July 26, 2023
Gospel: Matthew 13:1-9
"But some seed fell on rich soil, and produced fruit, a hundred or sixty or thirtyfold."
Are you where you need to be? In today's Gospel we hear about the sower sowing seed. Some falls on the path and is eaten, some fell on rocky ground, some fell where thorns choked it, and some fell on fertile soil.
Jesus speaks here about our faith, but it also speaks to us about our companions. Do we have friendships that are mutually encouraging and supporting? Do our friends support us in our faith and help us to become the best versions of ourselves, or do they tear us down and criticize us? We can only be our best versions of ourselves when we are planted in fertile soil.
We all have to examine our relationships and realize there are sometimes seasons for them if they become harmful. May we always have fertile ground for our faith and encouragement from those we love and who love us.
- Fr. Will
July 25, 2023
Gospel: Matthew 20:20-28
"Command that these two sons of mine sit, one at your right and the other at your left, in your Kingdom."
On this feast of Saint James the Apostle, we hear how his mother and the mother of John asked Jesus if her sons could sit next to him in the Kingdom. What mother doesn't want the best for her sons? But, she did not know what she was asking. The way of the Kingdom is hard. To reach spiritual perfection, we face many daily trials and tribulations. In fact, Jesus promised us that it wouldn't be easy!
Very few things in life that are worth it are easy. Yet, when we set a goal we try our best to achieve it. The spiritual life is no different. But, like all goals we will fall and we will progress but we have to keep trying through prayer, humility, and love. Through this journey, may we all experience the final banquet of Jesus.
- Fr. Will
Monday, July 24, 2023
Gospel: Matthew 12:38-42
In today's Gospel, the people demand a sign of the proof of Jesus' divinity and the work of God. Jesus responds: "An evil and unfaithful generation seeks a sign, but no sign will be given it."
So often we seek big signs from God to know God is present in our lives. We want God to stand in front of us shouting "here I am!" But, in 1 Kings we learned from the story of Elijah that God is not in the wind, or the earthquake, or the fire. God was in the gentle whisper.
The next time we need to feel the presence of God, remember the story of Elijah and the direction of Jesus to "go into your room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret." It is in the quiet that we will know that God is with us, and where we will feel God's presence.
- Fr. Will
Friday July 21, 2023
Matthew 12:1-8
Jesus took a walk one sabbath day through the cornfields. His disciples were hungry and began to pick ears of corn and eat them.
I am a little distracted by this. They ate the corn without even cooking it!!! JEEZAS they must have been hungry. Hunger is an interesting topic though in the scriptures and in our lives. Often times our souls hunger for one thing and we try to feed it on other things, on junk.
Have you noticed sometimes we hunger for acceptance and end up doing stupid things? Well, when we were younger.
I think the call for me is to clearly identify the hunger. Scripture says “like a deer chasing after fresh waters so my soul thirsts for you my God. In this world we hunger to hear the voice of God then we play music as loud as we can. That won’t do it. We hunger to be seen, then we lose our identities. That won’t do it.
On this Friday take the time to know what will truly fill your soul.
To the scripture scholars, I know this reading is not about hunger but I could not resist the raw corn.
Thursday July 20, 2023
Matthew 11:28-30
Yes, my yoke is easy and my burden light.’
I unofficially translated this verse a few weeks ago. I took into consideration my experience growing up in the old country and being part of a culture that still uses oxen to plough, and transport things. So in my mind Jesus says “My yoke fits perfectly and therefore lightens the burden.” Think about it this way. Wearing the wrong kind of shoes could in the long run hurt you. Your shoes have to fit perfectly. When you go buy running shoes they actually video the way you walk and based on that recommend the almost perfect shoe. Yokes are the same in the old country. They are made for the specific animal. The wrong yoke can actually kill the animal in the long run.
So what does this all mean? Jesus rejects the one size fits all kind of religion. Think ancient near East. The place is saturated with rules and laws. The Jewish religion at this time has 613 commandments. 365 of them are prohibitions “thou shall not.” It is burdensome!! Jesus says, I give you two commandments: love God, love neighbor, the rest is commentary.
Even two commandments sometimes might be hard depending on who your neighbor is. How about one commandment: Thou shall not say crazy stuff for the next 12 hours. You can think it, but bite your tongue.
Love you all
Wednesday July 19, 2023
Matthew 11:25-27
Everything has been entrusted to me by my Father; and no one knows the Son except the Father, just as no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.’
