Monday July 15, 2024
Matthew 10:34-11:1
Anyone who welcomes you welcomes me; and those who welcome me welcome the one who sent me.
Karibu!!! That’s a word you will hear a lot in Zambia and East Africa. Karibu is not only a word, it is a disposition of the Eastern and Southern Africans. It means WELCOME. Really each nation has its own ‘disposition’ to this spirit of welcome. In America it is the hug! In the Near East, I think it’s the word Shalom or Salamu Alaykum. You too have your own special way of showing God’s generous love.
Many years ago when I was a wee little boy growing up in Africa, we were always taught to be kind to the stranger, to offer them water or wash their hands. We did that with a certain faith that the Gods live among us. To this day I hold that belief. However I have become a little more cautious. Life has happened between then and now and something has been lost. Today’s readings remind me to pray for the gift of welcome especially the welcome of people who do not believe the same things i believe. This spirit of unwelcome of other people and ideas is going to be the death of us.
Someone told me years ago that “if your God loves all the people you love and hate all the people you hate, then you have created a God in your image and likeness.”
Welcome the other and make some room in your heart. This is the toughest thing you may be asked to do but you have shown that you can do difficult things.
Lots of love
Thursday July 11, 2024
Matthew 10:7-15
Jesus instructed the Twelve as follows: ‘As you go, proclaim that the kingdom of heaven is close at hand. Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out devils. You received without charge, give without charge. Provide yourselves with no gold or silver, not even with a few coppers for your purses, with no haversack for the journey or spare tunic or footwear or a staff, for the workman deserves his keep.
And yet my biggest worry every month is “did we balance the budget?” “How do we keep our doors open for years to come?”
What I have learned over the years is to be resigned to the Will of God. The Lord does indeed provide. Look at this beautiful community we have. By a miracle we have lived year after year. Yes Fr Chibundi have a little faith
Wednesday July 10, 2024
Matthew 10:1-7
Jesus summoned his twelve disciples, and gave them authority over unclean spirits with power to cast them out and to cure all kinds of diseases and sickness.
Have you ever done it? Have you ever cast an evil spirit away? This kind of language mss as is people in America and Europe very uncomfortable. Many have not encountered spirits as we do in the motherland. Or should I say they encounter spirits with a different side of the brain. The beauty of having lived in both Africa and ‘The West’ is that these worlds need not be like water and oil.
In Africa we talk about people who have been “entered” and overpowered by spirits. We also encounter people who have been delivered. Deliverance is hard work, it never stops. Indeed that beautiful scripture that says when a demon is delivered it goes around and collects other demons and come back stronger thus the end result is the person is worse off at the end has been known to be true. Here is the deal, don’t be scared, your protection in the spiritual warfare is God. If we keep our engagement with God we will be fine. Yes we will fall here and there but knowing that we are anointed gives us strength to get up and fight the demon. I think it is a huge blessing knowing the demons that roam around in your family. That gives us strength to fight on.
Anyway just know this my fellow Americans. A prescription pill is good (within reason) but some things need a lot of prayer and fasting. Today become a prayer warrior and cast ungodly things OUT in Jesus Name!
Tuesday July 9, 2024
Matthew 9:32-37
A man was brought to Jesus, a dumb demoniac. And when the devil was cast out, the dumb man spoke and the people were amazed. ‘Nothing like this has ever been seen in Israel’ they said. But the Pharisees said, ‘It is through the prince of devils that he casts out devils.’
And his first words were “I just want to say to my wife and children, I love you.” Then they embraced and cried tears of joy.
That’s a Lawman addition but you can add your own ending to this beautiful story. Are there some things you are not able to speak? Is it because of the times we live in or the place you are in relationship. People see you quite and they assume you don’t have much to say. Well thank you for holding your tongue. That takes discipline.
Jesus today freed this fellow and helps him find his voice. Isn’t it beautiful when your child finally finds their own voice which you know they will lose as they grow and have to find it again? May we that community that says “speak your joys and sorrows here.”
Monday July 8, 2024
Matthew 9:18-26
While Jesus was speaking, up came one of the officials, who bowed low in front of him and said, ‘My daughter has just died, but come and lay your hand on her and her life will be saved.’ Jesus rose and, with his disciples, followed him.
