Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

November 14, 2022

Luke 13:35-43

We had an early thanksgiving dinner yesterday with our family and as always we went around saying what we are thankful for. Jack almost holding back tears said he would not have imagined how his life would turn out to be. Almost in disbelief and full of gratitude he said “I would have never imagined that I would be this blessed…” or words to that effect.

This has been a year of great challenges. From my own mistakes which landed me in the media and will live on for years to realizing the presence and love of God in those around me and our church family indeed we are blessed. In today’s gospel Our Lord Jesus asks the blind man. “What do you want?” ”Master, that I may see.”

Can you see my friend? Can you see how present that Lord is? Can you see how he carries you and wishes your eyes were open? Through out the gospels Our Lord opens eyes and asks his disciples to be awake, to see that they are in the kingdom but they are blinded by the trials and tribulations of life. Today I pray that you may see.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

November 11, 2022

Feast of St Matin of Tours

2 John 4-9

Luke 17:26-37

Today we celebrate the feast of St Martin of Tours. Again I regret that I misplaced my book of the saints. We shall pick up a second collection for that book.

I cannot believe I have missed the exaltation from the first reading all these years. Live a life of love. Never heard it put that way before. What other kind of life is there to live? Well I don’t have to go far to realize the other kinds of lives we can live. Allow me to bring out to the surface those lives. This by the way is not meant to be negative but to call us to something else. Do you live a life of regret? Stop it! This life has no text book so we will make mistakes. Make lots of them and learn. How about you over there. Do you live a life of grief. I cannot imagine the pain of losing someone. My heart breaks for a close friend who just lost a son yesterday. I cannot even begin to call you to live another life. Yours now is a different kind but don’t lose heart. Don’t burry yourself in grief. I pray you find a way to live a life of hope, of resurrection.

Maybe there is a third out there who lives a life of fear. Your world is falling apart and you don’t know what tomorrow will be. Well I invite you to live a life of courage. You can do this. It is tough but you and our Lord are tougher.

The gospel at first glance leaves me rather empty. What do I do with this reading? And then I hear a voice, don’t look for big changes. Heck don’t look for changes at all. Just be consistent and the change will gradually overtake you. Our Lord says the kingdom of Yahweh will overtake us, consume us and we might not even notice. “People were eating and drinking, marrying wives and husbands, right up to the day Noah went into the ark, and the flood came..”

Just another reminder to recognize what surrounds you—— God!

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

November 10, 2022

Luke 17:20-25

“The kingdom of God is among you.” They sat around waiting for the kingdom of God to make a grand entrance but little did they know it had already come. Tell me if this is you … have you ever waited for the good times and then after a few years you look back and realize the good old days passed you by?

Jesus in today’s gospel wants us to be the kind of people who see the manifestation of God in the here and now. Again no matter how this day breaks, no matter where you are please start announcing the good news to yourself. Try it for a month and see how happier you are. Say to yourself “Yahweh is with me in this moment.” Fr. John Judie a priest of the archdiocese of Louisville used to say periodically “I am blessed and highly favored.” Tell you what, I have never seen that man have a bad day. I am sure he has had some but his attitude makes it look like he flies over challenges.

Stop looking for it in the future, start recognizing its promptings now.

Another way to think of this is how many people have an amazing wife or partner and simply do not recognize how awesome she is. RECOGNIZE you are a kingdom being.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

November 9,2022

Dedication of the Lateran Basilica

Ezekiel 47:1-2,8-9,12

John 2:13-22

Today we celebrate the feast of the dedication of the Lateran Basilica. I have forgotten much about the significance of this feast. Maybe you can tell me about it in the comments below. I love both readings chosen for this feast.

From the prophet Ezekiel we hear “Wherever the water flows, it will bring life and health”. Think of your life in the Lord and think of it as being sent, flowing, into areas that are starving of life and health. I love the saying “don’t be a downer”. It is an invitation to choose to focus on things that will lift others up. I know that some of us today face unfathomable challenges but maybe if we can bring ourselves to think of how all these challenges are meant to bring us life. Trust me on this one, you will look back someday on the most challenging time of your life and use it to give life and health to another. I have heard this many a time. There isn’t a challenge that you are going through that someone in this church has not had.

By the way, the name Ezekiel means “strengthened by the Lord” maybe you can embody the strength of the Lord today for someone else.

That is how you can be extraordinary today!