Our Lord Jesus says these beautiful words after he has had a run in with the Pharisees. I have noticed that this is the number one trick of the devil. He seeks to through self doubt in you, seeks to make you second guess yourself. Don’t get me wrong, it is a good thing to check ourself but when it becomes paralyzing then it is a problem. Or if is it over everything and anything. Jesus today says “know thyself man. “
Let us pray for all those questions to the point of exhaustion that they may pick up their mats and go. In America we say “Let the chips fall where they may.”
Tuesday July 18, 2023
Matthew 11:20-24
Jesus began to reproach the towns in which most of his miracles had been worked, because they refused to repent.
‘Alas for you, Chorazin! Alas for you, Bethsaida! For if the miracles done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes.
I briefly touched on this theme this past Sunday. Jesus working miracles in Bethsaida, Chorazin, Carphanum but nobody was seeing nor hearing him.Yesterday i responded to a domestic between a father and daughter. This was the biggest and most bourgeoisie house I have ever been. The 21 year old called it a crapy place to be and all the while I was thinking what a beautiful house they have. I said to the father “cut off every financial help and let her go with her deadbeat boyfriend, she will be back in no time.”
Do you sometimes miss the blessings that are right before you because you are not right within? Jesus did the most work in places that sometimes refused to see. Open your eyes… you have a very beautiful community here, open your eyes, you are so blessed.
On the other hand Jesus just kept doing ministry not counting the feedback. I like that approach.
Monday July 17, 2023
Matthew 10:34-11:1
Jesus instructed the Twelve as follows: ‘Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth: it is not peace I have come to bring, but a sword.
What happened to the sheep cuddling Jesus? There is a lot to unpack in the verse above. It is a window into the struggles of the early church. At some point, the church had to make a tough choice and separate itself so it can find itself and grow. How many times in your life have you had to move away so you can move on. I love the English language… move away so you can move on somehow makes sense.
Listen, Jesus is not asking for division here. He is simply asking them to have the courage to make tough choices. Isn’t it true that it is a pain in the neck to live with a indecisive person? Make a decision and see it through.
On another level he is asking you to fight for what you love. True love is worth fighting for. In this case, our relationship with God is worth the fight.
Thursday July 13, 2023
Matthew 10:7-15
Jesus instructed the Twelve as follows: ‘As you go, proclaim that the kingdom of heaven is close at hand. Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out devils. You received without charge, give without charge.
On Thursdays I usually ask you to consider Rabbouni in your financial planning. That is just some fancy way of asking for your donations if you find this ministry helpful and you can afford to help us. You really keep us alive. This is the scourge of every pastor. But I gotta say we are incredibly blessed here at Rabbouni. We lived through COVID-19 and we will be just fine. Thank you though for your donation.
The mandate from our Lord is to go on planting the kingdom in our different ways and he will find a way to sustain us. We rely on you O Lord.
Wednesday July 12, 2023
Matthew 10:1-7
There is an agreement among the gospel writers that Jesus sent out his disciples long before his death and resurrection. I mean like way before they understood the subject matter or got a degree. Today he sends the 12 specifically to the house of Israel with the mandate to drive out demons and announce a new era- the kingdom of God. No books on how to do it, no private jets, hake no church building. Go and announce things are different now.
I want to imagine my mother and father among those sent. How did they drive out the demons? Well. There may have been some private prayer to drive the demons out of me but I know there was discipline. Mama used anything including throwing a teapot at the children. There was name calling here and there and some ear pulling until we were beat into shape. Announce the kingdom of God is here means letting you know that there is a new king in charge. You are not the captain. So if any challenge or person is trying to boss you around, they need to know that they are not your god.
I love the way this kingdom has grown. Above all I love the words of St Francis modified here “Build the kingdom and only when it is necessary use words”.
Monday July 10, 2023
Matthew 9:18-26
While Jesus was speaking, up came one of the officials, who bowed low in front of him and said, ‘My daughter has just died, but come and lay your hand on her and her life will be saved.
Things do take a turn sometimes in life. All politics is put aside, all pride is swallowed and the official approaches the most hated man by his class. My daughter is dying he pleads. From thousands of years away I can see him, I too can feel his desperation, I too can see his tears. It is true, there is no love lost here BUT first things first. Let’s work together to save a life.
Jesus does not take this opportunity as I would to tell the poor dad all the wrong things his class has done to him. None of that, Jesus just gets up and goes.
