Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

February 13, 2023

Mark 8:11-13

A very happy Monday to you. I am panicking. I have zero Valentine’s plans absolutely zero. Sid Hebert help me with some killer vegetable recipe and you get an indulgence. Anyway time is running out here.

The gospel passage today is hilarious if you can bring yourself to laugh at Jesus frustration. The Pharisees come over and ask him for a sign, he (to put it more churchy) “And with a sigh that came straight from the heart .. “ he said ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! He gotta up and walked.

Thank you Lord. You gotta know folks that for some people it will never be enough. They will take and take. Jesus identifies such people and does not waste his time at all. He leaves!!!

Don’t bend over backwards trying to explain yourself to some people. Yes explain to those who matter but after the 100 time just walk away. They will get it some day. Walk away, shake you head, lift your hands and say Jesus, Mary and Joseph

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

February 10, 2023

Mark 7:31-37

A very happy Friday to you, I am so glad you are here. In today’s gospel reading, Jesus finds himself in the Decapolis region healing a deaf man. I don’t know why the writer tells us exactly where Jesus passed to be where he is but I am sure there is a point there. My reflection today is on the process our Lord used to heal the man. Couldn’t he just have raised his hand, said a prayer and blessings and finishing it off with the laying of hands. No! We get this round about way. He removes the man from the crowd, performs a ritual and then “Ephphatha” “be opened.”

As long as you are around some people it will be impossible to hear the word of God. Listen some people help you see and hear and others are loud mouths. If you hang around negative people your chances of hearing good news have dropped. The older I get the fewer people I spend time with. Well I should put it politely. Be around people who will help you hear and see the love around you.

God bless!!!

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

February 9, 2023

Mark 7:24-30

Do you know that I have been saying the same prayer every time I go for a run these past 14 years? You must have seen me running in the cold or in the heat off Westport road. I am sure God sees me coming and he knows what I am about to say. I make my sign of the cross and say “plizi Mulungu, tu tandizeni na ndalama zo mangila church.” Please God help us with money to build a church” and off I go running. There are moments or Sundays I feel we are receiving the opposite of a blessing but then I have little glimpses here and there that this impossible prayer will be answered. Yes it is a mighty big prayer but unless we pray it, unless we ask we really don’t know. What I know is that out of nothing Yahweh has given and sustained our community and and I feel his presence even when the numbers are down and we don’t have music. I keep praying.

The story of the Syrophoenician woman, this pagan lady who got a rare audience with Jesus speaks to me about persistence. Our Lord refused to help her. In my opinion he was even rude. He says “it is not good to give the food of the children to dogs.” No sir, but even the dogs eat scrapes that fall from the table. He was rude, she knew her place and interceded for her daughter. Then his heart of hearts grew softer and healed her baby. Persistence, patience and humility got her that blessing.

You may not need to be humiliated like that in your prayer. But you may have to say that prayer over several years. You may have to ask others to pray for you. I remember praying for and through a difficult high risk pregnancy. Lord that was scary. It was touch and go from week five to full term.

Anyway it is never too easy. Remember that.

On another note join us and come see the answers to our prayer on February 19, 2023 at the 12:30 mass. We will be celebrating our 14th anniversary followed by a meal. We make some good greens. I sure hope to see you.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

February 8, 2023

Genesis 2:4-9,15-17

I know it is kind of late on a Wednesday to post this reflection but think of ou as part of your night prayer. I love the stories of creation and in particular the creation of the human species. Scripture says “And out of nothing (the dust of the earth), God created Man and Woman.” I like to remind myself of this beautiful truth whenever my head gets too big and whenever my troubles get too big.

Point number one: without Grace you my friend are nothing. Everything that you are today it is because Yahweh has willed it for you. So tonight be thankful and reflect on the abundant blessings in your life. There are many who know only a fraction of your life and wish they were as blessed.

Secondly, your challenges are not too big. I know, when you look at the bills and maybe the loneliness they may be overwhelming. But I invite you to lift up your eyes to the God who created you out of nothing. Yahweh did not create you for failure. Yahweh has plans and he will bring you through.

