Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Wednesday August 23, 2023

Matthew 10:1-16

Jesus said to his disciples: ‘The kingdom of heaven is like a landowner going out at daybreak to hire workers for his vineyard.

I hope you take the time reading through this one beautiful parable. It certainly does not feel right, it does not seem right that all the workers should get the same pay. In my opinion this parable may not have been spoken by Jesus but directed to the early church by the author of the Gospel of Matthew.

What is he getting at and how does it preach. Do you feel like there are people who own the church? They are the movers and shakers of events at the parish level. I don’t see that in our small community mainly because of our size (thank God) but there are parishes especially in my old country where this is felt. People feel ENTITLED to holy mother church. It could be priests, bishops, parishioners. Listen, the church, the kingdom of God is NOT your possession. You are not in charge here, God is.

So yes it seems unfair that everyone gets the same pay. Some of the early church members had sweat blood and tears for this beautiful life and others came in at the eleventh hour and yet they all get eternal life to the same degree.

Whenever you get frustrated like I do with this reading, remember the 13th Commandment. There is but One God and you are not it.

Love you very much y’all and if you can remember Rabbouni in your financial plans this month. I appreciate you.

Fr. Chibundi

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Tuesday August 22, 2023

Matthew 19:10-28

Jesus said to his disciples, ‘I tell you solemnly, it will be hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Yes, I tell you again, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.’

Well they just have to identify differently on that day and can enter. Just joking my friend.

What is left of value in the end? I asked that question on a very personal level. In the end we stand before God , before ourselves with nothing. For some of us that can be scary. Imagine the first day you realized that daddy or mommy were busy and were not coming.. I remember that day like yesterday when I had to become an adult and start accumulating. Now I hear another call. Have but don’t have. Practice detachment and you will be free.

Jesus says of those who carry titiles and prestige, of those who think they are who they are because of worth or family name. He says to all of us FIND THYSELF and you find happiness, nirvana, heaven!!

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Monday August 21, 2023

Matthew 19:16-22

Jesus said, ‘If you wish to be perfect, go and sell what you own and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.’

Giving! By the time I became a priest I would squirm upon hearing that word. It came in threes — give of your time, talent and treasure. It was a weird ask especially after the priest sex abuse scandal. I hated second collections and though not true at all it seemed like my parish priest talked about money a lot. The Truth is he did not but it just seemed so.

A few weeks ago I started a homily by asking what your net worth was. I deliberately let that one hang/suspend a little before talking about our net worth being God.

Anyway, have you, yes you given up your treasures? Remember the first commandment. Love God with all of you? For those rich in worry, learn to trust God. For those attached to whatever, learn detachment and for those in grief try to move towards acceptance. Your loved one wants you alive. Do not die before you die!!

Find your possessions or rather what possesses you and begin to untangle yourself. It here today and maybe gone tomorrow. Love you and be strong as we practice detachment.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Friday August 18, 2023

Joshua 24:1-13

I gave you a land where you never toiled, you live in towns you never built; you eat now from vineyards and olive-groves you never planted.”’

I just took the last verse of this beautiful passage from the Old Testament. Joshua goes through the history of Israel down to where they find themselves. But he tells the story with God as the subject. God gathered the tribes of Israel, God led them to freedom. It was all God all the way.

See how it changes your life when you give to God credit of where you are. God brought mama and Dad, God blessed dad with a job. Down to God brought me in this house I call my home with this beautiful church. See we do not do it alone. That is humility my friends. I hope you see how interwoven your life is with God. Love you

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Thursday August 17, 2023

Matthew 18:21-19:1

Peter went up to Jesus and said, ‘Lord, how often must I forgive my brother if he wrongs me? As often as seven times?’ Jesus answered, ‘Not seven, I tell you, but seventy-seven times.

Peter was so gangster, he had had-it with some other disciple and was ready to drop hands. Our Lord looks at Peter and says to him that he is actually knocking himself out. This anger, this frustration is killing you. Why in the world would you give your joy and peace to someone else? Those are for you to keep, to help you grow and thrive. Do not let the stupidity or ungrateful-ness of another steal your joy! NO! Being or rather staying angry and frustrated is actually giving another your power. Nelson Mandela put it beautifully when he said “Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and hoping another person dies.” Unforgiveness kills the bearer, so forgive always.

