Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Wednesday May 31, 2023

Luke 1:39-56

Today we celebrate the visitation of the blessed Virgin Mary. It is one of the joyful mysteries of the Rosary that Mary set out, by herself to go to the house of Elizabeth and she stayed with her. From this visitation we get the Magnificat. You know that beautiful song very well sung by her and Elizabeth… My soul is filled with joy as I sing to God my Savior. Incidentally the song is very similar or really is also sung by Miriam the sister of Moses after they cross the Red Sea. But The Blessed Mary made it her own. Do you have a favorite hymn/song that lifts you up when you are in the unknowns?

Let’s talk visitation, at least in the Zambian context. How many Zambians from my generation have had a sister or cousin disappear to the village only to show up months later with a child she went to get from the village? In a deeply Catholic Community it was scandalous to have a child outside of marriage. So many scared girls were sent off. Sent off at a time when they needed their mothers into a village with strange smells. Was it safe in the days of Mary for her to be traveling alone, a teenager traveling alone. Obviously I am bringing the all too familiar Zambian experience to this story.

What I love about the Blessed Mother is that she figured it out, she found someone who could listen and she dealt with her questions. May you figure it out. You maybe dealing with old age, alone, scared. FIND JOY in the midst of your pilgrimage.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Tuesday May 30, 2023

Mark 10:28-31

The most favorite part of my vocation is definitely preaching and celebrating the sacraments. I absolutely love it. There is also my least favorite part of this vocation —- making sure our books are balanced or to put it bluntly — asking for money. It stresses me to no end but I have to make sure our doors remain open. So please remember Rabbouni in your financial planning this summer.

Now back to my favorite thing. Did you receive the Holy Spirit? As a church we have a complicated relationship with the Holy Spirit. We love it when it is contained or domesticated. But a wild Holy Spirit is a dangerous thing indeed. Think about this—- at creation Gods Creative Spirit hovered above the heavens and then it crushed on the earth. I would imagine that was some creative chaos. On Pentecost the same spirit crushed on those locked in the upper room. It wasn’t ordered displacement but confusion then growth.

So did you have some chaos in your life? That’s when you know the Holy Spirit is above you. I want to start a new thing. Whenever I am in a whirlwind, I will ask what God is up to. I will embrace it as my baptism in the Spirit.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Monday May 29, 2023

John 19:25-34

Today we celebrate the Feast of Mary the Mother of the Church. I am hoping that with the new music minister we have, we will do some Marian Hymns. I remember in the olden days we crowned the statue of Mary in May and we recited the rosary in October. The theme of Mary has a way of transporting me to my days as a child. It really feels like home.

I remember standing still several years ago as I saw for the first time The Pieta. The body of Jesus laying lifeless as his mother holds him. I was a seminarian then and I just wondered what that moment would have been. What her words would be. Mama would simply cry and say over and over again “my son, my son…”

We do not get this from the scriptures as much as we get it from extra biblical sources. But Jesus family was very involved in his ministry. His brother James was bishop of Jerusalem, his Uncle Cleopas and his wife were the two disciples traveling towards Emmaus, could his brother John be the beloved disciple?

Anyway at the cross Jesus entrusts his mother to the beloved disciple who took her into his home. He cared for her as she cared for him. Today I invite you to ask the blessed Mother to pray for the growth and sustainability of our church. We lift up all those who need an extra prayer and ask Mary Mother of the church to intercede for them.

Love you all.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Friday May 26, 2023

John 21:15-19

“Simon son of John, do you love me more than these others do?”

Have you ever wondered why Jesus asked Simon Peter that question three times? Because, Peter like a politician never really answered it the first time around. Or maybe Peter had to grow like most of us in his understanding of love. Actually maybe we need to revisit the question itself. I have come to learn that the word translated as love had three different meanings. It meant (1) Love as in brotherly love, (2) Love as in romantic love and (3) Love as in sacrificial love.

So Our Lord asks Perter if he has Agape love for him, sacrificial love and Peter answers yes Lord I love you like a brother. Eventually St Peter answers I would die for you.

I actually see it as growth. When you have come to know someone, you find yourself one with them. What our Lord asks of us the church is not to count numbers but to truly know and love our parishioners. I hold you in my prayers today and want you to know that you have more than a friend in me. Sometimes our parishioners just want someone who would visit, someone to talk to, someone to listen.

I heard a story years ago that I have told many a time about two drinking buddies. Like Jesus one buddy asked the other three times if his friend loved him. Then he asked “If you love me, do you know what pains me?”

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Thursday May 25, 2023

John 17:20-26

A very happy Thursday to you. The day got away from me yesterday and before I knew it, it was over. Something great happened though. Fr Will accepted the position as full time Associate Pastor or Co/Pastor (in my mind). We welcome his brilliance. We also put together the job description of our would be music minister for Louisville and Lebanon. That position will post anytime now. Let me know if you know someone interested in leading us in worship through music. We also tightened up some administrative duties.