I know of a young lady in the old country who was woken up at night with a loud knock and cry. Outside was a young woman in tears, please help me my child is dying of cerebral malaria and his father is out working. Well who is his father? I am so sorry it is your husband. With haste the two women rushed to the hospital. The wife holding the baby of the girlfriend both women praying. The little did not make it.
In that moment I saw great restraint, mercy, God.
Put the fightings away, the politics away and simply serve those in need no questions asked. You can do difficult things my friend.
Friday July 7, 2023
Matthew 9:9-13
As Jesus was walking on, he saw a man named Matthew sitting by the customs house, and he said to him, ‘Follow me.’ And he got up and followed him.
Seeing, touching, tasting, hearing, sensing. It just struck me that Our Lord Jesus goes around in his world using the gifts that everyone has. He however uses them to bring God about. How many people looked at Matt the tax collector and never really saw him? What song was he humming that nobody heard? On this Friday I want you to see yourself as completely seen by God. I saw a poster yesterday about the woman at the well. It read “He did not come for the water, he came for me.”
Today as you feel, taste, see, hear, or sense may God come limping through your presence to others. God bless and cannot wait to see you Sunday.
Thursday July 6, 2023
Matthew 9:1-8
Jesus got in the boat, crossed the water and came to his own town. Then some people appeared, bringing him a paralytic stretched out on a bed.
I want you to read the rest of this beautiful passage. It is a fascinating healing story. Pay particular attention to what actually heals this bedridden fellow. My first impression is this community that this person lives in. They saw his struggle and they were bothered enough to carry him to Jesus. In another account, they climbed to the roof of the house, split it open and lowered the chap down to Jesus. That seems like a Rabbouni Catholic Community kinda faith. This passage invites me to be troubled enough and carry someone. Have you brought someone to the Lord in prayer lately. Have you visited. Come to think of it, I am guilty of not visiting, of not checking in. I pray I become better with that.
Secondly how is he healed? Not a prayer, not a laying on of hands. He is simply told, “your sins are forgiven, rise and go.” Guilt over a past sin can paralyze your life. Listen, you are human, things happen. So forgive yourself and leave the past behind. He was held back by this sense that God was mad with him. To sin to error is human, and to forgive is divine. The Divine has spoken, now make those words true for yourself and move on. Your sins are forgiven, rise and go
Wednesday July 5, 2023
Matthew 8:28-34
We do not see much of this phenomenon here in the USA but the power of deliverance that Jesus uses today is still felt and used in some parts of the world. We in the charismatic renewal knew a thing about driving out demons, about a person possessed. We always would caution after a prayer of deliverance for someone to change their lives in some sort otherwise the demon would come back with even stronger friends. So the setting free was step one and a changed life is what kept the spirits away. This is spiritual battle folks.
How do people here who need a drastic change conduct their lives. Some change friends, others change foods and after work habits. Being a different man is hard work but we have to be committed to the process and eventually the process changes us. Today I pray for all those who have backslid please stay in the fight. Your soul, your happiness is worth a thousand fights. In the name of Jesus of Nazareth be freed!!!! Amen
Tuesday July 4, 2023
Matthew 8:23-27
Jesus got into the boat followed by his disciples. Without warning a storm broke over the lake, so violent that the waves were breaking right over the boat. But he was asleep.
A very happy Independence Day to you my friends. It is wonderful to be back in Louisville after our family reunion in Damascus West Virginia. I like road trips and I like when I am back in my bed. It was great fun and absolutely beautiful to see how the family is growing. I hope you enjoy your family today and true American freedom.
If you remember when we read the gospel of Mark, he always seemed to be in a hurry. For example St Mark used the word “immediately” a lot. So we expect sudden movements and turns in his writings. St Matthew is a little calculated. So I am a little surprised that there is this element of surprise that we find in today’s reading. Without warning a storm broke over the lake… Have you ever been thrown a curveball? Has the future ever suddenly changed for you? See how Jesus still maintains his peace and is sound asleep. Today we want to pray for all those who panic. Find a way to be prepared for the sudden changes. Or maybe teach us how you calm yourselves during a panic attack. You have obviously have had a few and lived through them. Your method could be answer and help to someone who suddenly finds themselves in a storm. How many times have you heard the expression “we never saw it coming.” Well for the most part… that is life.
Friday June 30, 2023
Matthew 8:1-4
After Jesus had come down from the mountain large crowds followed him. A leper now came up and bowed low in front of him. ‘Sir,’ he said ‘if you want to, you can cure me.’ Jesus stretched out his hand, touched him and said, ‘Of course I want to! Be cured!’