On another note I was talking to Fr. Will Myers today and he remarked that there are 7 billion people in the world, not talking to 1 of them won’t end the world. So if there is someone who is trying to disrupt your peace, gently ignore them and go on from nothing into something, someone.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

February 7, 2023

Mark 7:1-13

Some Pharisees and Sadducees are upset with Jesus because they saw his disciples eating their food without properly washing their hands. Maybe the disciples had worked all day feeding the hungry and walking with those who need aid. Who knows how exhausted they were? Maybe this was their first meal in days. So they tore into the food without doing the customary 7 washes. For Jesus, the proper washing of hands is important because he is a good Jew but he can also cut some slack for his disciples. There are other more important things that he would lose sleep over.

Here is the lesson for me. Know your scripture? Know what is important to God and do it. If someone else wants to add extras, more power to them. Am good with self sacrificing myself so that another may live. And if that means I enjoy a bourbon here and there or forget to say Grace. Well. I am ok with that. I guess you are ok too. The problem when we have religious fanatics is everything goes from zero to a hundred. Everything!! Golly that is exhausting. So know what is at the heart of our faith and do that passionately. I Once said to a woman who was apologizing for missing Mass because she went to visit her dying mother. I said, He saw you and was with you beside that hosparus bed

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

February 6, 2023

Mark 6:53-56

Each of the gospel writers have their own different style and particularly a way of letting the reader know that something important is about to happen in the narrative. For example St Matthew always seems to put Jesus on a hill or mountain whenever an important teaching is about to happen. St Mark does something else. Whenever he wants you to pay attention, he puts Jesus in a boat.

So today Jesus disembarks and power is coming out of him. All who touch him are cured. How about we think ourselves as vessels, boats from which the Lord disembarks bringing understanding to the misunderstood? The Jesus whom we receive at communion and whenever we invite him going into places that are full of evil spirits and letting the people touch his clothings. Be the bringer of joy today and remember it’s not about you but he who lives in you. My favorite meditation song is “It is in him we live, it is in him we have our being, we might as well not move at all. Unless we move in.” Sing along and become the mercy of God.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

February 3, 2023

Mark 6:14-29

I don’t even know if I should encourage you to read the passage presented to us for meditation today. When I get into these passages sometimes I feel the presence of God, other times i experience peace and comfort but today ——- emptiness. A deep emptiness actually. I cannot understand the brutality of the Romans and certainly do not feel like saying “praise to you Lord Jesus Christ after reading what happened to St. John. I wonder how Jesus felt. I wonder how long it took him before he dusted himself and said “come on now, we must get on with it.” He and his friends went over, took the body of John and buried it. Understandably so some of John’s disciples said “enough!” And buried their dreams as well. Just how to you do life after your anchor, your base is destroyed.

I think you know something about dusting yourself up and getting on with life. How many times have your dreams been dashed and yet you found a way. You reinvented yourself, you cried and went for it. Yes life was different but you found a way.

You know, my grandmother (mama’s mom) is said to have died of a broken heart. She lost her favorite son to a senselessness death but grandmother could not find a way out of her grief. Within a year of Uncle Phillip dying, the family was at the village burying a 40 something year grandmother. This is depressing, I better stop writing.

Find a way out of it my friend.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

February 2, 2023

The presentation of the Lord

Luke 2:22-40

I have two thoughts stemming from this beautiful reading. First our parents were chosen for us for a reason. I hope you have found out why the Author of Life, the Alpha and Omega in his wisdom chose to birth you there. I am still figuring it out because I think he could have chosen this beautiful couple in Botswana who had everything. No no it had to be in the Lenge tribe of Zambia at a time when the new wealth was not discovered. But seriously pause for a second. You are not just happenstance, you are carefully put on this earth. Coming with a lesson or a mission to teach your parents or to learn from your parents and enrich all the beings you meet, not just the human beings.

God chose Joseph and Mary and their parents and friends to raise up Jesus who is the Christ, James the Just. They were chosen to raise Joset, Jude and Simon his brothers. So your family is the biggest gift you have. That could be the reason you fight, they are un afraid to call you out.