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

November 8, 2022

Titus 2:1-8,11-14

Luke 17:7-10

I remember preaching on this gospel passage a few weeks ago. It certainly is a strange one. Unfortunately we are separated by geography, time and culture to fully understand the saying “we are unprofitable servants, we have only done what we were obliged to do.” My take on the passage will come towards the end of this reflection. First a story about being introduced into a culture—- the American culture.

When I came to the USA lots of people did a lot of good, kind and generous things for me. I was instructed even before I came over here how important it was to write thank you cards to people if they did anything for me. So I was very well equipped with thank you cards. The funny thing was, whenever I would say my thanks verbally almost everyone would say “don’t mention it, I am glad to to it.” So after being told a thousand times not to mention it, I stopped saying thank you because nobody wanted to hear it. Then I was accused of not being grateful. Wait you just told me not to mention it and when I don’t mention it, we have a problem?

Language, Culture, Geography has everything to do with phrases.

So “we are unprofitable servants…” I can only imagine that this is a reminder to the early church to consider it an honor to serve others. How many times have leaders in the church acted like little princesses. How many times have the ones who have been called to serve acted like it is such an inconvenience? This is a calling to all those in service not to become little monsters and terrorize the people of God. Actually it is a call to all those who are blessed enough to bless others. Be grateful and consider it an honor to pay it forward. The Batswana say mpa mpa ya lapisa … begging wears people out (the best I can translate it) how about giving, being of service revives the soul.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

November 7, 2022

Titus 1:1-9

Luke 17:1-6

Have you ever thought of the disciples as a hilarious bunch? I mean they had a thousand times to ask Jesus to increase their faith but they chose this moment!!! I mean I would understand if they asked Our Lord to increase their faith when they saw him walk on water or raise a little girl from the dead or that time he healed lepers. But noooo it had to be after the teaching on forgiveness.

Of all the things that they found extremely difficult, letting bygones be bygones was the one they needed an incredible increase in faith. If forgiveness comes easy for you then you are highly blessed and have a lot of control. But if someone has truly and deeply betrayed your trust and you struggle with forgiving them welcome to the club of strugglers. Those for whom forgiveness is an everyday act and sometimes we lose it and lash out only to hold ourselves together after a lot of restraint. You know sometimes I just bite my tongue and remove myself from the presence of folks who went out of their way to hurt me. So I understand the disciples when they ask Our Lord to increase their faith when he asks them to be in a continued state of forgiving. I have met people who have been truly and deeply hurt. They forgive or try to forgive because kills their joy and sense of peace to keep the hurt. Nelson Mandela wisely said “unforgiveness is like drinking poison and hoping someone else dies”.

I want you to think of it in another way. Think of it as building resilience. Be resilient and don’t let the fool steal your joy. Actually it is a power struggle. Don’t give your power base to a nobody.

Love you and pray for me.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

November 4, 2022

Romans 12:3-13

John 10:11-16

It is about 4:30 AM and I am wide awake. I ran out of sleep an hour ago and here I am on my rest day not really resting. Don’t you just hate that when it happens? So I might delete this reflection because.… well not really thinking right.

I have a question to ask you, a very pointed question. Do you find it easy to do for others? Are you the kind of person who springs into action to help another? If yes then here is a second more important question. Are you terrible at doing for yourself? Have you been told that you are too hard on yourself.? There are probably about 10 people in the world who would do anything for others but cannot find the time and courage to truly give the same gift to themselves. To you 10 listen very carefully.

When our Lord said, “the second greatest commandment is to love your neighbor as much as you love yourself “ the emphasis was on “yourself”. I have been trained, raised to neglect self and serve others but truly truly what good is that?? Don’t get me wrong, it gives me much joy and sense of satisfaction to lay down my life but is it a distraction from self care sometimes?

I preach forgiveness but I fail miserably in forgiving myself. I preach patience yet find myself impatient with myself. So today give yourself a good Kentucky Hug. Oh our Lord was so smart. He knew that unless we truly love ourselves, unless we know on an embarrassing level how to tenderly hold ourselves, forgive ourselves, we really are no good to others.

I know of a family who thought teenage pregnancy would never happen in their family. Well it did and it almost broke them. They had to accept that they were just like any other family who struggles with these things. The sad part was that the mother was asked to step down from the parish council because Father (the priest) thought it was a bad idea to have such a family in leadership. Well that is a whole nother blog.

