Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

March 6, 2023

Luke 6:36-38

A very happy Monday to you. In today’s gospel passage our Lord implores his friends, his disciples to be compassionate, not to judge and to give to others. You would think this is something that the disciples don’t need reminding of. But left to ourselves we tend to turn in on each other. Today again we are given gentle reminders that it is not about church going, it is about seeing yourself in the other. I like St Matthew’s translation of this event. He says “Be merciful as your father is merciful.” Cut the other some slack. Thank you for your mercy, your willingness to walk in the shoes of others. That preached volumes to me

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

March 2, 2023

Matthew 7:7-12

I have been looking at this passage all day and for some reason I am stuck. It should be an easy preach: Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you will find. Why am I struggling with it. Mary Ann said to me earlier this morning to just give it time to breathe.

Do you ask easily? If I know anything about you is that it kills you to ask for anything. I bet you would rather not ask, not be a bother, not be seen as weak. So you deal with it in your own way. I know of someone who even finds it difficult to ask their own family. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard “father I cannot ask dad.”

Part of your spirituality is knowing that you need God. Knowing that you cannot do it all by yourself. The Israelite story is about their dependence on God. So what does Jesus mean with “ask and it shall be given to you.” Well, what is your biggest ask? A lady once said to me “father just one minute of peace would be nice.”

I pray today that you take your time and find that one ask. God is already delivering it.

Talking about asking. Be careful not to put your business on the streets though. Choose carefully whom you share your deepest heart desires, because some people cannot wait to use that against you.

Good night

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

March 1, 2023

Luke 11:29-32

You will love this. You know how you were told that God is holy and that meant absolutely strict. That either you are hot or cold, that it is either black or white!!! Where did all this come from? Take the case of the Ninevites who we find in the first reading and the Gospel. God is ready to destroy them, he is done but just to be fair he gives them one last time to fix it. Jonah goes over there hoping they remain stubborn in their ways but shocker. This time they actually listen and convert. Then God converts too. God changed his mind.

I think that is incredible power. You and I by our actions can change the mind of God and bring blessings. Listen, whatever is broken FIX IT! You might just save your life.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

February 28, 2023

Isaiah 55:10-11

In this most beautiful passage of Isaiah the Lord God says about you “The word that goes out from my mouth does not return to me empty.” You know, up until Fr. Kevin our associate pastor said in a homily years ago that “we are God’s holy word breathed into existence at this point in time” I never really did think of myself as spoken word of God. As you and I try to understand ourselves, as you and I question the events of our lives, let us always remember that we were spoken into existence, into this space at this time for a reason. Next time you go to a funeral think about this. What was God saying to me through the deceased.

None of us goes back, none of us returns until we have hugged every person God wanted us to hug. Frankly I thought I had to be doing something, some ministry. Come to find out it is enough to just be. God is speaking away, working away by your very presence. I think I know what he is saying through Rabbouni!!!

Just say Yes Lord!!

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

February 27, 2023

Matthew 25:31-46

Would you believe me if I told you that by the time Jesus came around, religion had moved from the practice of the people to a profession of the sophisticated. Things had gotten so bad that in the name of religion some people were stoned to death. in the name of religion people were labeled unclean and untouchable. Religion in a way has gotten away from the people. What our Lord does is try to connect Yahweh to the very least in society. He says in a way that those who play church would do good to remember where God hides.

I actually love the expression “hiding in plain sight.” In today’s reading Jesus talks about Judgement day and he says among other things “as long as you DID this for the least of my brothers, you DID for me …” What we profess is important but what is even more important is what we do. St James, the brother or cousin of our Lord says “what good is it to say that you will pray for someone who is hungry? Feed them..” As we continue our Lenten journey I invite us to remember the words of our Lord. I was hungry and YOU fed me, I was in prison and YOU visited me. Do you know anyone who hungers for understanding or hungers for acceptance? Feed them. Do you know anyone imprisoned by fear or imprisoned by jealousy? Visit them.

Go on and read this most beautiful passage from Matthew 25. Love you!!

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

February 24, 2023

Matthew 9:14-15

Welcome to the first Friday of this Lenten journey. Like most of you we are invited almost conditioned to start our fasts this Friday. Practicing Catholics will have some sea bass or some kind of fish as part of their/our fast. Fasting definitely has a way of opening up the spiritual life.

I am reminded when in was in Hukunsti, Botswana as a young missionary in training. We were in the desert, the kalahari desert to deepen our spiritual life. Living with the Bushmen was probably the most eye opening spiritual experience. On Friday I remember panicking and going to Fr. Novice Master”master we have no fish!” The wonderful Irish man buried his head in his hand and responded “we are in the freaking desert, prepare some antelope.” I thought he was very liberal with his spirituality. But!!!! Now I see.