Secondly when you are filled with the Holy Spirit you see and hear what others miss. Filled with the Holy Spirit those around baby Jesus heard the cry of God. It was like any other cry but for those of God it was different. Prayer sharpens your 6th sense, your intuition. There are people at work I avoid. For no reason we just don’t jive. Over the years I have learned to trust my intuition and excuse myself. Fill your soul with the Holy Spirit, you will be so alert.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

February 1, 2023

Mark 6:1-6
I don’t know about you but this year is surely moving on. Today, we find ourselves with another story that or a detail in the story that might make some of us uncomfortable. Amazed at the workings of Jesus people from his hometown town ask “Where did the man get all this? What is this wisdom that has been granted him, and these miracles that are worked through him? This is the carpenter, surely, the son of Mary, the brother of James and Joset and Jude and Simon? His sisters, too, are they not here with us?’
Imagine how uncomfortable… Mark mentions by name the brothers of Jesus. But of course we Catholics have the answer. There is nothing there, it was his cousins. Why is this such a difficult one for us? That is for another day.
But did you hear what happened? Jesus was unable/could not work any miracles there because of their lack of faith. He moved away.
Listen there are certain aunts and uncles in whose eyes you will never do anything good. Just walk away. There are certain people in whose eyes you will always be what you used to be, they will never let you grow out of your past, move away. In fact some people have so much negative energy around them it blinds them and affects those around them. Cut those people off from your life. They bring nothing to you. Really you will do just fine without them. In fact you will thrive.
I cannot tell you how important it is to remove negative people from your life. Don’t be nasty about it just don’t give them your time and energy. They don’t exit. Go my friend to people who celebrate you, there even your simplest acts will be seen as acts of God. 

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

January 31, 2023

Mark 5:21-45

If I can only touch the helm of his garment, I will be well. When you are going to communion, what prayer do you say? I think of this brave woman who had to fight the crowds because she was sick of being sick. I think of this woman who had to toss all that her society told her about her condition. She was told she could not be among others because she would make them unclean. She was told to go away but no she said, no. If I can only touch the helm of his garment, I will have my answer.

With intention, persistence and faith she reached out. I want you to reach out as well and believe in the God of providence. Doing life is not easy. Heck I have reached out and still have to do two and half jobs to make ends meet. I am grateful for the energy and family he has given me and still I pray, may your healing and strength flow through me O Lord. Today I pray for all those who struggle alone in silence. I pray for those who quietly harbor a sadness in their soul. May you find your healing as you stand in prayer, as you receive communion.

Fr Chibundi

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

January 30, 2023

Mark 5:1-20

Into the land of Gerasane Jesus walks, looking and searching. I don’t know how many people told him to back away for in that place lives a man possessed to the core with legions of demons. This man with multiple personalities, multiple disorders has been secured among the dead. But the love of the son of man draws him into this space where no one has ever walked. He comes because this one too is a child of God, he comes because his promise to humanity is never to give up on you. He comes to smash the boxes, the prisons that have been built around the possessed man.

In the work of policing we have dealt with people who are a danger to themselves and others because of some imbalances within. I have seen police officers talk someone who is hearing voices from jumping off the bridge. I have seen their patience and their love breakdown, drive out demons and then you see a child of God beaten down by love.

I invite you today to pray for the gift of patience and understanding as you deal with a difficult person. Some people scream and howl because that is the only way they know to talk. Find a way to reach them. And may someone find a way to reach you too. Who among us does not fight demons within.

Fr Chibundi

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

January 26, 2023

1 Timothy 1:1-8

Mark 4:21-25

Fan into a flame the gift God gave you. Both readings today invite you my friend to get on with it. Being timid has its place but now is the time to LOL (Live Out Loud). There is no tease on that you a good Catholic should be timid about your faith. Yes it might make someone next to you uncomfortable but the world is truly looking for principald people. You know how committed the vegans are or how people who do CrossFit always tell someone about it? Well what if you say, I gotta go to morning mass then we can hang out. Or after my rosary time I will join you. I think people would be intrigued. There was a time when and I understood it, we could not tell people about Rabbouni. Guess what, we are doing the Lords work beautifully and there is nothing wrong with saying, I gotta go to mass at Rabbouni.