Listen Fr Chibundi has one little message for you today “It is not over.” Yes it certainly is not over so do not lose heart. I remember 12 years ago when Mary Ann was pregnant. We were not spring chickens so this was considered a high risk pregnancy. One afternoon while at a friends party our worst nightmare happened. All of a sudden something was wrong with the pregnancy. We left the party and within short order we were in our doctors office. The doctor looked at us and delivered the news. “You are having a miscarriage. Within two to three days this process will be complete.” Have you ever felt helpless in your life. There is nothing you can do!!! I looked up into the heavens and said “Lord save this baby.” From week five onwards every day was a miracle. I prayed to reach week 20, then the child could be saved. By the power of the Lord Almighty we went right through to a full term pregnancy. Yes it’s not over… bring it to the Lord.
Thank goodness this synagogue official did not give up. Your loved one needs your prayers my friend.
Friday July 5, 2024
Matthew 9:1-8
As Jesus was walking on, he saw a man named Matthew sitting by the customs house, and he said to him, ‘Follow me.’ And he got up and followed him.
Now if Jesus had done a little bit of background check maybe things would have not happened like this. A little google search on Jesus part he would have found out that this man was not just sitting at the customs house, he was in fact the tax guy. A little google search Jesus would have found that Matthew had stolen, disappointed, hurt some people and he was not liked.
But you gotta give it to someone who stands proudly by the customs house. This man is owning his sin and asking “what now? Will you give me a second chance?”
We have all had unpleasant experiences and you know…. Thank God for them. Those experiences are the very place of sacrament, the very place we meet God. So go to your customer house and from the depths of shame and guilt hear it for the first time. My beloved child, stop standing in shame and come follow me.
Thursday July 4, 2024
Matthew 9:1-8
he said to the paralytic – ‘get up, and pick up your bed and go off home.’ And the man got up and went home. A feeling of awe came over the crowd when they saw this, and they praised God for giving such power to men.
A very happy and blessed Independence Day to you. One of the blessings that I have enjoyed is becoming an American. This is a beautiful and blessed country indeed. Those of us who are first immigrant Americans sometimes can see the blessing that our country is more clearly than natural born Americans. This is not a criticism but an observation. Sometimes you need to live somewhere else so you can recognize the blessings of running water and warm showers.
With regards to the gospel passage. I wonder what he did with his bed, his mat!! We are a people of ritual and we need it to remind us of our journeys. Maybe he took it home and burnt it. Maybe he framed it!! How about you? What have you done with your troubled past? If we do not have a ritual, our troubled past has the possibility of haunting us. Yes sometimes it helps to forget it completely and other times we need to remember it so that we do everything in our power not to lay in that thing ever again.
I have a scar, a very big scar from having cancer. Sometimes I look at it and say thank God it’s over. Other times I look at it and say thank God for the people of clementsville who helped me during this most difficult time.
Monday July 1, 2024
Matthew 8:18-22
When Jesus saw the great crowds all about him he gave orders to leave for the other side. One of the scribes then came up and said to him, ‘Master, I will follow you wherever you go.’ Jesus replied, ‘Foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.’
I don’t know if you ever had this feeling that Jesus expresses. The feeling of not being at home, of arriving, of being completely understood. At this point yes he was surrounded by people but he never really felt like he had a home. Those of us who have traveled to other lands or left home have asked this question in our growing up. Where do I belong, with whom do I belong. I want you today to extend an invitation of friendship to someone you knew 10 years ago. Out of the blue, give them a call. Something remarkable will happen.
I remember laying my head in mama’s lap years ago as she brushed my hair or worked that dandruff. It was the most peace I ever had as she patted my hairs and worked that comb. The feelings of being loved still come back though. Lay your head in someone’s lap and you suddenly become a child again.
Wednesday June 26, 2024
Matthew 7:15-20
Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Beware of false prophets who come to you disguised as sheep but underneath are ravenous wolves. You will be able to tell them by their fruits.
A lot has been written about false prophets so I will go another way here. There is an exercise we did when I was in seminary. It is a form of prayer and we simply called it praying with the scriptures. We want to personalize the word of God.
Remember this always, scripture is not written for us so that we can become experts of the sin of others. It is written for our own growth, that with it we may strengthen the voice of God within. So, are there any inconsistencies in your life? How do you reconcile that you can be both good and bad (not intentionally of course). My suggestion….. don’t stop doing the good. And on the last day, if you are 86% good and 14% shady, it may be ok. We shall call it the human factor.