As we were doing this a little voice in my heart kept saying “pick up the pieces and live fully.” New beginnings are tough. We like to go into the future with great plans but sometimes going into the future starts by simply picking up the pieces and trying to form something new with the pieces. It may be different but it is our best self. We as a community went through a birth process and now we live.

This week Jesus spends a significant amount of time praying for his disciples. His prayer is that they may come to know on a personal note that there lives have purpose, that they are in the world but not of the world. I think this is why we are indestructible. Whatever comes our way we can use to become new.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Tuesday May 23, 2023

Acts 20:17-27

In a few days we will celebrate the great feast of Pentecost. I know in the old country the novenas are in full swing as we prepare for the greater outpouring of the Holy Spirit. I remember many years ago while still in Zambia I read a book titled “The Spirit bed me go!” I don’t remember much of the content but that title has remained with me. The Spirit of God bids us and prompts us in many different ways. I want to invite us today to look at our lives as unfolding the way God wants. If you are like me, we hear no voice but there is an orientation that our lives have taken.

In today’s first reading St Paul tells the elders of the church in Ephesus that despite all his trials he listened to the Spirit and “without faltering put before you the whole of God’s purpose.” May we too come to know that purpose in a personal way. And this is the will of God that you may know our Lord Jesus Christ and through this knowledge may have life.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Monday May 22, 2023

John 16:29-33

Peace and many many blessings to you. Listen to this beautiful verse from today’s gospel. “Jesus answered them:

‘Do you believe at last?

Listen; the time will come – in fact it has come already –

when you will be scattered,

each going his own way…” For some reason this particular verse sticks out for me today. I imagine how different the lives of the disciples would be as they took in ministry. Did things and plans end up exactly as they had imagined?

Well 19 years ago on this very day I was ordained a priest by Archbishop Kelly of the Archdiocese of Louisville. My life has taken the most interesting turns and twists. Sometimes I look back and can clearly see the hand of God. Other times I even scratch my head wondering where all this is going. So on this my 19th year as a priest, I pray you may be open to seeing the hand of God in the twists.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Ascension Thursday May 18, 2023

Matthew 28:16-20

Did I ever tell you the story about the calendar in the closet at St Martin De Porres? It was my first year in the US as a young seminarian. I was going through a lot of cultural shock having left the beloved passionists priests in Africa whose identity I truly had become. Crushed by a indescribable loneliness I went out for dinner at Raffities in the east end. But I hated sitting alone, dinners used to be fun with the brothers but here I am in a strange country dining alone. There was a limp in my throat that was crushing me. I left the restaurant went back to the abandoned rectory and threw myself on the bed. The only prayer I remember saying was “Lord, what have I done leaving Africa.” God spoke to me that day and said open the closet. I dried up my tears and went to put some handme down T Shirts into this closet. Someone had left an old calendar from 1989. There it was on the wall. I fell to my knees and said “help me see you.” Anyway the verse on the forgotten calendar in the closest was “And know that I am with you always; yes, to the end of time.”

He never left, but that was a difficult day. Days later I met Ameenah Ali and Myrtle Lee Baltimore. Yup Jesus showed up as a black woman and what fun we had.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Wednesday May 17, 2023

John 16:12-15

“When the Spirit of Truth comes, he will reveal everything…” So did they go back and waited? What do we do in the meantime? Will the Spirit say “Hey I am here now, it’s Pentecost. You realize that there was a celebration in place already 50 days after Passover right? The feast of Shavuot. The Festival of the Weeks was the second of three Pilgrim Festivals of the Jewish religious calendar. Baptizing it as Pentecost does not really bring the Holy Spirit down.

Those who waited for the Special entry of the Holy Spirit are probably still waiting. But those who went out and ventured to be courageous discovered that along the way they got wiser and courageous. Those who went out to other lands and tried to learn new languages found out that they were speaking in tongues (yours truly). The Holy Spirit does not come to the idle. It is through trial and error, through little failures and successes we find out what works.

Come to Rabbouni, you will see this. A church that was not meant to be, has truly become because people willed it and God blessed it. As I say, the only way to prepare for marriage is to be married. The only way to experience the Spirt is to engage in the works of the Christ.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Tuesday May 16, 2023

The two words that we hear in our study of scripture are EXEGESIS and ESIEGEIS. In exegesis we lift up from the text and in ESIEGEIS we read into the text. I will use the latter for this reflection. I did not post it on Sunday because I thought it did not flow at all. Most priests will understand this , sometimes after the homily you go like “well that was terrible…” But life goes on. Here is part of the not so well delivered homily.