Listen, we all have a light to be lit, stop making excuses and let it shine. Seriously why are you hiding? You are not slim enough? You know that is a moving target right? You are not smart enough? You know you are brilliant at some things right? You are home bound, you know you have a house right? Come on and Fan into a flame the gift God gave you.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

January 25, 2023

The conversion of St Paul

The story of St. Paul makes for a fascinating read and reflection. Here is a man who hunted down Christians at one point and ends up being hunted down himself. My first response to his conversion is why did he bother so much? He certainly had people who supported him but the Jerusalem Church and early Jewish followers of the way gave Paul a hard time. He tried over and over again to gain their trust but to no avail. Lesson number one: Find your own tribe. Listen you can’t keep hitting your face in the wall. When you have tried over and over again to explain or express your interest in someone and they keep rejecting you, you need to stop. There are other people around the corner who will gladly accept you. Remember Jesus said “Love your neighbor as much as you love yourself?” Well how much do you love yourself? The Jerusalem church would not accept him so he went to the gentiles and found a whole, new, beautiful tribe. Come to us, we will love you for who you are.

Lesson number two: You are not always what you used to be. Recognize the people who want to hold you hostage to what you used to be and ditch them. Life is a continuous process of growth and change. I am embarrassed by some of my earlier homilies. I was clueless about real life. I was in seminary at 13 and my life was very different than that of someone on chicken gizzard road in Clementsville Ky. People change, let them grow.

Lesson number three: Well I think two lessons are enough for now.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

January 24, 2023

This is probably one of the most difficult passages of scripture to read. If you would for a moment, remove the “holiness” from it and just read it as a story. His mother and brothers came to get him. They got word that he had gone mad but who forsakes their own. They were going to bring him home, to love him, to understand him. See when the people from the village arrive, we know it is serious. Those of us from the first cultures understand this in a very different way. They come with intent, they come with pain but you are their pain and they would rather have you home.

So I understand the emotional turmoil that Jesus faces. I understand his embarrassment. Yo J. Your mama here!!! He would have buried his head in his palms with embarrassment. However bad things get for me, don’t call mama.

You know, being misunderstood is a painful thing indeed. People think they know how it feels but unless you have been on that island, all alone and everyone pointing fingers at you, you really don’t know. Imagine being at boarding school and having the other boys laugh at you coz you have jacked up teeth or you are overweight or you don’t fit in. You get it right?

This happened to Jesus!!! Even his mother did not fully understand. It took a lot of explaining (and men we are terrible at this), a lot of listening and a lot of prayer. Here is the deal… know your truth but also know it takes time for others to see your truth.

The other complication with this reading is the brothers of Jesus. You know St. James the apostle who succeeded Jesus and became bishop of Jerusalem was described in early writings as “James the brother of Jesus who was called Messiah.” I don’t want to cause trouble with the immaculate conception but this was not an issue for the early church. But for now we can say the Bible meant to say “His mother and his cousins…” My head hurts!!!

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

January 23, 2023

Mark 3:22-30

Good morning on this beautiful Monday as you make the kids love the idea of going to school. The weekend is so very Quik to end. I enjoyed my half day off. That is I only had one Mass in Lebanon. I totally loved those Sunday readings. Next week we start reading the beatitudes and I am dreading them a bit.

Anyway today’s passage reminds us yet not to waste our time trying to get approval from people who have already made up their minds about us. Trust me some people are stuck in high school and will always want to bring your spirit down. Jesus does an amazing thing by casting out demons and they accuse him of using the power of Beelzebul, the prince of darkness. Of course it hurts his feelings and tries to explain himself. But if it is not this insult it will be another.

You know they are people who will never be happy for you no matter what? Do not give those people an opportunity to hurt you. That is, minimal contact brother, limited information. I am learning that as a police officer. Jokers will stab you in the back every opportunity they get. Anyway our Lord just moves on, he keeps moving on. Do that today, don’t dwell on it, do good and keeps moving sista.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

January 20, 2023

Mark 3:13-19

In the gospel passage today our Lord has his team, he chooses his 12 disciples and with these the kingdom of God will break open. I often wonder about the 12. I think of their journey at the beginning. Their hopes and desires, dreams and aspirations. Think back to your first day at secondary school as you stood at assembly. Think of the little groups that formed, who reached out to you first and maybe people you wish you were a little more careful around. Had you known then what you know now how would life have been?

