December 13, 2022
Matthew 21:28-32
Entitled!!! The Chief priests and elders of the people thought that they were entitled to having a place in the kingdom of God because why not? They were priests after all. Some thought they were entitled to the kingdom because they belonged to the tribe of Judah. Our Lord says to them and to us that none of that matters. In fact no one can lay claim to the kingdom based only on some exaggerated sense of self. He says I tell you solemnly, tax collectors and prostitutes are making their way into the kingdom of God before you. He says this because our Lord has found more hospitality among those who were judged as not worthy than among the judges. I have said before, I have found more love and understanding from the people of God than from the professional religious.
Today we are challenged by our Lord. It is not enough to say Lord, Lord. It is not enough to say I am baptized or I belong to this or that church. The question is ARE YOU KIND?
December 12, 2022
Matthew 21:23-27
A very happy Monday to you my friend. How much energy do you have? How much time do you have? Not enough! That is my answer and I bet the answer of most people. This is why today’s scripture passage is so important and I invite you to read it. In a nutshell, the Pharisees come up to Jesus and ask him under whose authority he teaches or does his ministry. They see themselves as the custodians of Gods ministry and Jesus did not ask them for permission to engage in the works of the Kingdom. Jesus responds and says to them “don’t waste my time by asking silly questions, I am not telling you.” Well I improvised there
But seriously again I say to you, do not waste your energy on people who have already made up their minds about you. Just go on doing and planting the kingdom in your own unique way. Your works will speak louder than anything. The truth is that some people are miserable and they cannot stand your success. I tell you what, it drives the haters crazy when you don’t engage them. Jesus shuts down the Pharisees and continues on with a smile. You know if you don’t know your worth, you will be explaining yourself to everyone. Don’t do that.
December 9, 2022
Matthew 11:16-19
Have you ever wondered how he just kept going? We sometimes think that Jesus had it good except for the last week of his life. But a closer look at his life as it comes to us through scripture, we find someone who is attacked from every angle. In today’s gospel he says “The Son of Man came, eating and drinking, and they say, “Look, a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.”
I wonder if it ever got to him. I wonder if he had to go away sometimes to a place he could simply be. Heck he did not even have a house. Remember when he said “Birds of the air have nests, foxes have dens but the son of man has nowhere to lay his head.” Anyway I don’t mean to preach a downer here but Our Lord kept going. He could not let the nay sayers win.
I know that you too have kept going. You who sometimes can barely make it, you have picked the pieces up and put on your big boy pants. I think the message this Friday is to you my friend. Never grow tired of living out your mission. There will be plenty of people who will have a lot of negatives to say but there are plenty more cheering you on. We are wired to hear the negative voices but maybe this advent we rewire ourselves to hear the angels who cheer us on. By the way, the Lord has put on my heart to speak to one person in particular who appears successful and is indeed successful. But there is a hidden sadness in you. All will be answered some day just practice patience. Love you
December 8, 2022
Luke 1:26-38
The blessed mother has a special place in the hearts of Catholics. One of the first prayer I learned was the Hail Mary. It is a prayer that to this day brings me much comfort. The actually holds the key for all of us who want to bring Christ into the world. There is the key friends, this is what you pray for every day “The Holy Spirit will come upon you’ the angel answered ‘and the power of the Most High will cover you with its shadow”. Say it loud in the first person, the power of the Lord is upon me. Not someday in the future when I stop sinning and become a saint. No, now when I am shaking and unsure, now when there are so many uncertainties
God is working overtime.
Talking about that, please remember Rabbouni with your end of year giving. That is one way we know that we are watched over. I love our ministry and your donations is literally keeping us open.
December 7, 2022
Isaiah 40:25-31
Make sure you read the scripture passage for today. It has many beautiful lines that can become our mantra as we go about this beautiful day. Towards the end of the passage we read “those that put their hope in the Lord They run and do not grow weary,
walk and never tire.” I want that to be my mantra as we approach Christmas.