My point is, spirituality has to make sense. If fasting in food makes you unbearable, the most Christian thing you can do is have a full belly and be kind. In fact Holy Mother Church says this about fasting. You should count all the money you have saved from the fasting and give it to the poor… collection box. Because when you fast, someone should feast. Fast on anger, feast on patience and understanding. Fast on greed, feast on generosity. This is a dance folks. If no one is benefiting from your fast then maybe think a little bit more on what we are doing. Love you. By the way, can we have stations of the cross when we get our own building.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

February 23, 2023

Luke 9:22-25

The Spirit led me to the very last sentence in today’s gospel. Our Lord says “What gain, then, is it for a man to have won the whole world and to have lost or ruined his very self?”

The disciples are having a hard time accepting his passion predictions, so he is trying to bring them along. He talks about carrying our own crosses and following him. I am wondering though if I have ever lost my very self, my soul. The spiritual practice is about recognizing when we lose ourselves to things that do not matter. This call to constantly examine our consciousness is something the church invites us to do every day. We can lose our very selves to anger, to jealousy, for the job and even for perverted love.

So as we begin our journey remember to guard your soul. What matters in the end are our relationship with family and friends. Invest in good relationships and let go of toxic ones. But all in all remember to guard that beautiful soul of yours. God First!!

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

February 22, 2023/Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday

Several years ago Fr. Ron Knott of the archdiocese of Louisville wrote a book called “Intertional Presbyterate.” He had noticed among other things that diocesan priests were becoming more and more lone rangers. He wanted us to come together as priests and actually want to build a sense of community. That was the only way we would save the priesthood. I loved that idea and still do today. I I love the idea of intention! My natural instinct is to know what I am supposed to do and do it almost automatically. It is east to let the year or the job or the lifestyle carry us. I want us to bring something different to this Lenten experience. Bring INTENTION!

Let us enter into this desert experience with the full intentions of cooperating with the promptings of the Holy Spirit. God wants to speak to us about our life experience and how it plays out in His grand plan. So I am not asking you what you are giving up. Rather, what are your deepest intentions for lent. Love you

Fr. Chibundi

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

February 21, 2023

Mark 9:30-37

If they had paid attention, they would have noticed that something was weighing heavily on Jesus mind. Heck they did not even have to pay attention. He opened up to them about this internal struggle. It was not just an FYI the Son of Man will be handed over when we get to Jerusalem. No!!!! Our Lord was sharing something that he was struggling with. He was never seen, never heard even by his closest friends.

Just after he breaks open his heart about Jerusalem, they start fighting about who is the greatest. Are you kidding me. I am sure you have had this experience too. I am sure you have poured out your heart to someone and the next thing that comes out of their mouth has nothing to do with what you just shared. Our response is usually a frustrated “forget it!!!” Or “nevermind!”

Jesus wants his disciples to be good listeners. To be genuinely interested and concerned for the wellbeing of others. Our world and families sometimes can have a crisis of listening. What can you do today, to really hear the other?

Mary Ann has such a good read on me that even before I say it, she knows. She feels the stress even in my breathing and sighs.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

February 20, 2023

Mark 9:14-29

I am sure by now you have seen the famous or one of the famous “you had one job” meme. It usually involves a huge and consequential step that someone had to do and they totally jack it up. While Jesus is up the mountain he instructs his disciples to pray and take care of the people. They failed!!! He descends the mountain and has to calm the fires himself. You can tell how frustrated he is. Anyway his disciples earnestly ask why they would not drive the demon out. His answer is very telling. This kind, he says, can only be driven out by prayer.

What the heck were the disciples doing then? Too busy telling people in the qualifications of being in the presence of Jesus? Maybe too busy coming up with laws on excommunication? Maybe too busy counting the money? Heck we don’t know what they were doing but we know they were not doing their one job——PRAYING. It is a reminder to us church professionals that unless we take time to pray with others all the other businesses just put a bandage on people’s issues. My prayer today is that you learn the prayer of intercession and walk a while with people in their struggles.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

February 17, 2023

Mark 8:34-9:1

Happy Friday church family. Today is our last Friday before we find ourselves in the great season of lent but the readings are already taking us to the very doors of lent. No one can be my disciples unless they pick up their cross and follow me. We all have our own challenges to face on the spiritual journey and are invited to own them. My mother used to say about me sometimes that I was her cross. Well I could have been and in many ways maybe I still am her cross. But that is the easy cross. Your love and concern for others can be a legitimate cross. Can we dig a little deeper though. Can we find things within us that we have to work through. Is there an attitude that has to be watched because it makes it difficult for us to see God in our lives? You know what your cross is? Your biggest fear is the cross. If you fear being alone, that is your cross. If you fear losing someone, that’s your cross. Do you fear getting old? Well …

