Wednesday, March 23, 2023
Salam Alaikum to you all as we join our Muslim brothers and sisters on this first day of Ramadan. Ramadan is the 9th month of the Muslim calendar and it is marked with prayer and fasting. This is indeed a holy time for all of us as we experience a new spring in life.
Our daily reflection is from the gospel of John 5:17-30. In this passage, the religious leaders are mad with Jesus and even more determined to do away with him. Why? This will shock you.
They are mad because of what Jesus does with God and to God. God was always THE-OTHER. God was always mysterious. The ’great sin’ of Jesus is that he made God relatable. In fact he made God understandable. Today they are losing their minds because he calls the Great God, my father. We cannot even begin to imagine that jump in relationship. “My Father goes on working….” Jesus says.
How is your relationship with God. Is God still mysterious and distant? God could be all that, but God could also understand you on a personal level. I have said this many times ”If God loves me more than mama loves me then God must love me a whole lot.”
Until we know God on a personal level, until he is My Father, we really have not understood Him at all. Love you
Tuesday March 21, 2023
John 5:1-3,5-16
A very happy first day of Spring to you! It certainly does not feel like it but a lot of change is happening and soon we will see the bloom. I am so grateful for the bloom, the growth that we are seeing at Rabbouni. God indeed does work in the quiet, even when we think nothing is happening.
in the first reading from today’s liturgy the Prophet Ezekiel is shown the river of life. Wherever the river flows, no matter how dead it seemed, the river brought new life. The word of God is the river of life. May his word spring forth new life in you.
Jesus in today’s gospel says to a man who had been sick and helpless for thirty eight years “Do you want to be well again?” He asks this man if he is ready for change. imagine yourself bound by some unbearable illness that long. It maybe all you know. And then you are given an opportunity to change the rest of your life. Yes Lord!!! This is all I want. Well that change requires that you have the courage to give up the mat you lay on. Whatever bothers you, whatever paralyzes you, has met it’s expiration date today. For today our Lord says pick up your mat and walk!!! Claim the healing my friend.
March 17, 2023
Mark 12:28-34
You are not far from the Kingdom of Heaven!!! These words are taken right from the lips of Jesus as he sees this one scribe say “To love him with all your heart, with all your understanding and strength, and to love your neighbour as yourself, this is far more important than any holocaust or sacrifice.”
We might wonder if there was any question at all about this. But religion around the time of Jesus had gotten so ridiculous, so corrupt that more emphasis was placed on things, little acts than on the people. In the name of religion they despised the poor and weak. In the name of religion or in the name of being pure they completely forgot about God’s favorite people, those who struggle. And so it was with a sigh of relief that Jesus heard one of the scribes go back to the fundamentals. That is where we need to go friends. We need to focus on the God who comes to us through our weak and struggling neighbor.
Have a very blessed St Patrick’s day!!
March 15, 2023
Deuteronomy 4:1,5-9
I absolutely love this beautiful line we find in today’s first reading: And indeed, what great nation is there that has its gods so near as the Lord our God is to us whenever we call to him?
The context of course is important here. Moses is giving the commandments to the Israelites and he says if they keep these commandments, God in turn will actually pitch his tent among them and what a beauty it will be to behold.
I was talking about another priest friend who is fighting some battle right now and my other friend said “well you know, like a cat he always lands on his feet.” But maybe there is more to the story. Maybe what we are seeing is how present God is even among those in the deepest of darkness.
But this reflection is not about others, it is about you. When I look into your life, when I journey with you through all the seasons of your life, I am left with this: Is there a person out there that has God so close to them as God has manifested in your life. Think about it, and pray about it.
March 14, 2023
Matthew 18:21-35
We have for our reflection today a very important subject ..forgiveness. Pater goes up and asks the Lord how often should he forgive. He obviously shoots for the high and perfect number of 7 only to be told …. Ah bro don’t keep count for your own sanity.
Let me play Jesus just for a second. I would ask Pater a second question. Pete why do you think you ought to be forgiving folk so much Are you easily offended? Do you think that people are constantly getting on your nerves? You might be the issue Pete!