At the heart of this reading though we find an Israelite community that feels as if God has forgotten them. They have this feeling that He does not know their name. “How can you say, Jacob, how can you insist, Israel,
‘My destiny is hidden from the Lord,
my rights are ignored by my God’?” I don’t think it has ever come to that for me but I know it has for many. God is saying in a very emphatic way “You are constantly on my mind, please know that.” Maybe the simple message of today is “God knows, He knows.”
December 6, 2022
Isaiah 40:1-11
A voice cries, ‘Prepare in the wilderness a way for the Lord.
Make a straight highway for our God across the desert.
This cry from the prophet Isaiah reminds us of St. John the Baptist. He is that charismatic figure, prophet, man of God, who announced the coming of our Lord. He is known to have asked even demanded for a radical transformation of the people of Israel. Well, a radical transformation of you and I if we are to receive the Lord. His preaching is famously known for the word… REPENT. Sit with that word for a second, say it out loud “ I must Repent.” Does that make you feel good or guilty? Frankly it makes me uncomfortable, I immediately think I have been doing something wrong. My Catholic guilt kicks in big time.
The word that is translated as repent is “metanoia”. It actually has little to do with the whole “I must be doing something wrong.” From my understanding, metanoia means “change the way you are thinking” or “go beyond the way you are knowing.” The invitation is to think differently. Do you know how many valleys are filled in and mountains made low when I make a firm decision to stop thinking myself as a victim? The world suddenly changes when we become bringers of joy. What kind of thinking needs to change for you so that the kingdom of God opens up?
December 5, 2022
Luke 5:17-26
A very happy Monday to you. Todays gospel passage has the account of Jesus healing a paralyzed man who was brought in by his friends. The religious professionals were scandalized that Jesus in healing this man said “your sins are forgiven.” That was their takeaway, that Our Lord had the audacity to forgive someone and set them free.
Well before we even talk about the healing, let us talk about this man’s friends. These guys were unbelievable. The place was crowded so they somehow got their buddy on the roof. But not only that…. Being paralyzed in this time and culture meant that he was some terrible sinner and God was punishing him. Do you have friends like that? People around you who want the best for you. People around who say we don’t care what the religious professionals say, we see you and your pain. I remember years ago in the old country the church had this terrible attitude. If someone died of suicide, that person’s body was not allowed in the church. In fact the priest would not go to the house of the bereaved. There was no understanding of the mental illness that would lead someone to do this terrible thing, there was no understanding and compassion for the family left with questions. What fascinated me was that the simple people in the village always showed up. They brought food and gave the deceased ’the last bath.’ The people of God for me have always shown me a God with broad shoulders.
These friends are the kind of people we should surround ourselves with. People who want what is good for you. Advent gives us an opportunity to be one of those people who carried the paralyzed man to the Lord. And when you get a chance, tell someone what their company and friendship has meant to you. I know you got people. Thank you for being my person.
December 2, 2022
Isaiah 29:17-24
A very happy Friday to you my friend. I will start with a quick announcement before reflecting on the readings. Remember that we have our parish retreat tomorrow at Sacred Heart Oratory in Indiana. The oratory is by Mount St. Francis. Please join us if you can. We start at 1 pm with lunch and end with mass at 5 pm.
The prophet Isaiah says today that in a very short time, the deaf will hear and the blind will see. The prophet announces that the day of the Lord is fast approaching and a great reversal shall happen. Those who were thought to be cursed or unlucky or unfortunate will have their blessing. You know it is now that I realize how blessed I have always been. We grew up poor but that poverty has been the biggest blessing because it taught me so much about hard work, stretching the dollar and finding joy in simple things. Tell me about yourself. Is there something in your life that when you were going through it was the biggest pain but now it is the biggest blessing? I know a woman who told me the most scandalous thing. You won’t believe this… she said “father, that divorce opened my eyes, it has been the biggest blessing….”
I pray that during this advent season you may see how God has intervened in your life and made lemonade out of the lemons.
God bless and see you at the retreat.