Hey come see us on Sunday for our 14 anniversary. Mass is at 12:30 pm. We will feed you after we make you pray with us lol. Seriously come and bring a cousin. 7812 Brownsboro road louisville Ky 40242

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

February 16, 2023

Mark 8:27-33

We are about half way point through the gospel of Mark and the central question comes in. Who do you say that I am? I have always taught that if I were pope I would move this question from Caesarea Philippi to Golgotha. Jesus having disappointed everyone he now asks… who do you say that I am? I believe that after one has said some unanswered prayers, after one has called and there is no answer, after someone has walked in some darkness we cannot truly say who the Lord is. Something happens to us when we fall face down and are picked up not by heavenly beings but by struggling earthlings. So pause for now and answer this question when glitter hits the fan? Now who am I to you?

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

February 15, 2023

Mark 8:22-26

This is about the second time in two weeks that I have noticed how Jesus heals. Remember the deaf and dumb man last week? Jesus takes him away from the crowd and performs a healing ritual with the word Ephaphtha (be opened). In that reflection we stated that sometimes in order for us to hear God we gotta step away from the negative crowd. Remember that?

Well he does the same thing today. They bring him a blind man, he takes the man away from them and prays for him. Then he says “Go straight home, don’t bother to go into the village.”

Another way of thinking about this would be to ask the question how would he get home because he had never walked home. Remember he was blind. He relied on others. What if Jesus said to him. Dude you are fine. The crowd needs you to be blind because it makes them feel good. Yes you see things differently but that does not mean you don’t see. Go home and avoid those who need you to be bind. I know this is a stretch guys but we have to think about it outside of the box. The church is good at telling others that they are in sin, blind. Maybe they are just different. But seriously does anyone out there know for sure why Jesus takes these characters out of the crowd? I would love to know. Maybe you are being called to get away from the crowd and go home via Rabbouni BLVD.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

February 14, 2023

Mark 8:14-21

A very Happy Valentine’s Day to you all. My prayer is that you feel the love that comes your way from your special someone. I love that we can stop and celebrate each other. Love is a gift, a beautiful gift indeed.

In today’s Gospel passage the disciples and Jesus are traveling across the lake as they realize that they only brought one loaf of bread. I can imagine them blaming each other for dropping the ball here. Whose responsibility was it? This preaches in so many ways but on this Valentine’s Day, I want to bring our attention to taking care of the little things so the big things work. If you look back in your life isn’t it true that emptying the dishwasher, putting things on the grocery list, or packing sandwiches when going on a trip is just as important as the destination?

Happy Valentine’s Day and remember to join us this Sunday for our 14th anniversary. I love you.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

February 13, 2023

Mark 8:11-13

A very happy Monday to you. I am panicking. I have zero Valentine’s plans absolutely zero. Sid Hebert help me with some killer vegetable recipe and you get an indulgence. Anyway time is running out here.

The gospel passage today is hilarious if you can bring yourself to laugh at Jesus frustration. The Pharisees come over and ask him for a sign, he (to put it more churchy) “And with a sigh that came straight from the heart .. “ he said ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! He gotta up and walked.

Thank you Lord. You gotta know folks that for some people it will never be enough. They will take and take. Jesus identifies such people and does not waste his time at all. He leaves!!!

Don’t bend over backwards trying to explain yourself to some people. Yes explain to those who matter but after the 100 time just walk away. They will get it some day. Walk away, shake you head, lift your hands and say Jesus, Mary and Joseph

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

February 10, 2023

Mark 7:31-37

A very happy Friday to you, I am so glad you are here. In today’s gospel reading, Jesus finds himself in the Decapolis region healing a deaf man. I don’t know why the writer tells us exactly where Jesus passed to be where he is but I am sure there is a point there. My reflection today is on the process our Lord used to heal the man. Couldn’t he just have raised his hand, said a prayer and blessings and finishing it off with the laying of hands. No! We get this round about way. He removes the man from the crowd, performs a ritual and then “Ephphatha” “be opened.”

As long as you are around some people it will be impossible to hear the word of God. Listen some people help you see and hear and others are loud mouths. If you hang around negative people your chances of hearing good news have dropped. The older I get the fewer people I spend time with. Well I should put it politely. Be around people who will help you hear and see the love around you.