Our Lord says to his disciples that he will not leave them us orphanes. The Father and I will send you another advocate, the spirit of truth. An advocate, Paraclete was one who was called or one who volunteered to stand by an accused. Even without saying a word the advocate’s very presence was a defense. Imagine if Pope Francis attended mass at Rabbouni. His very presence would speak volumes and before long we would be building our own church. This very frightened group of disciples is in need for someone powerful to stand by them.

Let me ask you this? Who is your biggest cheerleader? Who is the one person whom you have asked to understand you and accept you like no other? Your mama! Being a mother is to be the last person in that room. Even with a condemned person/child the mother with these simple words says it all “he is MY son.”

Let’s not think of the Holy Spirit as some strange unknown spirit. Could it be that His Spirit personified is mama. I tell you this, if God loves me more than mama does, then God must love me a whole lot.

Happy Mother’s Day, Mother’s week. Btw have you ever thought about visiting us at Rabbouni? You might like us.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Friday May 12, 2023

Acts 15:22-31

It has been decided by the Holy Spirit and us not to burden you beyond these essentials.

Something beautiful is happening in the early church. They are recognizing that the comforter whom Jesus promised is with them. The presence of this Holy Spirit or rather the active listening to the Spirit is what will lead the church for the next two thousand years. The Spirit will influence great people down through the centuries. People like St. Bonaventure, St Cecilia, St Ghandi and St Nelson Mandela. I always pray that we be sensitive to the promptings of the spirit in our lives. Remember no one person or institution owns her. She is courage, fear, love, determination. Think of all the moments you have stepped out in faith. Gods spirit was with you. Yes Spirit of God, lead me, guide me along the way.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Thursday May 11, 2023

When I was at the minor seminary in Zambia, there was a trick question which was posed to first year students. The more seasoned students with the help of the wonderful Jesuit priests would often ask “Did you hear God calling you to the priesthood?” Well, the first year students would go on and on about how they “heard” God or how this “voice” spoke to them in their dreams. Don’t get me wrong, God can certainly speak to people in that manner. Be careful though with people who hear voices. There is a pill for that.

So how does God speak? How did God’s voice come through during the first Apostolic Council of Jerusalem? The apostles battled ideas and decided it was not necessary for the Gentiles to keep all Jewish laws. The apostles put their heads, their experiences, their convictions aside and made the tough call. You know, being certain about anything or everything can be dangerous. There has to be room for uncertainty. It all worked out in the end for them. I pray today for all who have uncertainty, for all who are not 100% sure about anything. You are the holy courageous ones because sometimes you go with your gut.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Wednesday May 10, 2023

Acts 15:1-6

I hope you take the time and have a read of this beautiful passage. It will remind you of that beautiful saying “The more things change, the more they remain the same.”

I have mentioned before that the first council of the church was held in 48AD-50AD. This Apostolic Council was held to discuss if the Gentile Christians would keep all the Jewish rules prescribed by Moses. At the center of this argument was the question of circumcision and pork chops. Seriously the whole church gathered to discuss this. Think of the total waste of money spent in traveling and lodging to go answer this question. I wonder if women sometimes look at men and think “are they serious.” Anyway history can be brutal sometimes. How does this preach?

How many silly things have derailed your life? How many relationships have been broken over nonsense. I am reminded today to stay focused on what really matters. Look how many people were being added to the faith and the church did not meet to celebrate this but they met to talk about circumcision. Jesus help me. Anyway there look and celebrate what God is doing in your life. May we not be distracted by things that are superficial. I once heard this beautiful saying “the church is like a swimming pool, all the noise comes from the shallow side.” Go deep my friend.

What are the silly things that got between your relationships? Politics? Masks? Gold chalice or Crystal?

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Monday May 8, 2023

John 14:21-28

This beautiful passage was written about 120AD to a very young and frightened church. Remember it is almost 90 years after the death and resurrection of Christ. Christians are being hunted down and put to death in great numbers. Yet it is also a time of great growth in the early church. This growth is happening in the Gentile world among the Hellenists. Not even Jesus could have planned this. It is a reminder to us to leave room in our lives for mystery. We never know how life will turn out or where our blessings will come from. Let us pray today for the connections that will come into our lives. We pray that we see God reaching out and directing us. That also means praying for the courage to put all in Gods hands.

