year when the new pope broke with tradition. Instead of washing the feet of well pedicured cardinals, the Jesuit Pope, decided to go to a jail and wash the prisoners feet. Even more disturbing, he washed a woman’s feet. I believe she was an Islamic woman. Good one Pope Francis. I loved it, love it will always love it.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Wednesday March 27, 2024

Matthew 26:14-25

On this Wednesday of Holy Week my little reflection is this —- hard as it may be do not let the nastiness of others change you. Today Jesus sits down at table with Judas and the other disciples who will soon betray, deny and abandon him. I bet it took everything in him to still be nice, patient and loving to them. Have you ever found yourself working very closely with someone who is working overtime to destroy you? The work place sometimes can be like a snake pit. But we are invited to show up, be professional and deliver. This requires discipline. I love how disciplined and focused our Lord is. The mission, the planting of a kingdom of love overrides all else.

Let us pray for all those who have known the pain of betrayal at work, in love relationships and in families. Thank you for not getting drawn into the drama.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Tuesday March 26, 2024

Isaiah 49:1-6

The prophet Isaiah asks us today to revisit a beautiful truth. No matter who you are and what is going on in your life, you really need to know this almost from a cellular level. YOU WERE WILLED INTO BEING. Yes the God of glory called you by name as you were being knit together in your mothers womb.

Sometimes we go through life and wonder what our purpose is, we want to do more but are not able to find what and how to do it. It is important in these moments to remember that God wants me here now. So we can say to that one person who thinks we do not belong “sorry and not so sorry to inconvenience you pal, someone much bigger has called me into your life.

Living with purpose or knowing that we were called into existence with a mission does give all of us a sense of confidence. Now, most of us blunder into our purposes but that is ok. I have a feeling that in the long run, it will all make sense.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Monday March 25, 2024

John 12:1-11

What a gift it is to have a friend, to have somewhere you can go and just rest, talk, visit. No expectations at all in this place. Good friends are such a blessing because with them we can simply be. I have often spoke of Mary Ann and her friend Cheryl. They have known each other since second grade. Whenever we go on vacation with her, those two can sit in silence or talk all day. I just don’t get how you have something to say to anyone after three hours. So to all those who have kept friendships, to all those who have taken the journey to go raise their friend who was dead (buried in grief or pain of divorce or whatever), to all those with a childhood friend, you guys are saints.

Jesus had a friend like that. Lazarus was his name. Six days before Passover Jesus goes to visit with his buddy. I wonder what they talked about. Did Jesus say to Lazarus “these jokers don’t get it man, you would not believe the things I have to explain!” Did Lazarus say “Really you had to ride the donkey?” All I know is if you are buddies, you can relax. I have met a family like that, a place I can go and just be. I pray for your connections to be real and deep.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Thursday March 21, 2024

John 8:51-59

They picked up stones to throw at him, they had enough. What did he say to provoke them? This beautiful truth that in death life does not end, in death life is changed. For our God is God of the living. The Israelites did not all believe in a life after death. We do not see this at all in the early scriptures. It is only after the book of Daniel that we begin to talk about those taken from us by death.

Jesus asks us to look at death differently. It need not paralyze us no matter how difficult it is to accept. Death is part of life not the end of life. But Jesus suggests even more if I may dare say. That life does not start at birth. This is a tough one right? Because we firmly believe that the spark of life happens at conception. What if that soul is older than the human/flesh experience. It simply is and never gets old. Well it’s getting deep here.

Back to Abraham and Jesus and the lesson for today. Your loved ones are alive, yes alive in a different realm. This I believe. If you have time watch the clip “to heaven and back” on YouTube. Let me know what you think.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Wednesday March 20, 2024

John 8:31-42

We all know some super religious person who we just wish they would take a chill pill. They are good people who mean well but man they are wound up tight as a golf ball. Heck I was that zealous once. I remember when I was heading to Hukuntsi in the desert land of the Kalahari to convert the bushmen and my lovely Irish novice master pulled me aside. He said “Brother Robert, please remember this, before you get there, God is already there.”

My word will make you free. Jesus says to us today that when the word of God finds a home in us it will make us free. Are you free? Free to be yourself, free to relax in his word, free to make mistakes and not learn from them. The free person is content. Lots of those Pharisees were trying to fill their lives with things including religion. We need one thing-His word to find a home in us

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Tuesday March 19, 2024

John 8:21-30

Did I ever tell you that my weakest and strongest character trait is that I am a people pleaser? What a cross it is sometimes. I hate conflict and tension. These arguments that the Pharisees are picking with Jesus almost bring my blood pressure up. We know how the story ends but it pains me that our Lord has to keep explaining himself and they keep looking for a reason to trap him. They seriously wake up in the morning and plot against him. Can you believe that there are people to this day who are driven by such malice and jealousy?

Today our Lord says to put it in American terms “ you will not get it until it’s too late with an attitude like that.” In biblical terms “When you have lifted up the Son of Man,

then you will know that I am He..” Let us pray today that our eyes be open to truly see and hear those God has brought into our lives. Because life is too short to be spent arguing.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Monday, March 18, 2024

John 8:1-11

A very blessed Monday to you. I missed you this past weekend but thank goodness for Fr Will. Our community is blessed with wonderful priests indeed. Today’s first reading and gospel both present to us a woman condemned by all but saved by God. Please read both readings when you get a chance.

Have you ever felt the weight of people’s eyes on you? Their laughter of ridicule? It is absolutely crushing. I am a firm believer in the energy force that surrounds us. I strongly believe that the forces of energy around us affect our inner spirits. What Jesus does for me is ignite the energy of light and love. He asks you and I to key into his Spirit, his energy especially when negative energies are upon us. Once we key in, link into Gods Spirit the other negative energies will be at bay.