Back to self care. … well I ran out of words. Just be gentle with yourself and do not beat yourself up for being a vulnerable human (well chose carefully with whom you are vulnerable).

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

November 3, 2022

Philippians 3:3-8

Luke 15:1-10

Yesterday we celebrated the feast of all souls but I had worked all night and couldn’t get to blog about the feast. As a child I remember the mass at the cemetery. It was the mass that the altar boys did not fight over to serve.

You know, I love this connection that Catholics have with the dead or as we used to say, the living dead. In the funeral liturgy we say that the bonds of love that knit us together in this life do not unravel with death. There is a bond of love between the church militant (us), the church suffering (those in purgatory) and the church triumphant (those in heaven).

This is where I wish I was more like mama. She is the most intuitive person I know. We never really met our grandmother but it sure felt as if she has always been part of the family. Mama would say “your grandmother visited me last night,” or mama would be getting ready to go somewhere and she would stop in her tracks and say “grandmother says not to go this way or not to go at all.” I thought mama was superstitious but now I think it a gift. There are people among us who are gifted, who are intuitive, in touch. They should be celebrated and not pushed away as “superstitious”.

Anyway what is the message of all souls…. Live! Live your life, find your mission, run your race on your own time, own pace, own lane. Trust me, there is plenty of time to be dead so don’t die before you die… LIVE.

I also wanna mention here one of the great regrets of the dying. They often say “I wish I lived a life true to myself and not the life others wished for me.” May you find the courage to do so. I know the sense of responsibility that you feel makes this statement difficult to live out. But at some point, if you can, please live your life not a life others wish for you.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Feast of all Saints

Tuesday November 1, 2022

Whenever this feast comes around, I remember a story that was told by Fr. Phillip Chircop SJ our dear friend. He was giving a retreat to the sisters of Saint Mother Theresa of Calcata, a great saint of our time. Fr Phillip had met the holy lady a number of times. Anyway after her death he was invited to lead a retreat in Calcata with her nuns. This is a great honor to preach in the very mother house of a great holy lady like St. Mother Theresa. As he was giving the retreat he noticed the sisters giggling. Him thinking he had knocked it out of the park asked at lunch why everyone was smiling and giggling during his talk. One of the sisters in a very deep Indian accent said “Oh fader, it was so obvious you never lived with the woman (she used another word here that may not be too holy for this space)” And the whole refractory erupted in belly hurting laughter. Well Fr Phillip being a Jesuit threw his prepared remarks and said let me hear it.

Come to find out that St. Mother Theresa was a pain to live with. She was totally irrational, totally unpredictable and yet she blundered her way into sainthood. And I love love absolutely love this… blundered her way into the heart of God. Because finally I have a saint who never claimed to be too holy, never had the gift of bilocation just a woman who tried and tried and led the whole world try with her to end poverty among many things.

So as we reflect on the saints please remember you are a saint too and there is no book, no rubrics just life. Saints tell us God is in all things even in the blunders.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

October 31, 2022

Philippians 2:1-4

Luke 14:12-14

I love reading stories of the early church and the formation that took place. Today in the letter to the Philippians they are encouraged to “think of others as better than you”. That does not land well for our times but we can interpret it to mean try your very best to make your neighbors life easier and happier each day. Life is difficult enough and believers ought not burden others but always ask ourselves how we can be of service. Our little community has found out that even when we ourselves are struggling to make ends meet we still reach out to help others. The truth is if we do not reach out, we run the risk of throwing pity parties for ourselves.

In the gospel Jesus again looks out for the outcasts. He says to the Pharisee “if you have a banquet invite to it people with leprosy… “ that will clear the room won’t it? Invite sinners… he is inviting and challenging the Pharisee to have room for those who have felt abandoned and left out. Do you know what the word Catholic means? It means “here comes everybody or errbody” it really matters how you make people feel. For the first time, in the presence of Jesus that divorced person felt .. it’s going to be alright.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

October 28, 2022

Feast of Saints Simon and Jude

Ephesians 2:19-22

Luke 6:12-19

You know I lost my book of saints so I really don’t know much about Saint Simon and Jude. Maybe you can share with us in the comments something about them. I know they shed their blood for the gospel. This gospel that we celebrate today has come to us at a great cost. Have you ever wondered though what upset the authorities so much about the message of Jesus that they would brutally kill his disciples? Challenging peoples beliefs can be risky. Our Lord was introducing a loving caring God and the authorities did not like it. Anyway…