However my dearly beloved fello Christian, be smart about forgiveness. If you keep forgiving the same person over and over again maybe it’s your head that needs to be examined. Why would you keep bringing someone who hurt you closer and closer to you. At some point, we gotta love at a distance. Y’all know!!!

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Wednesday August 16, 2023

Matthew 18:15-20

Jesus said to his disciples: ‘If your brother does something wrong, go and have it out with him alone, between your two selves.

This beautiful passage gives us a window into the early church and some of its challenges. The church definitely had storms of persecution hitting it from the outside but they also had internal problems. Jesus today advises them and us on how to resolve the conflicts that plague us.

Our Lord says clearly that we should do everything in our power to keep and restore our relationships. But we should also know when to let go. A destructive person does not only bring confusion in their life. Holding on to them or that relationship can bring the whole community down. So try all you can to restore or resolve issues that arise in your family. When you have done all you can and someone is not listening…. Let go

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Tuesday August 15, 2023

Luke 11:27-28

As Jesus was speaking, a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said, ‘Happy the womb that bore you…

Today we celebrate the Feast of the Assumption of Mary. After her journey on earth Mary entered the company of angels. I grew up during a time when the devotion to Mary was celebrated loudly in the church. I am so grateful that at an early age I learned how to pray the rosary and it became for me a powerful prayer. My mother would ask us to pray the Rosary and many a time I saw mama praying it. This was a strong unspoken message to me and for me to always remember the blessed Virgin Mary.

Do you think Jesus had a complicated relationship with his mother? The scriptures sometimes kinda hint at that. Remember his words “my mother and siblings are those who hear the word of God… today he says in response to the woman who blesses his mother “Still happier those who hear the word of God and keep it!.” And yet these two were inseparable. At the cross stood his mother. She had walked with him the whole way and yes sometimes she did not “get” him. This is very normal. We have a very complicated relationship with our mothers. I have said before that if God loves me more than my mother does, He must love me A LOT.

So on this feast I ask of you to say your rosary and ask our mother how we can properly love our Lord.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Monday August 14, 2023

Matthew 17:22-27

One day when they were together in Galilee, Jesus said to his disciples, ‘The Son of Man is going to be handed over into the power of men; they will put him to death, and on the third day he will be raised to life again.’ And a great sadness came over them.

What is the one subject you avoid talking about in your family? This one was a sensitive one for the disciples. Three times Jesus tried to start a conversation but it seems no one really wanted to have the talk. The first time Jesus mentioned his destiny, Peter took him aside and rebuked Jesus. The second time Jesus brought it up, the disciples completely ignored him and started talking about who is the greatest among them.

We are all faced with truths we would rather not face. Let us pray this Monday for the courage to face our difficult truths. The truth is ….. today I am anxious. I almost said a little anxious but no I will own it. Waiting for the results of a biopsy is nerve wrecking. Thank goodness for Rabbouni Catholic Community.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Friday August 11, 2023

Matthew 16:24-28

“Jesus said to his disciples: ‘If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce himself and take up his cross and follow me”

Today we celebrate the Feast Day of St Clare, she was a good friend to St Francis. As a good friend, she probably told him things that were difficult to hear but also built him up. True friendship always looks out especially when things are in blind corners. And so may you have true friends, may you be the true friend.

The reading is interesting to me because of one little line. “Pick up your cross..” Remember this is before his cruxifiction. This is during the time that those who have crosses have really no hope. Nobody is talking crosses at this time.

The meaning of the cross has definitely changed with the death and resurrection of Jesus.

So pick up your cross…. Don’t let it drag. Own it!! Do you have a cross? You know… only the condemned had one!

Here is another thought. The cross…. Is there shame in your life? Is there guilt? How has that controlled you. It’s time you pick it up, own it and stop people from using it to hurt you. You are good!!

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Thursday August 10, 2023

John 12:24-26

“..If a man serves me, he must follow me,

wherever I am, my servant will be there too…”

So where are we going today? I remember at some point being the one to ask that question. That was the easy life. My superior decided what we would be doing and i complained about it. Then things changed a little bit with ordination, it was me being asked what we were going to do, where we were going to eat or even what we were going to dress. As a Father and especially a mother you have had to be the one with the vision.