December 1, 2022
Matthew 7:21,24-27
Our Lord says in today’s gospel “It is not those who say to me, “Lord, Lord,” who will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the person who does the will of my Father in heaven.”
A question that is asked in the study of the gospels is “where these the actual words of Jesus.” I thought everything in the gospel was from the mouth of the Lord. But no, literally genre reveals to us that some words were put on the lips of Jesus. That however is another topic which I would like to discuss with you some other time. For now, what is your opinion? Do you think the words above were from the lips of Jesus? Or could it be that these words are meant for the early church that is growing at a rapid pace. Many are walking around claiming Jesus to be Lord because it gets them somewhere, it is a convenient claim. The trouble is there is not enough evidence to convict them as Christians. That is the question which you and I should ask ourselves. If we were to be on trial for being a Christian, would they find enough evidence to convict us?
It is not enough to say Lord, Lord or I belong to this church or that church. It is about DOING the WILL of the Father. I have to put this in the language of my folks in Lebanon Kentucky. Melissa in Lebanon once said to me “Father, some people don’t come to church because of people who come to church.” Now here is the kicker, I suspect you know someone who makes that statement true. What if, we don’t look over the shoulder but within and ask ourselves if that could be me. In religious life we call this the examination of conscience. We all do it before confession, we ask ourselves if our actions reflect our faith. Advent is a good time to examine ourselves, not others.
Back to the actual words of Jesus. It took great courage in those days to call Jesus of Nazareth LORD. There was one lord back then and his name was Caesar. To say Jesus is Lord historically was tantamount to treason. It was a revolution, it was inviting the wrath of Rome into your life. Remember, people lost their heads for this proclamation. Just something to think about. Let me end with these wise words from St. Francis “PREACH ALWAYS, WHEN NECESSARY USE WORDS.”
November 30, 2022
Feast day of St. Andrew
Today we celebrate St. Andrew brother of Simon Peter. Legend has it that he and his big brother St. Peter were out fishing when Jesus passed by and asked them to take a chance with him. Leaving everything behind, he and Peter left and embarked on a new journey. Think back to your first day on the job. Do you remember the nerves, the self criticism that you visited on yourself. It is not easy to leave behind anything and start anew. But isn’t that life though? There are a few out there who are squared away and handle their new journeys without a flinch. I can’t stand you lol. I always seem to have nervous energy and do a lot of self talk. Often before a homily I nervously pray “Lord give me the words please please” or *relax relax, you were created for this”.
I cannot even imagine leaving behind a stable life of being a fisherman and embarking on a unstable, unpredictable journey of discipleship. To make matters more complicated, you get to work with your brother who is known to put his foot in his mouth a lot. St. Andrew found his way in this life. In his own way he planted the kingdom. I pray that you look at your life and how it has turned out to be. I pray there is a smile on your face because nervously, unsure and sometimes confident you found your calling.
November 29, 2022
Luke 10:21-24
I bless you, Father, Lord of heaven and of earth, for hiding these things from the learned and the clever and revealing them to mere children.
At some point any religion is bound to be hijacked by the professionals and before you know it, the important things become the less important things and the mundane things take center stage. Do you remember the big fight over whether to use precious metal for our chalices or anything, whether the response to the greeting in church should be ”And also with you” or ”And with your “Spirit”. In Africa we fought whether we could play drums in church or only the organ or piano. The list goes on.
I have mentioned before a book written by an Anglican priest entitled “How to become a good human being and a bad Christian”. He argues that Jesus was willing to become a bad Jew so he can teach us a way to God. A good Jew of his time would not touch a leper or a corpse but Jesus did these things and made himself unclean. During this advent season how are you being called to bring God in places the holy priest cannot go?
What is God revealing to us? What is Gid revealing to the simple …. Maybe it is this, the kingdom of God is not far, it is not complicated. Start by seeing yourself and your family as Gift.