Much love to you.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Thursday May 4, 2023

John 13:16-20

In today’s Gospel passage our Lord washes the feet of his disciples. We are told that this was a job of slaves and (don’t stone me here, women). In doing this he invites his disciples to always remain humble and always remain servant to each other. I think St John retells this story because he sees a troubling tendency within the early church. The beauty of being a servant was quickly disappearing and the flight to be prince and king rising. This is a gentle reminder for all of us in ministry. We have to know how to change another person’s diaper. I learned something about that when I became a dad. The only way to do it is if you are filled with love for the one you serve. Love makes you do the humbling things. By the way, consider it a privilege when someone invites you to be vulnerable with them. Happy Thurby

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Wednesday May 3, 2023

1 Corinthians 15:1-8

On this May 3 we celebrate the feast day of St. James and Phillip. Listen to this line from Corinthians “then he appeared to James, and then to all the apostles;” So who is James and why is he mentioned. James was the bishop of Jerusalem. Remember the Jerusalem church was the mother church. When Peter and Paul got into their fight over pork chops and circumcision, it was James who called them to Jerusalem to settle this matter. Church historians will tell you that the first council of the church was held in Jerusalem and James presided over it. He is called in extra biblical sources as “James the brother of Jesus who was called the Christ. Now this makes us Catholics very uncomfortable because we think it puts into question the immaculate conception. We say actually James was Jesus cousin not his brother. The early church was not bothered that Jesus had brothers and sisters. Anyway I don’t want to start a fight here, you can refer to him as cousin.

If you want to know how Jesus thought, how he was raised then read the letter of James. This is someone who grew up in the same house with our Lord. His letter is so practical that every believer should read it. “If someone is hungry and you say I will pray for you, what good is your prayer?” Listen, read the book of James.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Tuesday May 2, 2023

John 10:22-30

“The Father and I are one..” Do you know how much confidence Jesus had to have to make a statement like that? He believed it in his heart that he was the Logos who was there from the very beginning. Not because he was a miracle worker. By the way, we have no miracles in the gospel of John, only signs. He believed it because he did the hard work of finding the voice of God within. The world offered plenty of reasons for Jesus to doubt himself. Hake he was a carpenter. Remember that was a hair above the slave and woman. He had people question time and time again. His daily struggles with the disciples gave little indication that he was God.

My point to you is this. When you find your truth about you, hell breaks loose on you sometimes. Stick to your truth no matter what the world throws at you.

I am a priest. If only you had an idea how much hate mail, excommunications, loneliness I have had to endure to be able to say that. But this happens to everyone. When you say “I am a mother” the devil throws everything at you to get you off balance. Let us pray for all of us, that we find our truths and stick with them. Find the voice of God within.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Friday April 28, 2023

John 6:52-59

I do not know if there is anything really in our life that carries the same significance as did bread for the ancients. Yes we still hold on to it’s importance here and there but I do not think it is to the same degree. Well, at least here in Kentucky. Bread was the staple, the most basic but yet the most luxurious. I bet just like we have, bread came in different degrees of importance. Barley bread for the commoners and wheat bread for the sophisticated. I wonder which kind of bread Jesus meant when he referred to himself as the bread of life?

So pardon me for this analogy. Instead of bread, think fuel. I know this is terrible but I also know how Americans go absolutely crazy about gas. You can raise and lower the price of bread without an outrage or much of an outrage. Touch our fuel and we vote you out. Imagine Jesus saying, I am the fuel (gas, petrol) of the world. Fill up with my being and you will have life.

Hey I know I lost you at fuel. But, think about it. Without God, how far can you go? How far can you go without a spiritual life?

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Thursday April 27, 2023

John 6:44-51

The gospel of John is an interesting read and study. It is called “High Christology” gospel because it presents Jesus as the Logos, the one who was there from the very beginning. In today’s passage we read “Jesus said to the crowd:

‘No one can come to me

unless he is drawn by the Father who sent me..”

John is writing at a time when there is great resistance to Jesus. This is a time when people lost their lives for ever professing their faith in the Nazarene. To these very afraid Christians, John writes “you were chosen, God has drawn you to Jesus.

Think about the people who the scriptures tell came to Jesus. It was those who thought they never had a chance. The Sinners and Tax Collectors, the prostitutes and fishermen. If you look close enough you will see that these early believers had something in their lives that was not good enough or perfect. That my friend is the secret, that is what draws them to Christ. Is there some part of your life that you think disqualifies you? That is actually your draw, your magnet which the Father put in you. Love it and you will have life.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Tuesday April 25, 2023

1 Peter 5:5-14

Whenever I read these early manuscripts of the church, I ask myself what the author was responding to. St Peter says “All wrap yourselves in humility to be servants of each other, because God refuses the proud and will always favour the humble.” Peter is noticing a very dangerous attitude that is growing in the early church. The tendency to want to be a lord and be served. He invites the early church to always have a servant heart. I truly did not know what it meant to be a servant until I became a parent. Isn’t it true that every parent or caretaker is the servant of servants. What I love about being a parent is we do servant things with a loving heart. We do servant things almost expecting nothing back (maybe a thank you if we raise them right). This self sacrificing love is what he implores of us to take. To anticipate each others needs.

Pope Francis has tried very much to remind the clergy that they are servants. Poor guys, they have been lords for so long and have never really been parents so it is a tall order. But this call is for all of us. Stay humble and grow the church. The question is, can you confidently say that you are a humble person?

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