The gospel passage that we have is about the calling of the twelve apostles. You know, our Lord did not call to ministry the experts. There is a time and place for experts but God needs people who can relate. I think this is why you should never discount or under sell your contribution to the kingdom. Each one of us has a message from God. My prayer today is that you embrace your calling. I am reminded today of a guy from the Burg called John Mudd. He was a regular guy who in his own way revealed the presence of God. He found a way of speaking God. May you find and love your own way of planting the kingdom.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

October 27, 2022

Ephesians 6:10-20

Lk 13:31-35

Good morning!!! I am thoroughly enjoying Ephesians and doing these Mass reflections. It reminds me so much of those early days in the priesthood. Anyway I was listening to some violent MMA fighter. He had just brutally won a fight and frankly I should not even be talking about him in this holy space. But God is everywhere right? Anyway this guy said “I know God exits because I have seen demons.” This man has seen darkness and through that experience has come to know the existence of God. You know Ephesians 6:12 states “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against the powers of darkness….” You gotta know this my friend, the devil is working overtime to bring you down. When I see someone being incredibly mean and uncharitable I know whose nerve I hit. When someone goes out of their way to hurt you, it’s not them (in a way), it’s those principalities of darkness. So put on Christ, smile away and tell you what? Nothing beats evil than a happy Christian who even if he/she falls, gets up and keeps moving.

Christ has won the victory for you, rise and shine.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

October 26, 2022

Ephesians 6:1-9

Luke 12:22-30

The first reading brings up something I have struggled with as an adult Christian. To think that the Bible actually says “slaves be obedient to your masters” that is tough. I need someone else to unpack that for me. In South Africa the Catholic Church went along with segregated churches and masses. It was the Anglicans lead by Bishop Desmond Tutu who fought in season and out of season so we could use the same water fountain.

In the gospel Jesus is asked how tough it will be to enter heaven. His response is “it will almost be impossible…. Try to enter by the narrow gate”. In fact he says “strive”. What are we to do with this, what is the good news here Fr. Chibundi. Here is my take. If you are not part of the kingdom now, it will be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle. If you are waiting to die to enjoy heaven it may be too late. Those who are doing God’s work now are already in the kingdom. Ask yourself, do I visit the imprisoned? Feed the hungry? Practice patience? Give drink to the thirsty? Change diapers? Hey rejoice the kingdom of God is here and you are in it agent of God. Don’t procrastinate heaven.

Fr. Chibundi

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

October 25, 2022

Mass Readings

Eph 5:21-33

Lk 13:18-21

Good morning loved one. Many people have thrown away Ephesians 5 because of that one little controversial verse we find in it. Verse 22 states “wives submit to your husbands” Yes Yes I will go there. Before you stone me, I beg of you to read the entire passage. It actually invites men to almost break themselves in half to love and provide. It invites men to love their wives as Christ loves the church. In a way invites us to sacrifice ourselves. This is an incredibly powerful passage for raising young men. We need strong, self sacrificing men who give their very lives to their families. I think that is good news. The submitting part is what lands not so well in our time and culture. It is about respect. Are you respectful? Do you undercut, undermine, publicly humiliate the other? This sounds ridiculous right? Walk a mile in the life of a police officer and you will hear and see how disrespect among couples has rotted our culture.

Just saying…. Read the whole passage!!! It has so much life.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

October 24, 2022

Mass Readings


Lk 13:10-17

Happy Monday to you and a happy Independence Day to my home country of Zambia. We have a lot to be thankful for as a country.

Can I ask you to do something? Pause the reflection and go read today’s gospel passage. A unbelievable scene happens in the life of Jesus. He is at synagogue and his eye catches the sight of a woman who is enfeebled. This woman is bent over and has been held captive by a terrible disease for 18 years. Well Jesus is moved with compassion and heals her. The gospel does not say that he was moved with compassion but those of us who know him know that he felt deeply. Anyways he heals her. The trouble is, he did it on the sabbath. Are you kidding me. They don’t rejoice that someone who was In pain is healed but they get into a tizzy because our Lord did it on the sabbath.