Yes Jesus does not condemn her. That is only the beginning. Now she must not condemn herself. Now she must find a way to live with a troubled past and a people who never forget the bad you do. On this Monday find people in your life who bring good energy and difficult as it maybe sometimes let go of the ones who are unforgiving. They want back so they can find another opportunity to hurt. You can live without those in your innner life. Yes yes be nice always and send out positive energy to all.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Thursday March 14, 2024

John 5:31-45

I can just feel how exhausting it must have been to Jesus trying over and over to explain himself to people who had already made up their minds about him. He says “As for human approval, this means nothing to me.

Besides, I know you too well: you have no love of God in you.” These to me are words of someone who is at his wits end with impossible people. But in this case it is even worse, they think they are doing God’s work by hating Christ. They particularly do not like how he claims to have a personal relationship with YAHWEH.

Jesus is so strong in his character and I pray for such strength. I am a people pleaser. Yes this was frowned upon when I was in seminary and I was accused of not having a back bone. But I like to be liked, It makes me feel good and accomplished when I get a thumbs up. A caution to anyone like me is you cannot please all the people all the time. The Americans capture it well in the expression “Do your best and let the chips fall where they may.”

Yes it is nice to be liked but sometimes folks who don’t like you have their own struggles and are projecting on you. The Pharisees did not have a personal relationship with God and boy did they project that! From one people pleaser to another, I say “you got this.”

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Wednesday March 13, 2024

John 5:17-30

In this passage beautiful passage from the gospel of St John, the religious leaders are mad with Jesus and even more determined to do away with him. Why? This will shock you.

They are mad because of what Jesus does with the question of God. God was always THE-OTHER. God was always mysterious. The ’great sin’ of Jesus is that he made God relatable. In fact he made God understandable. Today they are losing their minds because he calls the Great God, my father. We cannot even begin to imagine that jump in relationship. “My Father goes on working….” Jesus says.

How is your relationship with God. Is God still mysterious and distant? God could be all that, but God could also understand you on a personal level. I have said this many times ”If God loves me more than mama loves me then God must love me a whole lot.”

Until we know God on a personal level, until he is My Father, we really have not understood Him at all. Love you

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Tuesday March 12, 2024

John 5:1-3,5-16

In our first reading from today’s liturgy the Prophet Ezekiel is shown the river of life. Wherever the river flows, no matter how dead it seemed, the river brought new life. The word of God is the river of life. May his word spring forth new life in you.

Jesus in today’s gospel says to a man who had been sick and helpless for thirty eight years “Do you want to be well again?” He asks this man if he is ready for change. imagine yourself bound by some unbearable illness that long. It maybe all you know. And then you are given an opportunity to change the rest of your life. Yes Lord!!! This is all I want. Well that change requires that you have the courage to give up the mat you lay on. Whatever bothers you, whatever paralyzes you, has met it’s expiration date today. For today our Lord says pick up your mat and walk!!! Claim the healing my friend.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Monday March 11, 2024

Isaiah 65:17-21

This says the Lord: Low, I am about to create new heavens and new earth; The things of the past shall not be remembered or come to mind…For I create Jerusalem to be a joy and its people to be a delight; I will rejoice in Jerusalem and exult in my people.

Two things come to mind and frankly they may not be related. A couple of years ago I came across a clip of a UFC fighter. He had been beaten badly in a march and he said on his way out with “tail between his legs.” “Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, pero one day I will be champion.” Immediately he became my hero. He was gonna go home and do his homework. And over a period of time, with no quick fixes he would come back. You know friend, you may not see it pero, God is building joy in you. Think about that one. God is building joy in me.

I was gonna share my second thought but I think this is enough. God is creating a joyful you!!

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Friday March 8, 2024

Mark 12:28-34

You are not far from the Kingdom of Heaven!!! These words are taken right from the lips of Jesus as he sees this one scribe say “To love him with all your heart, with all your understanding and strength, and to love your neighbour as yourself, this is far more important than any holocaust or sacrifice.”

We might wonder if there was any question at all about this. But religion around the time of Jesus had gotten so ridiculous, so corrupt that more emphasis was placed on things, than on the people. Indeed being religious was about checking boxes not living the faith. In the name of religion they despised the poor and weak. In the name of religion or in the name of being pure they completely forgot about God’s favorite people, those who struggle. And so it was with a sigh of relief that Jesus heard one of the scribes go back to the fundamentals. That is where we need to go friends. We need to focus on the God who comes to us through our weak and struggling neighbor.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Thursday, March 7 2024

Mt 14:14-23

Jesus was casting out a devil and it was dumb; but when the devil had gone out the dumb man spoke, and the people were amazed. But some of them said, ‘It is through Beelzebul, the prince of devils, that he casts out devils.’ Others asked him, as a test, for a sign from heaven; but, knowing what they were thinking, he said to them, ‘Every kingdom divided against itself is heading for ruin, and a household divided against itself collapses.

I love his strength and focus. He just kept going. How many times is our Lord criticized for doing great work. And yet he never stops.

Listen there are people out there who are miserable and they want you to be like them. It was said of a colleague that if you drove to his house with a jackpot ticket of $10M he would complain that you parked on the grass.

I think our Lord keeps going because he knows his mission. He has prayed about this and has discerned the will of God. When we are not sure of our mission, every opinion matters. Sometimes I say to you “pay them no mind at all and keep on loving.”

You are doing good my friend. They will see some day!!

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