Yes yes I still say and repeat the words of our Lord “beware of false prophets and confront them head on.” Let us examine our conscience everyday.
Tuesday June 25, 2024
Matthew 6:7,12-14
Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Do not give dogs what is holy; and do not throw your pearls in front of pigs, or they may trample them and then turn on you and tear you to pieces.
Holy things to the Holy folks!!! What does our Lord mean by these words? What prompted them. Friends, part of your spiritual journey is knowing when you are spinning your wheels with some folk. You are worth too much to spend your precious time on people who have already made up their minds about you or frankly people who refuse to see anything new. The Pharisees and scribes were so set in their ways that no matter what Jesus and the disciples did, there was no winning. So our Lord says to the disciples…. Move on!! Do not throw what is holy to people who don’t know its value.
The holiest thing you have really is your time and energy. This is a tough one for people pleasers like myself. I wish I did not care what others think! I wish I did not have a need to be accepted and understood! But we are who we are. The calling here is to show or know the value of yourself and your energy. You are the prize my friend, yes you are!!
Friday June 21, 2024
Matthew 5:19-24
Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Do not store up treasures for yourselves on earth, where moths and woodworms destroy them and thieves can break in and steal. But store up treasures for yourselves in heaven, where neither moth nor woodworms destroy them and thieves cannot break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Tell me, without blinking an eye say it. What are your top 3 priorities? Most of us will say, Family, Faith, Friends. Then where does the bulk of your time go?
Listen, I am not naive at all. I know that you have to work to make a living and that takes the bulk of our times. Trust me, having two jobs the past 15 years has taught me that life is not black and white. This reading however asks of us to reflect on how much we invest in the things of heaven. And by the way, heaven is: Family, faith, friends no matter the fights and disagreements.
Love you
Fr. Chibundi
Thursday June 20, 2024
Matthew 6:7-12
Jesus said to his disciples: ‘In your prayers do not babble as the pagans do, for they think that by using many words they will make themselves heard. Do not be like them; your Father knows what you need before you ask him. So you should pray like this:
‘Our Father in heaven,
may your name be held holy,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we have forgiven those who are in debt to us.
And do not put us to the test,
but save us from the evil one.
This is a long one, but I had to put the entire reading because it preaches so beautifully for me today. Do you know the big difference between the disciples and us, at least in my opinion. We think reciting the prayer is the same as praying it. I don’t know how many of the 12 knew the prayer by heart but I know they knew the heart of the prayer. Do you? Or should I explain?
Monday June 17, 2024
Matthew 5:35-41
Jesus said to his disciples: ‘You have learnt how it was said: Eye for eye and tooth for tooth. But I say this to you: offer the wicked man no resistance.
Is this just some general instruction to the disciples? I want to think it is not. Who earned himself the title “wicked man?” What is it that he did that was evil? I bet there was someone specifically who harbored evil intentions for Jesus and his friends.
Here is the deal. Don’t feed into it. Don’t waste your breath at all. Continue thriving and let that person spin themselves into a tizzy. It takes too much precious energy sometimes to deal with drama. Offer no resistance or disengage!!!
Wednesday June 12, 2024
Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Do not imagine that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I have come not to abolish but to complete them. I tell you solemnly, till heaven and earth disappear, not one dot, not one little stroke, shall disappear from the Law until its purpose is achieved
What do you think would even given them the idea that he came to abolish the law? Many years ago I lived with a master chef. Fr John Judie is probably the best cook i know. His foods were delicious. However the man never measured anything. He cooked great feasts by paying attention to the smells. So it was a little bit of this and a little bit of that. The end result was not always the same but delicious.
I see our Lord practicing religion the very same way. He knows the law, he knows the pain of people, he understands the culture and listens to his spirit. That’s a free man!
We have a lot more to use now for our spiritual journey. Go where you are fed.
Tuesday June 11, 2024
The Feast of St Barnabas the Apostle
Jesus said to his disciples: ‘You are the salt of the earth. But if salt becomes tasteless, what can make it salty again?
What do you know of St Barnabas? Did he leave behind an epistle? Did he say anything at all in the scriptures? Frankly I know very little of the man except that he was one of the 12. And actually that is exactly what I love about the quiet disciples. They went on every day spreading the gospel in little, ordinary acts. Yes we need the Peters and the Pauls of this world but so do we need you. You who raise children and care for the sick. You who is rarely thanked for all you do in the background to make God present.