November 28, 2022
Isaiah 4:2-6
Matthew 8:5-11
The season of advent is upon us once again. Once again we gather as church to begin the preparation for the grand entrance, the grand intervention of Yahweh into human history. The problem that I have seen with advent is that we have brought the child and forgotten the mother. What do I mean? Well advent was not born out of a vacuum. There was a mood that gave birth to it. In theology we call this the PAROUSIA. It is a Greek word that means “the second coming.” You see the early church had an urgency to it. By the time St. Mathew was writing his gospel (90AD), some of the things Jesus had predicted had already happened. Jerusalem had fallen in 70 AD. So the early church in this mood, in this climate they thought he would show up in the crowds any moment now. Remember there were some who refused to work because they thought it a waste of time if Jesus was seconds away from taking them in the rupture. I think our expectations of the second coming are very different now and maybe also our preparation for it. So how does advent preach?
Think of preparing for the three comings of the messiah. He came in time, He will come at the end of time and he comes every moment of our lives. Our tasks in this season is not to miss the way God shows up today. I tell you most solemnly before this day ends, he will come to you. Maybe just by reading this and sharing he is telling you about his presence in your life. I love you.
November 25, 2022
Psalm 83
Luke 21:29-33
I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving day indeed. This is a special time of the year and can also be a very difficult time. I know of a family that gathered for the first time without their son, a husband and good good man. Death strikes and leaves us empty. I am thinking of you and I cannot even begin to imagine the gapping wound in your heart. With you in mind, you who is about to have a very difficult season, I say the words of the Psalm “Here God lives among men.”
When the psalmist was writing these words, Israel was going through a hellish time. War on every side, Jerusalem reduced to a heap of destruction and only the anawim (the remnant) of Israel lipping along. He looked at what others would call, a sorry excuse of life and he remarked “Here God lives among men.” What in the world did he see?
Perhaps he saw someone like you. Someone whose family has been through the ringer and yet you find time to smile, to laugh. Perhaps he saw someone at their wits end, struggling to raise and understand a child with autism and through all that never ever quitting.
So in the spirit of thanksgiving I want to say to you THANK YOU. You revive my spirit. When I see how blessed you are, when I see how resilient you are, I know I have met Yahweh. Love you so much.
November 23, 2022
Psalm 97
The psalmist sings at the top of his voice today “How great and wonderful are your works O Lord God of hosts.” Once I sat looking in total bewilderment at the might Victoria falls in the place I was born and I said God is truly great for creating this. I remember driving around in South Africa with Mary Ann and seeing the beauty of Cape Town and from Mary Ann ‘s lips the words came from deep within her heart “I have never seen something this beautiful.” Indeed the earth sings of the majesty of God.
Now I want you to do something even more difficult in thinking about God’s great creation. YOU! Have you ever thought yourself as Gods great work of art? I follow this lady on instagram who has lost 100 lbs on her journey to becoming healthy. At one time she was 250 lbs. Do you know what she said. It greatly touched me. She was taking a picture and her eyes went to the sagging skin on her belly and she screamed at her inner self… stop it, stop it, just look how far we have come.
Can we look at ourselves with the scars that we bear as God’s great work of art!!! Our scars tell a story. Some have physical scars, others emotional scars, others psychological scars. Just know this, the greatest creation of God is you. My favorite quote or prayer is “O God help me accept the truth about myself no matter how good it is.”
So as you join the psalmist in saying, singing “How great and wonderful are your works O Lord God of Hosts” just think YOU.
November 22, 2022
Hosea 2:16,17,21-22
I decided to go with the reading of the Feast of St. Cecilia today because I think we need to transition. I like the eschatological theme we have been having but I think we get it, life ends focus on what does not end. Pivot!!!