Did Jesus know everything about the twelve? Did he know every turn of this journey? Absolutely not. But this is who God gave him. Be there in the room with the chosen ones. Be a chosen one and stop doing that thing in your head. Ouieten that voice that tells you that you do not fit in? That voice that tells you that you are not the right size or have the right education. In fact stop looking at all the reasons you should not be in that room of the chosen. And don’t compare yourself.

The twelve apostles were as ordinary as we are. Maybe we are a wee bit sophisticated and understand the world a little better. But the first order of business as a disciple is simply to be present and willing, to see ourselves as having something in our experience that God can use to change our worlds. My first order….. make sure mama has enough food in Africa.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

January 19, 2023

Mark 3:7-12

The power of Jesus is on full display here. Everyone wants a selfie with him and he gets in a boat to get away from the paparazzi. I once had a woman in Lebanon Ky who asked to meet with me for something she was struggling with. I never expected this one. She said, father I love our Lord but I have a problem with that Mary Magdalene, if that bitsxh ( yup she used the B word in my office) things she is going to have Jesus all to herself she ain’t met nobody from Lebanon yet. I was so confused. Slowly I realized that women love differently and this is actually a thing. I don’t really remember what I said to her but I remember asking Fr Jerry about it.

Anyway I get distracted easily. They all wanted Jesus for different reasons. There is so much hurt out there, so many unanswered questions. I pray today that you know where to go for your complex questions. And if you end up at Rabbouni with your questions I promise that together we will figure out an answer. There is nothing you are going through that someone in this church has not dealt with. We love you!!! Btw remember us in your monthly giving. I gotta say that every Thursday!

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

January 18, 2023

Mark 3:1-6

Today we hear my favorite lines of all times from the letter to the Hebrews “You are a priest of the order of Melchizedek, and for ever”. Once God ordains, God sustains and I get great comfort in that. They have tried to scratch that line from the Bible… trust me.

In today’s gospel passage we find a man with a weathered hand. So much could be done but they cannot lift a finger because it is on the sabbath. Listen if your religion makes you unkind, inhuman err on the side of kindness. I remember years ago when priests of the archdiocese were kinda asked not to associate with me and one Fr Pablo showed up at my door and simply asked “how are you doing Chibundi?” We should all read the this certain book called, How to become a bad Christian and a good being. It is a fascinating read.

Sometimes Jesus was a bad Jew but golly he was a good person. Remember that day he touched a leper, or a corpse?

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

January 17, 2023

A very happy Tuesday to you and I certainly hope you remembered St Martin Luther King Jr yesterday. Yes he will never be a saint, it costs too much but in my eyes this martyr is with God sitting next to St Mandela. Their contributions to and for people of color will not go unnoticed.

In today’s gospel passage the Pharisees again have a problem with the disciples of Jesus. Yesterday the issue was that these men of Jesus had too much of a good time. They ate and drunk while the disciples of John fasted. Today it is something else, they are picking corn as they walk along and that is an issue.

Sometimes when people are picking stupid fights with you, it never really about what they are complaining about. It’s about who you walk with…Jesus. You are just the east target. Remember we fight not flesh and blood but principalities of darkness. Let your good works do the fighting, let them talk. They really want to get to the one you walk with.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

January 13, 2023

Mark 2:1-12

A very happy Friday to you. A friend of mine just sent me a note which read “Friday the 13th is still better than Monday the whatever.” I laughed at that. Oh the days when Fridays weee Fridays and Mondays well Mondays. For a police officer they are all mixed together. Anyway let’s talk scripture and life.

My focus on this popular reading is what this paralyzed man did with the mat. We read, “He picked up the mat and walked away.” Did he burn it? Frame it? Hold on to it? We don’t know. How about you, what did you do with the mat?

The darn mat could be anything that kept you from thriving before you met the Lord. It prevented you from going out with friends. It reminded you that you are not like others. Then Jesus came along, loved you and said, pick up your mat and go. Why pick it up? Why not just heal this man? Well maybe that mat is the greatest teacher. Lying on that mat, the man saw people’s true colors.

Listen very carefully, some of your experiences are ones that you would not wish on your enemy. But they were your teachers. So I hope you remember from time to time how it used to be and I hope you never allow yourself to fall back on that mat. Been there, done that and ain’t going back. Thank you Merica.

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