I once read a book written by an Anglican priest titled: A manifesto of how to become a bad Christian and a good human being. A funny title it is but this priest was saying if being a Christian makes you an intolerable human being well ditch Christianity then. Jesus was a bad, a very bad Jew. He healed on a sabbath, he touched lepers, he welcomed sinners he did all the wrong things that his religion forbids. Well and just see what a beautiful kingdom he brought about. Sometimes you gotta go outside the walls. Come and see how we do it at Rabbouni.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

October 21, 2022

Readings Eph 4:1-6, Lk 12:54-59

Our reflection today will make you want to stone me. But it has to be said…. Jesus can’t stand stupid!!! Yup I said it. Seriously though he can’t stand stupid. Listen to his words in todays gospel: Jesus said to the crowds: ‘When you see a cloud looming up in the west you say at once that rain is coming, and so it does. And when the wind is from the south you say it will be hot, and it is. Hypocrites! You know how to interpret the face of the earth and the sky. How is it you do not know how to interpret these times?

We all go through different stages in our lives but if you can’t read that as we reach our 40s it is time to stop acting like a teenager and get a grip on what is truly important then we gotta put the coffee mug down and smack you at the back of your head so you wake up. Get a grip man!!!

You know I preach to myself first before I ever preach to anyone right? The question goes to all of us, what time is it for you. Obviously Jesus is frustrated with people who cannot see the hand of God in his work but criticize him constantly. But this can be read in so many different ways. Do you see the hand of God in others? Get a grip man. Do you see the hand of God in your life? Duh!! Recognize that you are in the kingdom of God. That means for some of us, our behavior has to change with our age.


Fr. Lawman Robert Chibundi

Jesus don’t like stupid.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

October 20, 2022

Mass Readings: Eph 3:14-21, Lk 12:49-53

Todays Gospel invites us to reflect on the personal cost of discipleship. I used to think that being a Christian was about getting along with people. You know, not ruffling any feathers. Come to find out it is actually about taking a stand, a strong stand and that always ruffles feathers. Do you suppose that I have come to bring peace on earth? No!! I have come to start a fire and how I wish it was already blazing.

Here in America that fire is ablaze. If you don’t believe me, try to talk politics at your next family reunion and the police will be called to settle matters.

Well let’s talk about the right kind of fire. Passion for doing God’s work. Are you ablaze on it. Does it fire you up when you see someone burdened with guilt? Beating themselves up for being human? Does it fire you up and spring you into action and convert you to being the very mercy of God? That is the right kind of fire. Jesus wishes you and I were on fire with the blazing love of God. When we love the judged and condemned, trust me we will ruffle feathers.

So go ahead today and do some radical understanding of someone else, some radical giving of your time, go ahead and let Christ light a fire in you. From what I can tell, you are already on fire because you kept reading this.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

October 19, 2022

Mass readings: Eph 3:2-12, Lk 12:38-49

Do you know what the big deal in the early church was? Well it is not such a big deal today but back then it was. Jesus brother, St. James the Just or rather our Lord’s cousin, who was bishop of Jerusalem had to call a council about this. It almost broke the church!! The big deal was …. What in the world do we do with these pagans who are claiming Christ. The leader of the pagan movement was a Jew (St. Paul) who seemed to think that anyone can be a member of the way if they but profess Christ. This blessing was a pain in the neck for the early church.

Well is there something in your life right now that is a great inconvenience? Do you think it has found it’s way in your life to bless you? Yes it has. You may not even reap the blessing but if you seek God in it, trust me there will be life. Having preached this I realize that I still feel the need to scratch someone’s face who hurt me. I gotta believe though that God will make all things new. Have a blessed day and don’t sweat it.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

October 18, 2022

Tuesday October 18th reflection:

Today at daily mass we celebrate the feast of St. Luke the evangelist. My thoughts however are still with our Sunday readings. I was struck by Our Lord’s instruction that we are to pray continuously. I remember hearing that years ago and adopting the Jesus prayer. Some of you will remember it, Jesus Son of David have mercy on me. The message I got either directly or indirectly was that if I said this prayer I would automatically become holy and all my issues disappear.

Then I went to seminary at a Benedictine monastery and they told me something else. Work and Pray. I liked the praying part and not so much the work part. As you start your day I want you to have this thought at the back of your mind, and front of your mind. Whatever it is, work as if everything depended on you and pray as if everything depended on God.

You will go through ups and downs but I tell you if you work and pray without ceasing you will see the diamond that you are.

Love you.

Fr. Lawman Robert Chibundi

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