Very holy people sometimes feel the need to constantly forgive us as we blunder our way into heaven. I am not saying there aren’t people out there who have been hurt. Trust me I know betrayal. I have a few knives in my back. The point is as we forgive we must also look at ourselves and check if we are contributing to the issue. Love you
March 10, 2023
Matthew 21:33-43,45-46
On this Friday and possibly the following Friday I would love for our reflection to be interactive. So let’s give it a try and come back this evening for a closing reflection. As we wake up I pose this reflection as we stand before the mirrors. Lord, help me accept the truth about myself no matter how good it is. Then in the comments below I invite you to write who and what you are without explanation. Just say what comes to mind and say it all day. I will start by giving us an example. I am LIGHT! Your turn. Remember no explanations.
March 9, 2023
Jeremiah 17:5-10
How did I miss this reading all these years. Jeremiah offers a curse and a blessing. He says “A curse on the man who places his trust in a man … And a blessing on a man who places his trust in God..” Well that is a little sexist there Mr Jeremiah. You can’t say that about all men!! I kid.
We actually see this call in the Hebrew Scriptures a lot. The invitation to put our trust in the Lord. Mama used to tell me to trust no one but we lived in a different place and different time. The prophet reminds us that there is one who is dedicated for our own good. God and God alone should have our full trust. You and I know this. We have good friends who are and will be there always but life happens, economies change and people change. The greater our relationship with God is the more he will show us who to trust. They might not even be churchy people. I am always amazed by Mary Ann. She has a friend we vacation with whom she has known since 2nd grade. Who keeps a friend that long? Special people, blessed people!!
March 8, 2o23
Matthew 20:17-28
For the second time Jesus unburdens himself to his disciples about what will happen in Jerusalem and for the second time the disciples either ignore him or misunderstand him. After talking about this painful journey that awaits him in the big city, the mother of James and John ask that her children should sit on Jesus Right and Left when he gets to the city,
Yes some news is difficult to accept but we need the courage to face it. Wishing it were not so or would not be so is childish. I am sure you have had to face some vey difficult reality yourself. Let us pray for all who cannot accept difficult news for the serenity to accept what we can’t change, the courage to do all we can and the wisdom to accept and see all through the eyes of Yahweh
March 7, 2o23
Matthew 23:1-12
Did you know what the gospel according to Lebanon Ky is? It is simple and goes right to what church should be. In Lebanon we believe that some people don’t come to church because of people who come to church. Now I don’t want us to indict the good people come to church but this is said in a spirit of love so we check ourselves at the door. So we stop ourselves from judging anyone. In fact so we become. Merciful like our Father is merciful.
Our Lord says to his disciples, do not become like the Pharisees and scribes who tie up heavy burdens for others but don’t lift a finger to help. When we go through seminary they teach us not to preach to people but preach with them. So the priest is not to stand and say “you people need to do this or that, you people need to turn from your sins…” No the language is “let us do this and that … may we turn from our sins…”
It changes things when you preach with people and not at them.
So in what ways could we be like those that Jesus cannot stand and how are we to fix it.
March 6, 2023
Luke 6:36-38
A very happy Monday to you. In today’s gospel passage our Lord implores his friends, his disciples to be compassionate, not to judge and to give to others. You would think this is something that the disciples don’t need reminding of. But left to ourselves we tend to turn in on each other. Today again we are given gentle reminders that it is not about church going, it is about seeing yourself in the other. I like St Matthew’s translation of this event. He says “Be merciful as your father is merciful.” Cut the other some slack. Thank you for your mercy, your willingness to walk in the shoes of others. That preached volumes to me
March 2, 2023
Matthew 7:7-12
I have been looking at this passage all day and for some reason I am stuck. It should be an easy preach: Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you will find. Why am I struggling with it. Mary Ann said to me earlier this morning to just give it time to breathe.
Do you ask easily? If I know anything about you is that it kills you to ask for anything. I bet you would rather not ask, not be a bother, not be seen as weak. So you deal with it in your own way. I know of someone who even finds it difficult to ask their own family. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard “father I cannot ask dad.”
Part of your spirituality is knowing that you need God. Knowing that you cannot do it all by yourself. The Israelite story is about their dependence on God. So what does Jesus mean with “ask and it shall be given to you.” Well, what is your biggest ask? A lady once said to me “father just one minute of peace would be nice.”