The first line from Hosea says “The Lord says this:
I am going to lead her out into the wilderness
and speak to her heart.” I remember as a young passionist brother we used to have “desert days.” Usually on Fridays we were encouraged to go find a quiet place, be alone and quiet enough to hear the voice of God. Here is the deal … that is luxury. I mean I am not knocking quiet days but as I have been plunged into the real, crazy, screaming, petty fights world I know it is luxury to go find a quiet place and let God speak. The desert wasn’t luxury though. The Jewish people almost quit in the desert. They had to rearrange their lives, deal with snakes, deal with the fighting Amorites, don’t forget the thirst and no fried chicken. They said to Moses “it would have been better for us to die as slaves than be in this freaking place.” I once met a woman who asked me to pray for her and she said “father, just one minute of peace would be nice.”
So what does this all mean? Leading me into the desert to speak to me? Life is a desert experience. Here we have to figure things out, here we have to readjust again and again. The desert can be a tough place to hear God. But the Jewish people did hear the voice of Yahweh amidst that tough rough place. I said two weeks ago at church that there isn’t an experience you are having now which someone in this church has not had. So I pray that you find the right person to talk to about your crazy, loving, hurting, healing family and life. You can do this!!!
November 21, 2022
Luke 21:1-4
A very happy Monday to you! Before I get into the reflection of the day I want to personally thank you so much for hearing and responding to our plea for the end of year giving. I got an F in seminary for fund raising but you make me look good.
In today’s gospel Jesus notices a poor widow drop in her last two coins in the offertory and he remarks that she put in more than others. This passage has been so misused by animators of the word. Yes there is an offering but in my opinion it has little to do with giving. I think it has a lot to do with what informs you. Have you noticed the things that catch Jesus eye? Lots of Rabbis saw this poor lady but nothing really was tugging at their hearts. But for our Lord, it touched a nerve. You know the biggest blessing you have is your upbringing!!! There are things you see that others don’t. Something tells me Our Lord saw his mama in that poor woman, it probably reminded him of the days he longed for something to eat as his poor mother shared the little food she had.
Remember this, we all have an experience of authority but what really counts is the authority of our experience. The authority of our experiences is the place of sacrament, that is the language God uses to speak to our souls. For those who are born with privilege, what a blessing that is, for those born in shanty towns what a blessing that is. All of us, I mean all of us have incredibly unique experiences that can help us see others. I bet Jesus instructed Judas to make sure the poor lady had enough to feed her family.
One of the best officers I know found herself working in the domestic violence unit. Then I heard her story and it all made sense. Enough said. What a relief it is to be seen, truly seen.
November 18, 2022
Luke 19:45-48
From everything we have learned about him, our Lord was cool, calm and collected. I mean even in the face of great betrayal, he never lost his temper. Well except for today. He reached his limit, he could not take it anymore and like a mad man he drives the money changers out the temple. Do you know what courage that took? Try to drive a Nigerian out of the market and you have a fight. Don’t mess with people’s money.
I wonder why the gospel writers did not edit this one little detail out. It is kinda embarrassing.
When it comes to the house of the Lord and it’s rightful use Our Lord is ready to fight. He wants those demons out and boy don’t they fight back. If you have been in the charismatic renewal you know a thing about driving out demons. Some can only be driven out with prayer and fasting. I have a friend who with the help of God is battling the demon of alcohol. This demon has grandchildren and great grandchildren hiding inside him but it has to go. I can tell you it is a brutal process. I have another friend trying to drive the demon of shame out. It has build mansions inside her. Everything has to be broken down and it’s painful but necessary work.
Our Lord does not clean the temple once. He stands at the door of our temples and knocks. He gets in and if he finds a willing partner he starts the fight. Your life is worth fighting for, it is worth cleaning up. Remember you are meant to be a house of prayer not a market. BTW markets have a smell… I mean the kind of markets I went to in Zambia. I can smell the fish to this day. Clean up the temple, your life in Jesus Name
November 17, 2022
Luke 19:41-44
This past Sunday Jesus was In Jerusalem and remarked while in the temple that not one stone will be left standing on another. Now we cannot really appreciate those words because we are separated by time, geography and culture. But as I said last Sunday, that statement was made on April 4, 30 AD. We know this because extra biblical sources put the death of our Lord on April 7th, 30 AD.