Our Lord says of you “you are salt of the earth.” You draw out of people the flavor of life. You make a difference. I have started believing this about myself. Yes it’s one thing to be told that you matter, it is a completely different attitude when you begin to believe it. This beautiful quote comes to mind…”Lord, let me accept the truth about myself no matter how good it is.” Now that is an empowering prayer.
Love you
Fr Chibundi
Monday June 10, 2024
Matthew 5:1-12
How happy are the poor in spirit;
theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Happy the gentle:
they shall have the earth for their heritage.
A brief reflection on this beautiful passage. Several years ago, I lived at Mother of Good Counsel church here in Louisville with Fr John Judie. Whenever I would greet him in the morning, his response was “I am blessed.” Well on the other hand I always seemed to have 99 problems. How was this man blessed all the time?
Fr. John had trained his mind to not only see the blessings but search for them. He often preached about an attitude of gratitude. Today’s readings invite us to take this practice and make it our own.
I want to look at myself as blessed in every situation I find myself. Are you mourning? Blessed are you. Has your heart been broken? Blessed are you. Are we a small church struggling to make ends meet? Blessed are we.
I know sometimes it is difficult to see the blessings but promise me that you will search for them during those difficult times. God is with you!!!!
Fr. Chibundi
Thursday June 6, 2024
Mark 12:28-34
'You are not far from the kingdom of God'
What if those who walked with Jesus were to tell you that he was the funniest and silliest man they had ever known, would you believe it? This funny human side of the Son of Man has escaped us and everything, well almost everything, has become super serious. When I was in seminary we quickly found out that the sadder you looked the holier the priests thought you were. We became masters of the “serious face.”
Recently I watched an episode of ‘The Chosen’ I have to tell you it was refreshing to see a playful happy Jesus.
A serious question is posed in today’s reading concerning the greatest of commandments. Jesus answers with … love God and love neighbor, everything else is commentary. And for a moment there, the Pharisee agrees, there is nothing greater than this. Then his humor comes out. At least I see his humor “you are not far from the kingdom.” Can I translate this in American? Jesus with a wink says to his greatest critic “You are not as bad as they say.”
Do you get the humor?
Wednesday June 5, 2024
Mark 12:18-27
Jesus said to them, ‘Is not the reason why you go wrong, that you understand neither the scriptures nor the power of God?
As young students/seminarians, we loved the scripture above. I would look at Brother Kennedy and say “ you are so wrong because you don’t know the scriptures nor the power of God.” Fun brotherly fights did we have as Passionists.
Anyway, do you know your scriptures? I understand that not all of us have had the pleasure of studying the word of God in detail but there is great joy and confidence in knowing the mind of God. I want you to find yourself several passages that will serve you well when you are in doubt, find a passage that helps you when the waves of the sea of life are beating on you relentlessly. For me Psalm 139 is it!!! “O Lord, you know me and you search me…” Read it someday. Read it for years, you can thank me when we get to heaven.
Tuesday June 04, 2024
Mark 12:13-17
Give back to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God!
There is an inscription written on your soul, an inscription that was put in place before the foundation of the world. Whenever we find out what it is, our lives change. I sometimes call it finding our purpose or living our lives with intention.
Let us pray today for all those who cannot see or sense the beautiful image of God reflected in their lives due to the curves life has thrown at them. Today I feel the words written over my soul are “born of my born and flesh of my flesh.” You and I belong to God through and through.
Wednesday May 29, 2024
Mark 10:32-41
The disciples were on the road, going up to Jerusalem; Jesus was walking on ahead of them; they were in a daze, and those who followed were apprehensive. Once more taking the Twelve aside he began to tell them what was going to happen to him: ‘Now we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man is about to be handed over.
In many ways it is easier to explain to total strangers the decisions you make. Family can be a little tough. It is not that they don’t love or support you but they like steady. Things are going great let’s stay here. Why would he even want to head into hostile Jerusalem?
Have you ever had to bring people along with an idea? An idea you are also not so clear about? Your heart suffers as well. You too spend sleepless nights thinking how you would tell mama.
Let us pray today for all those making difficult decisions. If you have prayed about it and spoken about it with your best friend, go on. They will come along.