We know however that on our faith journey we are always looking for Him. Where is the Lord leading us today. Is he talking with people we cannot stand? Then let’s be there and try to make his work easier not complicate it! Is he asking us to work with impossible people or situation? Be there, be present. Faith is about listening and watching where the master of the field is.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Wednesday August 9, 2023

Matthew 15:21-28

Jesus left Gennesaret and withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. Then out came a Canaanite woman from that district and started shouting, ‘Sir, Son of David, take pity on me. My daughter is tormented by a devil.’ But he answered her not a word. And his disciples went and pleaded with him. ‘Give her what she wants

I like to speculate about Jesus life. So this part is not factual or spiritual just an observation. He withdrew to Tyre and Sidon. Do you remember this place? He cursed it because he was surprised at their lack of faith. It may have been quite some place if you know your church history. It ain’t Navarre Florida. The truth is, Jesus could not afford nice places. Anyway this has nothing to do with the real message.

What are you praying for today? How long have you been praying for it? How much work have you put in it?

The monks used to say that work and prayer are the answer. This young lady was out of “place” but she called out. She would not leave him alone. Do this: start a novena and don’t stop.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Tuesday August 8, 2023

Matthew 14:22-36

. In the fourth watch of the night he went towards them, walking on the lake, and when the disciples saw him walking on the lake they were terrified. ‘It is a ghost’ they said, and cried out in fear. But at once Jesus called out to them, saying, ‘Courage! It is I! Do not be afraid.’

Who is the last person to have said that to you? It’s ok, it’s just me…. And with that we let out a sigh of relief. We know this voice, we have heard it a thousand times. If you are anything like me, you probably add “please don’t do that again.” But we know we would miss it, we know it is a matter of time before we get lost in our thoughts or grief or fears before we are startled again.

In today’s scripture Jesus comes over to the disciples in open sea, in troubled waters and with him in the boat they hear God saying “it is me.” The sea is our world that is always in movement always unpredictable. The boat is the church that must find it’s away across. St Matthew says to the church that though we may not see him, he is hear. We know that in a very special way at Rabbouni.

So next time you get lost in thought and that child sneaks up on you, scares you and says. It is me…. With a smile say “I know it is you Lord.”

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Monday August 7, 2023

Matthew 14:13-21

When Jesus received the news of John the Baptist’s death he withdrew by boat to a lonely place where they could be by themselves. But the people heard of this and, leaving the towns, went after him on foot. So as he stepped ashore he saw a large crowd; and he took pity on them and healed their sick.

As a young priest I was sometimes livid with this crowd. I thought them selfish that they could not giving Jesus a minute to mourn. This was some very disturbing news he had gotten and he needed a minute. That was me as a privileged young priest of the archdiocese. Sometimes people never gave me a minute.

Many years later, after the Rabbouni experience, the crowds changed for me. I am so glad they came out and found him. These people loved him, they knew he was struggling, they were the silent majority who came to him. They showed up even when they did not know how to console. Some just shared a tear with him, others gave him a manly hug. Jesus looked at them and loved them.

The people in your life have been sent!! Find out why you, why them, why now.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Friday August 4, 2023

Matthew 13:54-58

This is the carpenter’s son, surely? Is not his mother the woman called Mary, and his brothers James and Joseph and Simon and Jude? His sisters, too, are they not all here with us?

It seems like a harmless question. Is this not the carpenter’s son? The word translated as carpenter is not what we think of today as carpenter. It was a social economic status that was slightly above slave and (don’t stone me here) woman. Notice that Jesus sisters are not even mentioned by name.

Anyway the power of this verse is this. It was a put down. Jesus had no business talking to privileged people because he came from nothing. Yet he spoke with such poise.

Have you ever met people who want to hold you prisoner to what you used to be? For them you can never grow, never change, never evolve. Jesus does not let his family background hold him back. Yes his dad had nothing but maybe he had a lot and raised a son with principles. Raised a compassionate loving person. So today, take a look at where you came from. Your past is the secret to your super powers.

Love you

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Thursday August 3, 2023

Matthew 13:47-53

Jesus said to the crowds: ‘The kingdom of heaven is like a dragnet cast into the sea that brings in a haul of all kinds.

I cannot believe he said this!!! Of all the images, a dragnet!!! Really Jesus?

I knew nothing about fishing until my family moved to Kafue, Zambia. To help make ends meet mama had us do a number of chores to help with the money. I remember helping the fishermen pull in a dragnet. The first thing that hits you is the smell at the river. Then the mud and then all the other stuff including the uncooperative fish. This analogy is a problem my Lord.