God bless!!!

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

February 9, 2023

Mark 7:24-30

Do you know that I have been saying the same prayer every time I go for a run these past 14 years? You must have seen me running in the cold or in the heat off Westport road. I am sure God sees me coming and he knows what I am about to say. I make my sign of the cross and say “plizi Mulungu, tu tandizeni na ndalama zo mangila church.” Please God help us with money to build a church” and off I go running. There are moments or Sundays I feel we are receiving the opposite of a blessing but then I have little glimpses here and there that this impossible prayer will be answered. Yes it is a mighty big prayer but unless we pray it, unless we ask we really don’t know. What I know is that out of nothing Yahweh has given and sustained our community and and I feel his presence even when the numbers are down and we don’t have music. I keep praying.

The story of the Syrophoenician woman, this pagan lady who got a rare audience with Jesus speaks to me about persistence. Our Lord refused to help her. In my opinion he was even rude. He says “it is not good to give the food of the children to dogs.” No sir, but even the dogs eat scrapes that fall from the table. He was rude, she knew her place and interceded for her daughter. Then his heart of hearts grew softer and healed her baby. Persistence, patience and humility got her that blessing.

You may not need to be humiliated like that in your prayer. But you may have to say that prayer over several years. You may have to ask others to pray for you. I remember praying for and through a difficult high risk pregnancy. Lord that was scary. It was touch and go from week five to full term.

Anyway it is never too easy. Remember that.

On another note join us and come see the answers to our prayer on February 19, 2023 at the 12:30 mass. We will be celebrating our 14th anniversary followed by a meal. We make some good greens. I sure hope to see you.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

February 8, 2023

Genesis 2:4-9,15-17

I know it is kind of late on a Wednesday to post this reflection but think of ou as part of your night prayer. I love the stories of creation and in particular the creation of the human species. Scripture says “And out of nothing (the dust of the earth), God created Man and Woman.” I like to remind myself of this beautiful truth whenever my head gets too big and whenever my troubles get too big.

Point number one: without Grace you my friend are nothing. Everything that you are today it is because Yahweh has willed it for you. So tonight be thankful and reflect on the abundant blessings in your life. There are many who know only a fraction of your life and wish they were as blessed.

Secondly, your challenges are not too big. I know, when you look at the bills and maybe the loneliness they may be overwhelming. But I invite you to lift up your eyes to the God who created you out of nothing. Yahweh did not create you for failure. Yahweh has plans and he will bring you through.

On another note I was talking to Fr. Will Myers today and he remarked that there are 7 billion people in the world, not talking to 1 of them won’t end the world. So if there is someone who is trying to disrupt your peace, gently ignore them and go on from nothing into something, someone.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

February 7, 2023

Mark 7:1-13

Some Pharisees and Sadducees are upset with Jesus because they saw his disciples eating their food without properly washing their hands. Maybe the disciples had worked all day feeding the hungry and walking with those who need aid. Who knows how exhausted they were? Maybe this was their first meal in days. So they tore into the food without doing the customary 7 washes. For Jesus, the proper washing of hands is important because he is a good Jew but he can also cut some slack for his disciples. There are other more important things that he would lose sleep over.

Here is the lesson for me. Know your scripture? Know what is important to God and do it. If someone else wants to add extras, more power to them. Am good with self sacrificing myself so that another may live. And if that means I enjoy a bourbon here and there or forget to say Grace. Well. I am ok with that. I guess you are ok too. The problem when we have religious fanatics is everything goes from zero to a hundred. Everything!! Golly that is exhausting. So know what is at the heart of our faith and do that passionately. I Once said to a woman who was apologizing for missing Mass because she went to visit her dying mother. I said, He saw you and was with you beside that hosparus bed

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

February 6, 2023

Mark 6:53-56

Each of the gospel writers have their own different style and particularly a way of letting the reader know that something important is about to happen in the narrative. For example St Matthew always seems to put Jesus on a hill or mountain whenever an important teaching is about to happen. St Mark does something else. Whenever he wants you to pay attention, he puts Jesus in a boat.

So today Jesus disembarks and power is coming out of him. All who touch him are cured. How about we think ourselves as vessels, boats from which the Lord disembarks bringing understanding to the misunderstood? The Jesus whom we receive at communion and whenever we invite him going into places that are full of evil spirits and letting the people touch his clothings. Be the bringer of joy today and remember it’s not about you but he who lives in you. My favorite meditation song is “It is in him we live, it is in him we have our being, we might as well not move at all. Unless we move in.” Sing along and become the mercy of God.

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