Some times I read and there is joy in my spirit, other times I read and there is a lump in my throat. “If you want, you can make me clean…” I do not only hear those words but I see Jesus walking towards the man and hugging him forever, wiping his tears and saying “of course, of course” Two men hugging, two men allowing and giving each other that space needed for healing.
You know there isn’t that much room in the world for men to be heard. Society does not allow us to cry or not have answers. As the old man would say “dust yourself up and get to it, tears don’t milk the cows!” Last year I had Lee Bridgewater simply tell me “come here, let it out man” He is a BIG MAN and he gave me space to cry. On another occasion I pulled over a man who was not driving correctly. When I approached him, he was distraught and as I was finishing up the traffic stop he said, can I get a hug. Yes, yes hang in there I said.
You know, women do a better job at checking in with each other. We can learn something from them. “Of course, I want to. Be whole Jesus said”
Thursday June 29, 2023
Feast of St Peter and Paul
Many many thanks to you for the heart warming birthday wishes I got yesterday. Celebrating a birthday is indeed celebrating the day of our arrival and also a reminder that we were sent here with a mission.
Talking about Mission, about purpose, about callings, there is no better example of it than Peter and Paul. It is interesting that the church lumped these two together because they could not stand each other. St Paul thought he had to prove himself to the Jerusalem church then he was like bump them, I am going my own way. St Peter was trying to keep the gentile church connected to Jerusalem but he got himself in trouble when he ate pork. It was a mess. They agreed to each going their separate ways but staying connected in mission.
Both of these men had a strong sense of being sent. This is how I want you to live. You were sent here to bear a child, to build the kingdom, to set others free. Have a sense of mission and enjoy the journey. Before you know it the end will be near. Time does fly so acknowledge the task at hand.
Wednesday June 28, 2023
Genesis 15:1-12
June 28 is a very special day in my life. On this day many moons ago, in the depths of Africa my mother went into labor and brought me into this world. I was to be the third of her seven children. Her clan now extends to the Americas. We never really celebrated birthdays back in the day. Mine definitely was not celebrated but I think we have made up with celebrations. I still get a wee bit embarrassed by the birthday celebrations but I appreciate a little cake. So if you want to do something to celebrate me, give to Rabbouni Catholic Community a little something or a little prayer. Now to the readings.
“It happened that the word of the Lord was spoken to Abram in a vision, ‘Have no fear, Abram, I am your shield; your reward will be very great.”
I often think of the faith of Abram. How he trusted and left everything. This faith story is your story as well. How many times have you felt the urge to go into the unknown? How many of us has life unfolded exactly as we planned it? We all are always in the process of stepping into the unknown. May we be encouragement to one another and support in our journey of life. And to the cancers out there, may we keep the world guessing!! Love you all.
Tuesday June 27, 2023
Matthew 7:6,12-14
Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Do not give dogs what is holy; and do not throw your pearls in front of pigs, or they may trample them and then turn on you and tear you to pieces.
I really do not know how to interpret this passage. There is obviously something that is lost in translation. So how do we read it?
One of your precious gifts is your energy. After trying over and over again to win over the Pharisees and religious leaders, Jesus lifts up his hands and shakes his head. These guys are exhausting. They find fault with everything he does. Sometimes you just have to do you and let the chips fall where they will. This is particularly hard for people like me who are people pleasers. I thrive on compliments, I want to be liked and so I and people like me will give and give and if we get one little criticism our whole world falls apart.
So there are really two strands of thought here:
1. Guard your energy and do not waste it on the ungrateful.
2. Find joy in your work or in being you and do not go out of your way seeking approval.
I really do not know if this is what our Lord meant but we gave it a try.
Friday June 23, 2023
Matthew 6:19-23
Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Do not store up treasures for yourselves on earth, where moths and woodworms destroy them and thieves can break in and steal. But store up treasures for yourselves in heaven..
Have you ever thought of what is most important in your life and how much time you spend on it? It has always seemed to me that what i treasure somehow tends to get less time. Everything else, this want and that distraction takes up my time and before I know it… I have run out of time. Our dear friend Sheila Laemmle had a beautiful reflection on how time flies by and before we know it, we are sixty or seventy..
So talking about treasure. Right relationship with God and those in our life is the biggest treasure we have. So today we fix what is broken, we improve what is working.