The people who heard this parable the first time must have laughed. Maybe Jesus paused. “The kingdom of God is like a dragnet….. laugh,laugh

There are those who think church should be perfect in every way. But the truth is that it is messy. You think politics in the US can get ugly? You don’t know ugly until you have been in the sacristy. Church politics can get vicious. Anyway back to the real message.

When you approach the Lord, drag everything about your life to him. The good, the bad, the shameful stories. Bring your whole being. It is all holy. By the way, do you know what Catholic means? “Here comes everybody.”

I love everything about you!

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Wednesday August 2 2023

Matthew 13:44-46

Jesus said to the crowds: ‘The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field which someone has found; he hides it again, goes off happy, sells everything he owns and buys the field.

When you look at the context here, Jesus is not pulling any punches with the religious experts. He is being criticized for spending the bulk of his time with common folk, the sinners. I wonder where his eyes are looking as he speaks with the Pharisees.

He says he has found more genuine relationships and friendships among those thrown away. Yes the are covered in dirt but he would rather be there than in a stab you in the back religious meeting.

Whenever Jesus calls me valuable, whenever he pays the price for me it empowers me to no end. He has chosen us, yes even us at Rabbouni.

Love you and I hope you see that the treasure is you.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Tuesday August 1, 2023

Matthew 13:36-43

The parable of the wheat and weed reminds me of the poem “Imperfections” by Elizabeth Carlson. Here is a sample of it:

“I am falling in love with my imperfections The way I never get the sink really clean, forget to check my oil, lose my car in parking lots, miss appointments I have written down…” As you read the poem in its entirety, you realize that she is talking about our tue selves. In a nutshell, the wheat and the weeds could be two sides of the same coin. There is a lot of good in us but we may also bring to the table some not so helpful traits. The sower says “do not pull the weeds lest we pull the wheat as well. I think holiness is learning to accept this about ourselves. Someone once said that only a fool burns down the house to get rid of a mouse. Learn to love your imperfections.

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

Monday July 31, 2023

Matthew 13:31-35

The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed which a man took and sowed in his field.

A very happy Monday to you all. It is so beautiful to be back home in Kentucky. Thank you so much for affording us the opportunity to have a family vacation. Rabbouni has been very generous and kind and I am forever grateful.

Yesterday I reflected on what Jesus calls The Kingdom of God. Most of us are familiar with the words but they really do not have much tangible effect. Years ago during the era of President Kenneth Kaunda in Zambia we would say that he had ears and eyes everywhere. Even as children we were afraid to say anything that could be considered negative towards the president. I call it his sphere of influence touched every corner of the country.

The kingdom of heaven isn’t really a place as the name kingdom suggests. It is more the reign of God, the Era of God. It indeed cuts through space and time. Think not of the shrub but the noises of the happy birds who find a home in it. That shrub has a real influence on the birds and the air. We are in the kingdom when we are charged by the aura of God. So today send positive, Godly vibrations into your world.

Love you

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

July 28, 2023

Gospel: Matthew 13:18-23

"But then worldly anxiety and the lure of riches choke the word."

Again today we hear the parable of the sower from Wednesday. But today, we get a bit more context. The sower still sows on the path, rocky ground, weeded ground, and fertile soil. But, instead of the weeds just choking the seed today Jesus gives us more context in each situation. Specifically, when the weeds choke the seed.

One of my favorite things to do is worry. I can worry about just about anything. But today Jesus says that worry is a weed. Along with riches, they choke our faith by giving us other things to focus on instead of God. Advancing in the world and worrying about things keep us from the path of righteousness. As hard as it is, the next time we worry try to remember that it's a weed that will choke our faith. God is in control, even when we don't feel it or understand it or realize it. So, as St. Padre Pio says, "Pray, hope, and don't worry."

- Fr. Will

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Tina Contreras Tina Contreras

July 27, 2023

Gospel: Matthew 13:10-17

"They look but do not see and hear but do not listen or understand."

The disciples today ask why Jesus speaks in parables. He responds that those who need to understand will, and that the parables are ways to help them understand. The writer Mary Catherine Bateson said "The human species thinks in metaphors and learns through stories." When we think about our lives and our own histories, it is the stories that bind us together. They tell common experiences, things that have happened to us or about us, and they bring us together.

Jesus would have known the importance of stories and their staying power in our brains. I, for one, can't remember a lot of things, but I can remember the best stories. We have a God who wants us to understand so much that we are given stories (parables) to bring eternal truths to our level. What a loving God! May we take them to heart and remember them through how we live our lives.

- Fr. Will

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