In today’s gospel Jesus says the same thing over the city of Jerusalem. “Yes, a time is coming when your enemies will raise fortifications all round you, when they will encircle you and hem you in on every side; they will dash you and the children inside your walls to the ground; they will leave not one stone standing on another within you.” How does this preach?
I asked on Sunday how many times has the world as you knew it come to an end? A world that seemed so strong and secure. I certainly thought my father would live forever. He seemed so big and strong and then it suddenly happened. We were left with nothing. Think of the young man with cancer. One day he is strong and invincible and then it suddenly happens. Think of a happily married person who suddenly finds herself crying her eyes out in the bathroom.
This is not meant to be depressing but the church wants us to always remember that nothing in this world is permanent. We are invited to put our trust in the things of heaven that never pass away. Build relationships with God and ordinarily annnnd extraordinary people. This month of November we meditate on the last things, on Eschatology.
On that note I need to make an ask. I am not a fun of these asks and I dreaded them during CSA (Catholic Service Appeal) when I was with the archdiocese. For your end of year giving, would you consider Rabbouni Catholic Community. Our budget is hurting big time and we would appreciate your help. Love you!!
November 16, 2022
Luke 19:11-28
Today we hear the parable of the tenants. The gist of it is: three people were given gifts, two of the three used the gift and doubled it but one of them, knowing how demanding his master was, became afraid. He dug a hole and stalled the money there. The master came back and it sure was not a good day for guy number 3.
Couple of things here. Who were your best teachers in school? Those who pushed you or those you pushed around? Looking back I truly learned more about life from demanding teachers, priests. Everything goes is a nice slogan but it makes for a sluggish life. God is demanding!!! Say that one more time …. God is demanding!!!
Our Lord challenges his disciples to take risks, he encourages us never to be paralyzed by fear of failure or success. Fear is a terrible thing indeed. Yes yes it keeps us alive but there is a kind of fear that locks and shuts everything down. This is the fear that we must courageously fight. The scariest time of my life was leaving the safety of Rome. I must have been mad to do it. But there was a little bit of trust that God will catch me if I were to fall. Yes there were times when I lived on rice and beans and feared mama would starve because I had lost my income but I felt called to something different.
Look at your life!! Hmmm truly you have stepped out in faith when you did not have all the answers. Sometimes things did not work out but you readjusted and found a way.
The long and short of it is this… don’t sit on the gift that you are because you are afraid. Trust, exercise your faith and plant the kingdom. That might mean finding to smile about on your saddest day. Love you!!
November 15, 2022
Luke 19:1-10
St. Luke has had Jesus on a long journey to Jerusalem. Along the way Jesus has made disciples and lost disciples. Life has had its ups and downs but onward Jesus goes to meet his future. This life does not seem to wait for anyone it just keeps going.
Anyway, the last disciple and I dare say the biggest and most enthusiastic disciple Jesus makes as he treks towards Jerusalem is Zaccheaus. You remember him as the greedy tax collector but actually he is the epitome of discipleship. Look he gives half his property to the poor and pays back four times over if he has cheated anyone. Can any of the disciples say they did that?
What is interesting in this story is what is missed in the English translation. In English it appears as if Zach starts giving to the poor and to those he has cheated after he meets Jesus. But in the original language it is not that clear cut. He says “I give half my property to the poor..” it could be that he starts this behavior after meeting Jesus or he has been doing it but no one notices. People have already made up their minds about him. No matter what he has been doing, it won’t change what they think. This is why I love scripture. If you do things so others can see you and approve of you, you will find a multitude for whom you can never do right. So what is the message??? Don’t stick around waiting for approval from folks. They are buried in their own issues. However God knows what you do and that is enough.
Stop please stop trying to convince people who have already made up their minds about you. God is the only one we should seek approval from. By the way, didn’t Jesus a few chapters back say it was easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven? Well Mr Zach is showing us that with Gods help all is possible.
Hey keep doing the good you do!! Love you!!!