I pray today that you take your time and find that one ask. God is already delivering it.
Talking about asking. Be careful not to put your business on the streets though. Choose carefully whom you share your deepest heart desires, because some people cannot wait to use that against you.
Good night
March 1, 2023
Luke 11:29-32
You will love this. You know how you were told that God is holy and that meant absolutely strict. That either you are hot or cold, that it is either black or white!!! Where did all this come from? Take the case of the Ninevites who we find in the first reading and the Gospel. God is ready to destroy them, he is done but just to be fair he gives them one last time to fix it. Jonah goes over there hoping they remain stubborn in their ways but shocker. This time they actually listen and convert. Then God converts too. God changed his mind.
I think that is incredible power. You and I by our actions can change the mind of God and bring blessings. Listen, whatever is broken FIX IT! You might just save your life.
February 28, 2023
Isaiah 55:10-11
In this most beautiful passage of Isaiah the Lord God says about you “The word that goes out from my mouth does not return to me empty.” You know, up until Fr. Kevin our associate pastor said in a homily years ago that “we are God’s holy word breathed into existence at this point in time” I never really did think of myself as spoken word of God. As you and I try to understand ourselves, as you and I question the events of our lives, let us always remember that we were spoken into existence, into this space at this time for a reason. Next time you go to a funeral think about this. What was God saying to me through the deceased.
None of us goes back, none of us returns until we have hugged every person God wanted us to hug. Frankly I thought I had to be doing something, some ministry. Come to find out it is enough to just be. God is speaking away, working away by your very presence. I think I know what he is saying through Rabbouni!!!
Just say Yes Lord!!
February 27, 2023
Matthew 25:31-46
Would you believe me if I told you that by the time Jesus came around, religion had moved from the practice of the people to a profession of the sophisticated. Things had gotten so bad that in the name of religion some people were stoned to death. in the name of religion people were labeled unclean and untouchable. Religion in a way has gotten away from the people. What our Lord does is try to connect Yahweh to the very least in society. He says in a way that those who play church would do good to remember where God hides.
I actually love the expression “hiding in plain sight.” In today’s reading Jesus talks about Judgement day and he says among other things “as long as you DID this for the least of my brothers, you DID for me …” What we profess is important but what is even more important is what we do. St James, the brother or cousin of our Lord says “what good is it to say that you will pray for someone who is hungry? Feed them..” As we continue our Lenten journey I invite us to remember the words of our Lord. I was hungry and YOU fed me, I was in prison and YOU visited me. Do you know anyone who hungers for understanding or hungers for acceptance? Feed them. Do you know anyone imprisoned by fear or imprisoned by jealousy? Visit them.
Go on and read this most beautiful passage from Matthew 25. Love you!!
February 24, 2023
Matthew 9:14-15
Welcome to the first Friday of this Lenten journey. Like most of you we are invited almost conditioned to start our fasts this Friday. Practicing Catholics will have some sea bass or some kind of fish as part of their/our fast. Fasting definitely has a way of opening up the spiritual life.
I am reminded when in was in Hukunsti, Botswana as a young missionary in training. We were in the desert, the kalahari desert to deepen our spiritual life. Living with the Bushmen was probably the most eye opening spiritual experience. On Friday I remember panicking and going to Fr. Novice Master”master we have no fish!” The wonderful Irish man buried his head in his hand and responded “we are in the freaking desert, prepare some antelope.” I thought he was very liberal with his spirituality. But!!!! Now I see.
My point is, spirituality has to make sense. If fasting in food makes you unbearable, the most Christian thing you can do is have a full belly and be kind. In fact Holy Mother Church says this about fasting. You should count all the money you have saved from the fasting and give it to the poor… collection box. Because when you fast, someone should feast. Fast on anger, feast on patience and understanding. Fast on greed, feast on generosity. This is a dance folks. If no one is benefiting from your fast then maybe think a little bit more on what we are doing. Love you. By the way, can we have stations of the cross when we get our own building.
February 23, 2023
Luke 9:22-25
The Spirit led me to the very last sentence in today’s gospel. Our Lord says “What gain, then, is it for a man to have won the whole world and to have lost or ruined his very self?”
The disciples are having a hard time accepting his passion predictions, so he is trying to bring them along. He talks about carrying our own crosses and following him. I am wondering though if I have ever lost my very self, my soul. The spiritual practice is about recognizing when we lose ourselves to things that do not matter. This call to constantly examine our consciousness is something the church invites us to do every day. We can lose our very selves to anger, to jealousy, for the job and even for perverted love.
So as we begin our journey remember to guard your soul. What matters in the end are our relationship with family and friends. Invest in good relationships and let go of toxic ones. But all in all remember to guard that beautiful soul of yours. God First!!
February 22, 2023/Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday
Several years ago Fr. Ron Knott of the archdiocese of Louisville wrote a book called “Intertional Presbyterate.” He had noticed among other things that diocesan priests were becoming more and more lone rangers. He wanted us to come together as priests and actually want to build a sense of community. That was the only way we would save the priesthood. I loved that idea and still do today. I I love the idea of intention! My natural instinct is to know what I am supposed to do and do it almost automatically. It is east to let the year or the job or the lifestyle carry us. I want us to bring something different to this Lenten experience. Bring INTENTION!
Let us enter into this desert experience with the full intentions of cooperating with the promptings of the Holy Spirit. God wants to speak to us about our life experience and how it plays out in His grand plan. So I am not asking you what you are giving up. Rather, what are your deepest intentions for lent. Love you
Fr. Chibundi
February 21, 2023
Mark 9:30-37
If they had paid attention, they would have noticed that something was weighing heavily on Jesus mind. Heck they did not even have to pay attention. He opened up to them about this internal struggle. It was not just an FYI the Son of Man will be handed over when we get to Jerusalem. No!!!! Our Lord was sharing something that he was struggling with. He was never seen, never heard even by his closest friends.
Just after he breaks open his heart about Jerusalem, they start fighting about who is the greatest. Are you kidding me. I am sure you have had this experience too. I am sure you have poured out your heart to someone and the next thing that comes out of their mouth has nothing to do with what you just shared. Our response is usually a frustrated “forget it!!!” Or “nevermind!”
Jesus wants his disciples to be good listeners. To be genuinely interested and concerned for the wellbeing of others. Our world and families sometimes can have a crisis of listening. What can you do today, to really hear the other?
Mary Ann has such a good read on me that even before I say it, she knows. She feels the stress even in my breathing and sighs.
February 20, 2023
Mark 9:14-29
I am sure by now you have seen the famous or one of the famous “you had one job” meme. It usually involves a huge and consequential step that someone had to do and they totally jack it up. While Jesus is up the mountain he instructs his disciples to pray and take care of the people. They failed!!! He descends the mountain and has to calm the fires himself. You can tell how frustrated he is. Anyway his disciples earnestly ask why they would not drive the demon out. His answer is very telling. This kind, he says, can only be driven out by prayer.
What the heck were the disciples doing then? Too busy telling people in the qualifications of being in the presence of Jesus? Maybe too busy coming up with laws on excommunication? Maybe too busy counting the money? Heck we don’t know what they were doing but we know they were not doing their one job——PRAYING. It is a reminder to us church professionals that unless we take time to pray with others all the other businesses just put a bandage on people’s issues. My prayer today is that you learn the prayer of intercession and walk a while with people in their struggles.
February 17, 2023
Mark 8:34-9:1
Happy Friday church family. Today is our last Friday before we find ourselves in the great season of lent but the readings are already taking us to the very doors of lent. No one can be my disciples unless they pick up their cross and follow me. We all have our own challenges to face on the spiritual journey and are invited to own them. My mother used to say about me sometimes that I was her cross. Well I could have been and in many ways maybe I still am her cross. But that is the easy cross. Your love and concern for others can be a legitimate cross. Can we dig a little deeper though. Can we find things within us that we have to work through. Is there an attitude that has to be watched because it makes it difficult for us to see God in our lives? You know what your cross is? Your biggest fear is the cross. If you fear being alone, that is your cross. If you fear losing someone, that’s your cross. Do you fear getting old? Well …
Hey come see us on Sunday for our 14 anniversary. Mass is at 12:30 pm. We will feed you after we make you pray with us lol. Seriously come and bring a cousin. 7812 Brownsboro road louisville Ky 40242